Ask to go on his show, Zeeshan! Then challenge him on this! Probe him! Let him expose his true self, Out himself!
ОтветитьThere is a Muslim Shawarma Man who runs 'Shelby's Shawarma'. He openly advertises pepsi (company who funded killing of babies in Gaza ) .
Please make a video on him so as to stop him doing this
Thank you .
Morgan 🤮😡🤬 Milly Dowler 💔
Ответить💯 bro 💯 piers dirty idf lost sheep 🐑 😳 ❤😂🎉
ОтветитьEvil always shows it's ugly face!
ОтветитьMoney talks and bullshit walks I wonder how much they paid him to justify the killing of children
ОтветитьI have never liked him , will never like him , he loves to critise anyone , but hates people to criticise him , i think hes related to trump .
ОтветитьI am just one person who hates war and hurt when anyone dies . I cry often , when someone dies and i dont know them . Why im like this , i dont know . I help people when others walk by . I let the butterflies , out of the window , when they are trapped . Morgan doesnt see humans as butterflies . All humans are precious , there should be no wars , anywhere as its not the example adults should teach their children .one life taken by another , for what ever reason , started long ago , so i dont suppose , it will ever change .the world needs ❤ not hate . The little girl from palestine ,who sent trump a message , would you like it if we took your home , maybe she should send morgan a message as she is , more clever , than both of them , put together . Bless her little ❤ . Leave palastine alone , havent they had enough .
ОтветитьLove the way you always point out the obvious....its a pity you have to though. ❤🎉😊
ОтветитьNow we know who’s side Piers Morgan is really on he acts like what yahoo is doing is all well and good he’s as sick as his genocidel friend is 😠
ОтветитьSo funny we hear condemnation from a Paki who supports their government killing millions of afghans just because we have a contract in 1947 when Pakistan was established by the British same as Izrahell was. This guy is so double faced freak chump
ОтветитьIt was a mistake on our part to give him all the attention we gave him in the first place, it should have been obvious.
ОтветитьIt's crazy bro is really making excuses on killing children trying to justify it I thought he was just got worse like a coward cuz he is a coward but went forward so now we can all say Pierce Morgan supports killing babies and he will make excuses for as long as you're not an opposing country as long as you're an allied country to his country
ОтветитьHe’s done now and deserves it 💯
ОтветитьI don't follow Tucker's work now, but I remember he was one of the most racist and biased hosts on Fox News. If he has more compassion for people living in Gaza than Morgan, it's mind-blowing.
ОтветитьI thank Allah I am Muslim and when I stand before Allah, I will tell him I am a Muslim, and I did not believe in killing women and children. Alhamdulilah.
ОтветитьWars have rules of engagement, Israel doesn't, it's not a war,
ОтветитьIslam is the best. Your can't kill women or kids or anyone who seeks peace from you DURING WAR
ОтветитьThis is why Fox fired their best reporter
ОтветитьPierce sold his soul to the devil a long time ago
ОтветитьHe is absolutely disgusting.
ОтветитьPiers ought to know we wanted "smart bombs" to prevent "collateral damage" of killing non-combatants, duh...
ОтветитьPiers Morgan is just bigest dummy person I have seen
ОтветитьHe has lost it, totally. What a shame.
ОтветитьMorgan how an arrogant fool you are!..youve also a killer of innocent people
ОтветитьWhere did the sofa go
ОтветитьPiers is a joke of a man
ОтветитьWhat a pig🐽
Ответитьsubhan Allah!!
ОтветитьHis career as working for the chosen devils will never end. They own him.
ОтветитьPiers Morgan has lost the plot finished 🤡
ОтветитьI have never watched him so this one will be easy (o:
ОтветитьI will never understand how they sleep at night. The most shocking part is that I am 100% sure that they all know their souls are lost at this point. There is no saving them (based on their own beliefs), and this fact will come to each and every one of them when they are closing their eyes for the last time. None will escape that, not a single one, when it comes time to pay the price for one's beliefs/actions.
ОтветитьNot that I don't appreciate you and the channel, but are there pages you could direct me to that would connect me with muslim women more? My algorithm brings me to these pages, but they are mostly male and I would like to listen to women a bit (o:
ОтветитьHasbi Allah wa nimal wakeel
ОтветитьNothing new from Piers. Take care.
Ответитьlol someone deffo has dirt dirt on him
ОтветитьWhy everyone gone quite
ОтветитьAllah bless you. hahaha Allah did bless you with charisma and alhamdu lillah you're using it correctly
ОтветитьHe was over on Oct 8th
ОтветитьWar is evil, end of discussion.
ОтветитьIm surprised Morgan hadn't shot himself in both feet before now. The lift doesn't go to the top floor.
ОтветитьPiers Morgan is the devils best friend hiding behind sheep of society
ОтветитьBro was literally arguing for the right to kill women and children. UNBELIEVABLE 😮
ОтветитьPiers reminds me of Lewis Prothero from V for Vendetta willfully ignorant and without accountability.