Is Dr. Squatch Still Worth It In 2024?

Is Dr. Squatch Still Worth It In 2024?


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@bobbyseafood2145 - 07.08.2024 00:39

I mean I’m happy with em. I think people are just expecting too much

@jasonwrites9186 - 07.08.2024 01:02

I might be alone in this. I find their new ads to be pretty irritating - or at least, the ones that pop on my end from the algorithm gods on Insta and Facebook.

The commercials used to be funny and irreverent. But now they give the sense of desperate men hopelessly trying to get the attention of women - it just makes men look sorta pathetic. I dunno.

@anthemslayer8942 - 07.08.2024 01:05

I love Dr. Squatch, but I feel like the company has lost a bit of their charm. They went from that unique small company to corporate size franchise. Don’t get me wrong, their products are still great, I just feel like they might be going a bit overboard

@BaronMystic - 07.08.2024 02:01

Some of the bricks like cool fresh aloe just don’t smell like they used to.

@saburwolf2792 - 07.08.2024 02:39

First time i 've tried Dr. Squatch soap was over a year ago, and i've been a big user ever since. I've ditched the body wash and started using this type of soap. Personally, Best soap i've ever tried out👍👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯💯. There are some bars that are good and some are bad. That's why i always do soap videos/reviews on my channel. To try out what's the best and what's the worst. As of today, they are doing a pretty good job of coming up with new scents so far. I just bought the Maverick Musk and the Fight Scrub last week. So, i will be doing a video on those real soon. Keep you posted👌👌👌👌💯💯💯💯

@whitegenome22 - 07.08.2024 03:18

Birchwood breeze was my first bar as i just started using them. And honestly i started breaking out with hives on my arms. I did some research and apparently other people have had similar reactions to this specific bar. Not sure why. I ordered deep sea goats milk, grapefruit ipa, and spidey suds to try them out.

@myprogrockshow3025 - 07.08.2024 05:05

Great video! I am curious what you would think of Outlaw. Very different soap with completely unique offerings. I like the smells, but they are more about gunpowder and fire.

@ishthefish1st - 07.08.2024 07:25

Can you check out the new Minecraft limited out called diamond scrub? It's only in retail stores right now.

@Sportbikememace - 07.08.2024 08:02

100% true

@myusernameiscooldude - 07.08.2024 14:42

why isnt this tagged as sponsored content?

@Sean3614 - 07.08.2024 17:24

I think the Doc is spreading too much, and a lot of the newer briccs are good but not great. But, their are gems in the mix. I mostly buy rejects of Squatch now, so that gives them a better value, but Sudsy, Black Stuff, Hoffman, and others are better quality. My first Squatch Bricc was the dark side Scrub and was enjoying the brand alot.

@ericorange2654 - 07.08.2024 17:31

Short answer no

Squatch are a bunch of virtue signaling losers, dont give you money to these people

@zoilosaldana6937 - 07.08.2024 19:38

I feel that the sterling soap company beat the squash on diversity on soap and are the king on price

@zoilosaldana6937 - 07.08.2024 19:39

Try stirling soap company please

@Hacky2447 - 07.08.2024 21:08

Sudsy bear is good, but you really should have mentioned that they have a lot of in stock problems.

@AL_Talks - 08.08.2024 00:18

I have a lot of Dr. Squatch soaps to still try and I've mostly enjoyed them but I think I am done buying from them for awhile. Their Halloween briccs were the last I was really blown away with. I still have to try that Nautical Nonsense bricc. No hate because they make a good product but I feel like the marketing and FOMO is the main drive now.

@alxbrycar95 - 08.08.2024 00:30

That massive fucking brick of soap dissolves after about 5 or 6 showers

@Idk-io8pq - 08.08.2024 05:17

do a natural soap company tier list🙏

@creeref - 08.08.2024 11:59

would you say fresh falls or rainforest rapids is better

@davidbaldor1843 - 08.08.2024 15:49

As a canadian i have to recommend crate 61, small company based out of toronto with very similar Ingridients in their bars. You can also buy two or three bars for the price of one dr squatch bar. Plus they only use essential oils in their scents, dr squatch uses fragrance oils and i really doubt they are natural fragrances. I started with dr squatch but i only use crate 61 now.

@Silentgamer-_- - 14.08.2024 09:40

They made a body wash look up Dr squatch body wash at Fred Meyers

@JohnWick-xz9tc - 20.08.2024 06:00

i will never buy dr squash because of their vulgar ad's being forced on my viewing of videos constantly

@zeromech1450 - 22.08.2024 05:07

You dont realize how good dr squatch looks when you compare its competitors soap bars to it.

@_Jthecat_ - 22.08.2024 17:18

Where do you get all of those photos of the soap?

@mercster - 25.08.2024 05:53

It's friggin' soap.

@redwolf6213 - 25.08.2024 10:41

Despite the sad fact dr squatch is as great as it was. It still great for me. And im glad it was a great influence for other people to make their own man bars.

@nicknamenotwitty - 01.09.2024 19:55

What I hate the most is how Dr Squatch lost its charm and identity that brought people to Dr Squatch when they were newer to the game. James Schrader, and his ads are what brought us all over to Dr Squatch. They used to make ads that I enjoyed to watch and never skipped. But now they have these terrible AI voiceover ads that make me annoyed everytime I comes across them. It just feels like they are becoming a corporate sellout. And are going the same direction Axe did with their body spray

@SavageAirCinema - 08.09.2024 19:18

I just bought my first bundle. I wish the scent was stronger

@Odinarcade00 - 09.09.2024 09:21

I don’t care what anyone says! This is the best soap I’ve ever used. Yes I understand that there are others who make extremely similar soap but you can’t buy that at Walmart, target, Amazon, or the Squatch website. It’s just too convenient and their products are just too good 👍

@lemillion5980 - 14.09.2024 01:01

Why don't you review cowabunga cleanse?

@atomgrav6861 - 16.09.2024 10:03

I’m fairly new to this scene (about 6 months now) and have been absolutely addicted to scooping up all the limited edition releases (usually 3-4 bundles of every one that’s been released in this this time) I’ve done a few mixed bundles where I’ve weeded out a few I didn’t like (and found a couple I did - ruthless rinse, Drogons Blaze, and currently loving the super limited Raptor one from JP)

The mad rush to get it before it’s gone is part of the charm. There’s always the standard bricks to fall back on - I have yet to try any of them. As of now I’ve only used LE bars and they have not disappointed.

Oh, except Pizza soap (WTF?) I decided to skip that

@wawer8846 - 18.09.2024 01:02

Do you plan on reviewing the newer dr. squatch collabs? I can understand not getting Cowabunga cleanse or heck even the announced flamin' hot cheeto scent bar (Yes this is real) because tbh I see no real reason of cowabunga cleanse to exist other than it being a cash grab. Same for flammin' hot but I'm gonna pass on that one. I was just curious on your input.

@pacific570 - 23.09.2024 23:33

They’re definitely worth it when the alternative is nasty body washes full of chemicals or other “ natural bars” sold next to Squatch that still contain harsh chemicals *Duke Cannon*
And I know sudsy bear and other companies are better but I’ve found some had some stocking problem and waiting a week to receive soap when I can drive to Walmart in about 3 minutes and pick up any OG bar I want , with limited editions up for display every other month or so.
If squatch wasn’t sold at Walmart then It would be a different story

@NoMoreHeroes2012 - 28.09.2024 18:12

Will you review the flamin' hot bricc?

@chesokabe2535 - 06.10.2024 15:14

I’ve been a Squatch consumer for 2 years now - starting when the collaborations and limiteds really started to take off. For the most part I really enjoyed the excitement of new briccs every month but I’ve noticed the limiteds I actually like getting fewer and further between. The downside of liking any particular limited brick is that you don’t know when you’ll get to re-order.
I've recently started using Sudsy Bear which will be my go-to soap source going forward since they have a smaller overall menu but better quality are available.

@arnabmitra8809 - 08.10.2024 05:02

It doesn't matter only Sydney Sweeney we love

@christophermix6845 - 11.10.2024 20:38

I've switched over to dapper yankee i like everything about their products more. Squachts shampoos made my scalp dry.
Their deodorant and bars aren't bad other than they don't last any time at all. They're definitely over rated and their ads are cringe.

@dominicfrost8627 - 27.10.2024 18:58

it smells great in the shower but once you get out the aroma/sent/fragrance whatever you want to call it vanishes. The soap lasts only a week of your lucky and is quite small for the price.
If these clowns at dr squatch would stop making soooo many fu*king ads and commercials, they could afford to lower the price to make it more reasonable. Although it still wouldn't change the fact that their soaps are not upto par as they claim.

@lens_hunter - 31.10.2024 23:01

Way too expensive for me.

@nmprofessional - 10.11.2024 09:46

If you have the $, buy the soap. At $7 a bar... Its ok. We for almost 25 years have had access to sinilar cold processed soaps for $7. Its not new, just marketed well to men. They are just as good vegetable based soaps for $1 a bar, just not the scent profiles many may like. But does a hood scent up the cost $6 a bar? Not for me.

@Subject19-b6b - 14.11.2024 05:43

Got a brick from my rare Walmart trips of the Bourbon flavor a week ago and honestly regret not getting maybe a brick or two more. I've always used body washes or cheap Irish spring/dove bars etc. Obviously as a new customer I'm never gonna know what older brick quality was like but I think for the $7USD I payed its been a solid soap.

@toxii2065 - 06.12.2024 06:42

What's the TFM of this soap!? Is it more than 80%? Let me know if anyone knows about it..

@danielsolorio3388 - 20.12.2024 04:57

Yes it is my favorite brands of 🧼.My favorite soap from Dr Squatch is pine tar 🧼🌲

@MilkaSingh-rt6zp - 21.12.2024 07:10

Soap is just soap i.e. sodium salt of fatty acids, ~8 dollars per bar cost does not justify the natural ingredients BS

@Savitar-ys2kb - 14.01.2025 05:27

started using the dr during covid so like in 2020. now I have 6 bars plus the subscription for every three months. In terms of my stand alone shower products, the squatch got my loyalty because I'm more familiar with them but seeing your video open my eyes more. Yes, when they say everything is all natural I knew it wasn't 100% true buuuut the trade off isn't as much, like barley. I love the smells and the shampoos and conditioner's and with those two specifically the smell sticks on your hair for a good while like 2 days max so the conditioneer is great. Thank you for giving the dr a nice honest review bro.

@swordeaser - 15.01.2025 21:21

Does anyone have good alternatives?

@imperialbricks4217 - 07.02.2025 23:47

Quality control plummeted in 2024, stop buying soap from them trash overpriced product now lol

@IvanGonzalez-ek1sw - 24.02.2025 02:12

Personally I love the Dr.Squatch soaps but I don’t really see the appeal of the collabs and have never bought any of those (I personally use fresh falls, pine tar, wood barrel, and birch breeze) these are my go to

@TheShadowFox1 - 03.03.2025 05:41

They soapa are decent still but they use to be far better. Smell doesnt stay on your skin anymore, i feel less fresh. Its definitely dropped on quality.
