Promoting agriculture for young and female farmers through Farmers' Organizations.
Zimbabwe Farmers' Union (ZFU), presents their promotion video to encourage young farmers to stay in or get involved in agriculture and to show how ZFU provides a valuable contact point for young farmers. Video realization was made through the Transitional Agriculture project (organized by us the Andreas Hermes Akademie – AHA and Agrarkontakte International – AKI)
############ Get to know Transitional Agriculture - Promoting exchange between Farmers’ Organizations under the umbrella of WFO ############
'Transitional Agriculture' is a project that promotes a fruitful debate to foster development and prosperity in an ever-changing world. Specifically, Transitional Agriculture concentrates on the exchange of national Farmer Organizations under the umbrella of the World Farmer Organization WFO. The cooperation partners and Farmers' Organizations from Russia (AKKOR), Germany (DBV), Malawi (NASFAM), Zimbabwe (ZFU), Rwanda (INGABO), and Ghana (COFAG) jointly select topics and contribute to the preparation of contents. The exchange of expertise and experience is conducted at eye level. The project was created in the framework of the global programme on Strengthening Farmers’ Organizations for Sustainable Agricultural Development, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Andreas Hermes Academy (AHA). AgrarKontakte International (AKI) e.V. is responsible for the implementation of the ‘Transitional Agriculture’ project.