Rob looks at Prime Minister : More GMT Greatness!

Rob looks at Prime Minister : More GMT Greatness!

Rob's Tabletop World

1 год назад

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@dickskull5907 - 20.12.2023 02:44

So much GMT greatness. This looks like a fun, and likely educational, variation on Mr President. So many cool games, but I can't afford them all.
Maybe I could get a job at GMT, but I'm not a game designer, so let's face it, I'll be sweeping the warehouse floor. I'm hoping the employee discount is worth it.

@ramonosuke - 20.12.2023 08:40

Even though the style of games GMT puts out(heavy war games), isn’t exactly in my wheelhouse, the admire their dedication to the craft and contributions to the hobby for 30+ years. Fire in The Lake looks interesting, like that it can be played solo, but man these COIN games look so intimidating to a newbie like me 😅

Also this one doesn’t look to crazy on rules compare to some of the other GMT offerings, also when you said solo I perked up lol

@playtilithertz - 23.12.2023 00:57

Looking forward to getting my hands on this, neat review Rob
