This Jungle Playstyle Will Help You Climb Low Elo

This Jungle Playstyle Will Help You Climb Low Elo


1 год назад

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@sayu2618 - 21.02.2025 17:53

Your videos are by far the most useful ones I've watched on this topic. You don’t sound arrogant, and you explain everything slowly and in a really simple way. There’s no fancy editing, but you still manage to get the point across perfectly.
I followed your advice, and since I already had some jungle experience, I won my first test game easily just by applying your tips. I couldn’t take every objective since the enemy jungler was better at controlling them, but it didn’t even matter. I was two levels ahead, and at that point, they had no shot at beating me.
I mostly play support, but the jungler on my team never seem to understand these basic rules, even in Platinum elo. Most of the tips weren’t new to me, but I didn’t really know how to apply them in my own games or how to stay flexible in different situations. I’ve always seen guides saying, ‘Focus on your camps, not ganks,’ and sometimes it worked, but not always. I didn’t really get how to actually build a lead and take advantage of it.
I really like your channel, and your tips are incredibly helpful. Thanks!

@Bruno2777 - 16.11.2024 19:46

Very useful video i will incorporate a lot more of that in my jungle play style !

@lukajovanovic7310 - 26.05.2024 11:05

As a high elo myself i listen 1 minute and no, the difference is not only in game knowledge between gold and diamond, there is a mechanics gap as well, not big but there is and it is noticeable, where for example between gold and plat is not even noticeable, i myself got to masters only having crazy mechanics, i know that i was shit player back then, just was able to kill everyone thanks to mechanics

@ambriner - 04.05.2024 07:16

I want to learn how to play jungle and what i find difficult about it, is decision making, considering that i have never played this role.
It is very hard to find guides that explain that.
That is why i wanted to thank you ☺️

@wryly8762 - 27.04.2024 05:07

This guide is actually freaking good. This is brilliant for those who are not jungle main but got random fill as a jungle. This is so much clearer. Thank you so much.

@jackywang3900 - 24.01.2024 23:08

Bro love your no bs guides. It's so clear

@multiream - 23.12.2023 17:41

"bot lane dies. Doesn't matter" summation of every jingler

@Kajiko24 - 16.11.2023 15:37

sounds good but if I ping the jungler it gets ignored and if I avoid a lane they ragequit.

@LeicaFleury - 16.11.2023 00:14

Hello! Would you recommend shaco for this as well?

@Sp1nRush - 07.11.2023 17:04

i get your point, but the ppl that follow this guide ruin more games than you on first may think. ive had junglers invading camps while the enemy jungler pushed through 2 lanes with herald. when you say that you cant gank a strong darius (which i surely agree on) you can loose control very quickly and both sololaners fall behind. at this point its not even a coinflip anymore, you have to count on your botlane winning the lane AND somehow carry the 2 lost sololanes, which is very unlikely.
a jungler is not there to win laners lane, but he has to provide the team with value. counterjungle provide less value than a 500G+ diff on a lane, because they can make use of the extra gold the entire laning phase. the jungler doesnt really care if his longsword or book is on a laner instead.
also, with stealing the blue buff and crab, you not 2 camps ahead, but just the bluebuff. the gold and experience he basicly made up on bot AND he forced azirs flash aswell (actually azirs "mistake"). ekko honestly at this point did much more than you, it just went into your favor because they started greeding on azir...

@r0flcopter - 30.10.2023 17:50

This was actually so useful. Can you do more of these? Like just quickly go over some of your games and explain your decision making?

@kaitogirldraws - 25.10.2023 14:21

Awesome addition to the guide list! This helps broaden my jungler knowledge!

I would appreciate it if you could make a video where you "sort" the junglers. I know they're not all good for the same thing. Some are early, some are late, some are good for ganks and some clear fast and focus on their camps. But I have difficulty remembering them all. A video where you sort them and where you explain how they best shine at would be very helpful, I think not only for me but for all. Not trying to force you, of course do whatever you want, your content is excellent nevertheless, 10/10 would watch again :)

@Akali_Amos - 16.10.2023 17:11

Awesome guide man!

