Guitar Tone Tuesday: Ep 215 - Blind Tasting; Martin 000-15SM VS Eastman E6OM

Guitar Tone Tuesday: Ep 215 - Blind Tasting; Martin 000-15SM VS Eastman E6OM

Lucas Haneman

7 месяцев назад

575 Просмотров

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@clearmind3022 - 16.07.2024 20:45

Good old inflation. The balloon just keeps inflating until it's pop.

@mooseymoose - 16.07.2024 21:28

Yeah the Martin sounds way better to me. I’m not the one to ask about value perception though, given my penchant for “lawyer wood”. Lol! I haven’t even looked at my other guitars besides the even more insane acoustic since the Collings came to live with me. Officially spoiled.

@deb8tn - 16.07.2024 21:41

I lean towards #2 being the martin. I was expecting the Martin to be a bit warmer and less bright therefore I thought I should be able to tell based on that alone, but I could not.

I could not hear a $1200 difference. I was not at all sure which was which. I ultimately chose thinking the Martin should sound at least a little better and #2 sounded just that little bit better.

I have always heard great things about Eastman guitars. They seem like great value instruments.

Cheers Luc

@kensternberg3780 - 17.07.2024 05:18

Before I watch where you say which guitar was which, I’ll guess that no.2 was the Martin. Slightly fuller sound finger style, much fuller when picked. Now I’ll return to your video.

@ckdurso5326 - 17.07.2024 07:19

Lucas, we enjoy these pop quizzes you challenge us with; i own both a Martin and an Eastman so i might be expected to discern between the two; during the enjoyable video above, i pick no1 is the Eastman and no2 is Martin, but what do I know?

My Eastman e3OM is great fun to play, projects well, great sustain and costs about a tenth of what my wonderful Martin is valued at now

@JohnWagner-k4c - 17.07.2024 08:35

I did pick correctly. I use to own a 000-15 Martin and got rid of it because I didn’t like the neck, and frankly I tired of the all mahogany sound. I’m very much considering the Eastman E1 OM special. It’s all your fault, Lucas, for turning me in the direction of Eastman guitars.

@babbapappa1 - 17.07.2024 13:36

So haven't seen the reveal, they both sounded sweet cap dothed to your playing🕶 I thought guitar number 2 sounded ever so slightly warmer on the finger style and sounded like it was easier to play with the pick

@Acoustic_Music-h6x - 17.07.2024 20:08

Not much difference in sound considering one has a mahogany top. Without switching back and forth between sound samples I could not really detect a difference. I also suspect your playing makes every guitar sound good. Martin Plec their necks on all US built guitars. A Plec job is $200US at Sweetwater.

@tontrenner - 17.07.2024 20:18

Hey Lucas, nice comparison. I was quite shure, that I heard the Martin as guitar no1. The fuller sound and the woody deeper basses. But luckily you lifted the secret to my pleasure and it was the Eastman (again). Still the most surprising brand for me. Meanwhile I own three of them my own. E1D, E2D and A122-2CE. Maybe there will be aanother E3OME or AC222CE in the future, cause of the interesting Ovangkol sound I'd like to get.
Kind regards from northern germany :)

@guyb7005 - 19.07.2024 00:13

yay!!! I finally got one right!! I found the guitar #2 slightly more muted, especially in the upper register, but with a clear attack. Guitar #1 had a less aggressive attack, but more sparkle and resonance.
I think mahogany top and rounded shoulders were a factor. Sound-wise, I don't hear one being $1200 superior, so that would leave it to playability. -- Great comparison.... love the playing on these!

@bagginsoddie6434 - 24.07.2024 08:14

Great video, love your channel!

@최해룡-e8g - 13.08.2024 09:31

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 정말 재미있는것은
최근에 제가 어쿠스틱기타를 가지고싶어져서
제일먼저 고려한것이 마틴 15씨리즈였다는것입니다
그러다가 나의 심장을 뛰게하는것은 깁슨이라는것을 알게되었고 j45빈티지를 목표로 삼았습니다.
저는 일렉기타도 깁슨을 주로 사용하기 때문이죠.
그런데 최근에 급히 돈을 많이 쓸일이 생겨서
저렴한 어쿠스틱기타를 하나 알아보려고 매장에가서 이스트만을 연주해 보았습니다
그때 원래 치고싶었던것은 E6om이었는데 품절이라서 E20omㄹ과 E1om을 연주해보았는데 20은 상당히 고음이 아름다운소리지만 코어 사운드가 좀 아쉽게 느껴졌습니다.
1도 거의 비슷하지만 그래도 가격이 저렴하고 몽환적인 매력적인 소리라서 마음에들었습니다
나는 기타라는 분야에서는 상당히 보수적인 사람이라서
깁슨과 펜더가 최고라고 생각하고 마틴과 깁슨이 최고라고 생각하는 사람입니다.
그런데 이스트만이 최근에 상당히 인상적이라는것을 인정할수밖에 없었습니다.

그 특유의 고음은 내 생각에는 단단한 프렛 재질때문인것 같아요.
E20om의 사운드는 내 톰앤더슨 스테인리스프렛 기타를 케이블을 안꽂고 연주한소리와 매우 흡사했습니다.
아무튼 이번영상에서 분명해졌습니다.
고맙습니다 루카스
제 다음기타는 E6om 입니다

@최해룡-e8g - 13.08.2024 09:48

한가지 궁금한 점은
E6OM TC입니까?

@tobywilkes1670 - 25.08.2024 01:11

Guessing before the reveal ... 1 Martin, 2 Eastman ... Perhaps. 1 to me had the all mahogany blues solo sound

@davidchamberlain8910 - 01.03.2025 19:30

I knew straight away which guitar was which. I recently traded in an Eastman e10oo for a Martin ooo-15sm and I'm glad I did. The Martin is a superior guitar and has so much more character to the sound.

@marcdaignault-b9d - 08.03.2025 16:31

eastman #1
