Fermi Paradox Solution: Theia's Collision

Fermi Paradox Solution: Theia's Collision

Plan A Discovery

4 года назад

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@amyballardrichshe-her1924 - 25.03.2021 08:51

Fascinating stuff, Jobe! Rock on!

@dancowles5864 - 26.03.2021 20:07

I watched the whole piece, well presented, pretty compelling argument for the origin of subduction, plate tectonics, etc. though I guess I don't completely understand whether this hypothesis is contradicted by modern ongoing plate movement ... anyway, beyond amazing set of circumstances for us to be here today.

@olegyamleq7796 - 27.03.2021 08:12

Thanks man. A Fermi Paradox video and I am here!!!!!!! Keep posting. Greatttttttttttttt job!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't watched it all yet, I just skimmed it for now. But your point is that life on Earth is higher that 10 (21), so we are alone?

@teoysasithorn - 06.06.2021 15:46

Cell phones? Signal is too weak. Even in the aggregate all the signals combined would be interpreted as having a natural origin due to the introduction of noise through overlapping and attenuation. The universe is screaming with hugely powerful radio sources. Cell phones aren't doing much to contribute to the creation of a radio sphere and cable TV has quietened our signalling substantially.

@vladnickul - 25.10.2021 02:48

mobile phones transmision do not fucking exist the planet. FUCK!

@jmiller2032 - 07.01.2022 03:11

Excellent video! I learned a lot. Especially enlightening was the part about volatile elements likely forming outside the habitable zone and thus had to be "imported" somehow. But really how the whole thing comes together goes a long way to explaining a large part of the FP. Thanks man!

@e7ebr0w - 17.05.2022 07:15

oddly enough, I'm sure life on earth has gone through many filters. formation of amino acids of course, evolution to multicellular life, so on and so forth. the actual variables required for life to arise may be fairly strict. not only that, but if life arises, who's to say their evolution would lead to any technologies that we may recognize. we may be the only life in the visible universe. I imagine, as a probability engine, the universe allows all possibilities, but it doesn't garuntee anything. (I know I spelled that wrong)

@ashleylockhart9503 - 05.08.2022 00:10

I’m pretty new to the “space scene” but find it absolutely fascinating. There are definitely things I’m going to have to look up to learn more about to fully understand this video, but you did a great job explaining so that even a novice space enthusiast could understand. The part where you said that we just happened to become intelligent right before the timer goes off is intriguing. It really makes me appreciate the earth more, and just how absolutely incredible it is that we are even here at all. The hand has been dealt quite well for us so far it seems.

@arktseytlin - 07.07.2024 05:48

That's why I am firmly convinced that we are alone. The universe may be God's quantum experiment that created a myriad of chances for life to be created, and we are the result. Even if there are other results they maybe so rare and far apart in time and space that we will never come in contact.

@WizardofoOZeAU - 12.09.2024 21:43

Needs some updating with the new modelling data showing moon forming rapidly in hours after collision with Theia out of ejecta rather than Theia remnants. Theia also being in a similar orbit to Earth.
Note your ring of fire idea whilst attractive gets somewhat scrambled if you rewind models of contintental movements over billions of years. The Theia collision naturally contributes to the components of Earth's present but the ring of fire is a fairly recent construct in geological time.

@ellieinsley1049 - 03.12.2024 18:31

Fascinating stuff, Joby! I did have to look up how quickly the sun would boil the earth, and estimates are 1 billion years (it sounded like you were saying 1 million years - my audio must be off). What a relief!