@blazemaniaz - 10.10.2023 21:15

keep up with the jungle vids bro.maybe do a jungle tier list also if you have the knowledge

@art2dwooky469 - 05.10.2023 21:56

Still your team was 4 kills ahead during 8 out of the 11 mins that your video lasts... is this doable when your team keeps feeding? which is very common in lower elos? C'mon show me please

@Raven-vb1pl - 01.10.2023 23:30

thank you

@bigstef9134 - 30.09.2023 22:35

nothing works cz even if u gank and get feed and have more farm your baboon iq team never comes for any dragons or stuff so u just loose cz they go 1 by 1 to death,this game should be banned its mental torture for most people and addictive.

@dgzurita17 - 26.09.2023 02:15

Amazing guide, dude! Thanks 👍🏼

@XAEX12 - 22.09.2023 03:44

So if I'm understanding what you're saying correctly, this is the right priority as a jungle:
- Farming
- Track enemy's jungler
- Secure objectives
- Counter plays (trade objectives, steal camps)
- Last thing is ganks but it has to be gankable AND winning lane
Is this correct?

@toxicplayer6092 - 15.09.2023 20:34

Best jg guide ever but problem is when im doing that enymy jg literally farm my team mates they juat go and die even im ahead in cs he ia surpass me from xp with kill xp lol

@tarantulatv7419 - 15.09.2023 18:24

Actually i hope you OPEN EYES. The flaming guys who are loosing lane 0/3 + and they are crying for gang what is not gonna even help.

@kynkatan8871 - 15.09.2023 02:38

As a main Jungle, the rules are quite wrongon priority. The "fourth" rule should be the most important one and your first rule, neutral objectives, should be your last one since they only start having relevance on the late game (excepting herald before plates fall)

@macbusby - 14.09.2023 19:49

Can you do a ward guide for Jung?

@macbusby - 14.09.2023 19:46

This is actually such a good guide. It's basically just playing chess against the other jungler

@coj-yoo5030 - 14.09.2023 18:31

Two key things here that all roles can learn from is to watch the jungler and most importantly WARD. As someone who mains mid, I deep ward a red in the enemy jg just to figure out their pathing. 75 gold is nothing compared to the enemy gaining a cool 300-500 gold and xp from my death. Sometimes they find the ward and have to take their time clearing it which gives my jgler more time to do other things and waste more of the enemy jng’s time.

Don’t wanna get ganked/camped? Wanna make the jg happy? Deep ward my friends.

@fruitgrapepwnage - 14.09.2023 16:54

You say you are ahead in tempo and even though you probably had twice his cs, you were both lvl 5 when you invaded him. So theoretically you should be right, but due to how catch-up XP works - you're not. Also that invade there was needlessly risky unless you knew that he didn't have his smite. If you got outsmited on the red you were dead. You wouldn't get 6 and heal. I agree with your main points, but not with your examples. (I'm currently merald 4)

@animeboxx9090 - 14.09.2023 16:01

Dude this is great

@Kapelia - 14.09.2023 15:17

This is a great guide i really needed this

@carmelosutera3649 - 14.09.2023 14:51

Just played a game applying this. I ended up with 50 cs more than the other jungler. Got the 2 first drakes and heralds, early kills on the jungler for first blood... still lost super hard because of stupid noobs as always losing their lanes 0/7/0 and blaming you for it. Mid gap was huge. Enemy bot got a pentakill. So yeah. Good video but sometimes, you just can't win.

@carmelosutera3649 - 14.09.2023 13:23

Good video, i like it.
I would also say : get at least 2 accounts lvl 30 if you want to climb. I have been climbing from bronze to gold 2 for some days on 1 account now. Pretty confident i can go higher without any issue. And yet, I am hardstuck silver on the other account because I lost too many games. I lose 30 lp and win only around 15-18. So i dropped that one. It's a waste of time.

