Was he there when Naomi said she ran over jade?
ОтветитьI love you
Jimmy and Naomi 🆚 Bianca and Montez.
ОтветитьJimmy your wife stabbed her friends
ОтветитьYou are forgetting Nia Jacks is Naomi cousin in law. Will Nia go after Jade and Bianca. Then don’t forget Flair promised Jade they would meet in the fight in the ring on day one. Could this be the rebirth of the four horse women? Who’s next to join the feud Ronda Rousy
ОтветитьShe is a USO. Can you say female blood line
ОтветитьNevertheless! Its really friendship over (f-o) for both Jade Cargil NEOMI and Bianca or only for Neomi and Jade since she (Neomi) is also responsible for the attack
So it could be for all three wwe-divas
Jade,Neomi and Bianca or only for two and that is Jade And Neomi
Only time will tell! Once we here on Jade's side,.Of the story
ОтветитьBig brother is all bloodline will he sort naomi out
ОтветитьNaomi ist nicht der Typ für solche Aktionen und hätte es allein auch wahrscheinlich nicht geschafft. Warum sieht man in dem Video deutlich, wie sich Liv und Raquel vom Tatort entfernen und umdrehen? Haben sie Naomi gedroht? Die beiden gehören nicht zum Kader und waren trotzdem vor Ort. Warum fragt man sie nicht? Naomi hat mehr als genug Unterstützung in der Familie und was Jimmy betrifft, kann ich ihn sehr gut verstehen. Die beiden Weiber machen gemeinsame Sache um Naomi fertig zu machen. Aber hat Bianca es nicht ihr zu verdanken, dass sie den Titel im November nicht abgeben musste? Sowas hat gar nichts mehr mit Freundschaft zu tun. Die benehmen sich gegenüber Naomi wie niveaulose B.... 🤢🤢
ОтветитьWoman store line is running the show now
ОтветитьUSO you don't take things lightly ❤
ОтветитьJade and Bianca vs Naomi and Ronda Rousey (if Ronda returns)
ОтветитьJimmy Uso wouldn't hit a woman .Bianca didn't lay a hand on Naomi it was Jade that attacked her because she was talking crap about Jade that's why Jade went after her again .After seeing that yesterday proved to me that Bianca may not be a part of it .I do believe there's another person involved in this attack maybe Bianca maybe Bayley maybe someone else .
ОтветитьI feel wwe is creating a storyline. I believe it wasn’t Naomi that attacked Jade but she has been pressurized to take the blame
ОтветитьNov.22,24 attack on Jade> Mar. 1, Chamber
ОтветитьIyo ( E -Oh)
ОтветитьJimmy USOs you right
ОтветитьIs was Liv Morgan and Raquel attacked jade cargill
ОтветитьI feel like this if Triple H are going to fire Bayley why didn’t fire liv Morgan and Raquel for what they did to Rhea so if you going to fire Bayley you need to fire liv Morgan and Raquel and that’s are far
ОтветитьComeon she did this let her fight her own battles.hubby
ОтветитьJimmy let women fight it out. Black Gorillaz will come Out back Jade and Bianca.
ОтветитьHonestly Jade would fold Jimmy too….his shared move set(super kick, nose dive, turnbuckle rush) ain’t enough… I dislike how 4 or 5 ppl bloodline associated have the same attacks
ОтветитьWhy Jimmy Uso going after Bianca Bianca Belair, when the actual person who attacked Jade Cargill is his wife Naomi.
What Naomi scared of the "The Storm Jade Cargill"?
I think we are looking at the women’s version of the bloodline this isn’t gonna any good for the
Women’s division at all remember the four horsewomen this is going
Naomi then Nia Jax and the rock’s
Daughter tamina it’s might be a
Big possibly I wouldn’t be
Surprised if this happens triple HHH might wanna think about this
You watch i think we are looking at the women’s version of the bloodline i wouldn’t be surprised if this happens
ОтветитьWhat is this garbage?? 🗑
ОтветитьI NEVER believed Bianca betrayed Jade. Bianca was the one most excited about Jade signing to WWE. Now I want Bianca and Jade together again and begin the quest for all the gold.
ОтветитьFirst of all Bianca didn’t shi to nobody
ОтветитьThey must indeed pay for this 💔
ОтветитьWhat the hell Jimmy talking He some Garbage he need to leave WWE he is Terrible he suck He the weakest link in the Fatu Family Trees and how in the hell he get a woman like Noami.. and he Failure to wrestling dam Really!! He a joke...
ОтветитьLike I said last week , jimmy did it
ОтветитьJimmy Uso has a right to stand by his Wife.
ОтветитьJimmy in Naomi
ОтветитьTeam Noami and Jimmy
ОтветитьNaomi must be in prison!
And to get fired from the WWE Wrestling Company!
Triple H must call the Police 🚓 to arrest her because it crimes to throw someone from the building
She pushed jade off the platform onto the car
ОтветитьOkay first of all I love Naomi okay but she was wrong for what she did to Jade card go totally wrong okay two Naomi was the last one I thought would do something like that I thought live Morgan and Raquel were the ones that did it okay so I apologize to Raquel and I apologize to live because they were my first suspects okay but Naomi was in the wrong I don't know why Jey uso is sitting there tripping because she admitted it your girl admitted it
ОтветитьBy the way Jade you are a badass and so is Bianca just so you know I don't blame you Jade for what you did but at the same time two rounds don't make a right but like I said Naomi was totally in the wrong for that
ОтветитьTeam Jade that’s my girl ❤
ОтветитьI like all three young ladies but I have watched Naomi long before I knew about the other two. I hope everything works out or I will stop watching them.
ОтветитьJimmy stay out of this,. You know the sport your wife is in.. Bedsides if she attacked Jade, what the hell do you expect?