@RexPrimusor - 14.09.2023 05:12

I had an experience where i was against an ekko and yes alot of players do level 3 ganks with him , i do like the idea of playing who is supposedly META like good clears but i love viego and cant stop playing him . One thing i noticed about some of these new junglers i meet or low elo is that they think we still use the OLD SMITE ... the current smite rewards u faster if u farm more.... once u hit 20 stacks left on smite u get the 900dmg ... then finishing it gets u the final smite. Alot of early ganking junglers are punished . The old smite before this required us to get 5 smites and done that was a Invader and early ganker's dream smite legit was sooo good . Now farming gets u value... Dont listen to laners that cry saying u dont gank , focus on yourself , impact how u can and ENJOY its a game still try to have fun

@benjaminkaufer8135 - 13.09.2023 22:50

This is an amazing guide fr

@geckonator4268 - 12.09.2023 02:00

Best jungle guide I've ever watched, coming from plat adc main, I just started playing a year ago and by far, jungle was the most intimidating role, but this video made me understand jgl tempo better than any of those obnoxious skillcapped guides, would love to watch every other jungle and adc content from you mate. Deserves a like and subscribe, keep up the great content! <3

@Chrisvilla767 - 11.09.2023 19:15

Great tips, thank you!

@davidefittipaldi6797 - 11.09.2023 17:21

Great video, everything well explained, steady and calm, keep it up!

@yodathealien - 11.09.2023 07:57

very helpful video for me as a low elo player

@brunodussel9185 - 10.09.2023 17:53

Your channel will grow for sure. I am a jungler main and I've been using this strategy since a while. The most problem thing that I see is that most of the time I am 50 cs ahead and 2 levels, but my team simply stops to follow me into objective or worst, they do start to do it without me or smite (and to be honest, i dont trust my smite if the ebemy jungler is a Zac, Rek Sai, Kha Zix, for example hehe). I am losing many games even being ahead the enemy jungler and it does tilt me a lot.
Anyway. There are many good channels out there, but your diction and calm to explain is what attractefd me the most, mainly cuz I am not an english native speaker.
Congrats for the content and keep bringing more for us junglers hehe

@ltxempa2323 - 09.09.2023 16:11

YOU are the best I swear. Your Method rules

@Joshua-rp3oc - 08.09.2023 08:54

Any tips on how to stop getting invaded

@jojo8292 - 07.09.2023 16:30

When you said “once you feel comfortable playing jungle the wins will come to you like never before” I felt that lol. Because once I get more accustomed to my role and feel more confident in my decisions I’ll start winning more when I apply the things I learned from this video. The game is a little daunting when I don’t know what every champion does so trying to guess what’s going to happen in a team fight is hard and things can go sideways very quickly.

@shayneclugston7071 - 07.09.2023 10:53

I try to do the exact same thing but it’s hard at lower ranks because I feel like enemies are unpredictable and teammates don’t move, like if I go for that blue steal and their top comes mine won’t ping or follow and I waste time or die

@xaavo. - 06.09.2023 03:28

ur voice is relaxing bro

@JaceTimes - 05.09.2023 21:28

This is a great video wow! I was watching the exact things you have said in this video in Korean Challenger gameplays. Great video man, I just subcribed!

@donavan.anderson.7521 - 05.09.2023 07:08

So enemy jungle lost them the game

@donavan.anderson.7521 - 05.09.2023 07:06

Works for wild rift?

Cant do league right now becuase not high enough lvl for rank

And wild fire happen

@callmedrago1452 - 04.09.2023 22:35

This video is really a eye opener w creator👍

@ItwardTenno - 04.09.2023 14:37

jungle catchup xp and bounties ruined the game

@HeyImThorn - 03.09.2023 23:49

This is the best jungle guide I've seen

@NovaGN - 03.09.2023 18:55

Too bad I was too dumb to implement this
