WORLD WAR 2 Full Movie (1930s - 1945) - A Complete Overview

WORLD WAR 2 Full Movie (1930s - 1945) - A Complete Overview

Made In History

4 дня назад

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@Based_D - 25.10.2024 10:49

Why no mention of the USSR invading from the east and splitting Poland with Germany in Sept '39?

@NareEntsho - 25.10.2024 09:30

Dankie boet

@dagalfheim7056 - 25.10.2024 08:42

If the US had not been there the world would still be run by dictators and it would be 1984. Russia that was left on its own has spent the last century in hell. This is what is at stake on Nov 3

@WASRGP - 25.10.2024 05:18

In the first 2 mins tou legit see what the "black shirts of America" (antifag) are doing in America, sowing unrest from the Obama era still to make it seem as though we are a country divided.. 🐑🇺🇲

@Bigdog-th5oo - 25.10.2024 04:39

For anyone who was wondering why the USA 🇺🇸 locked up 100,000 Japanese Americans who even if born here if they they had 1 or more parents born in Japan they were locked up in a camp with a fence around it.

The reason? Racism they say in this video. Proof? They didn’t round up Italian or German Americans.

That’s so stupid and typical of someone in today’s age to say.

The truth of why it was Japanese Americans and not German or Italian Americans?

Oh I donno, because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor killing over 3,000 Americans in American Territory. Maybe that has something to do with it. Just a guess 🤷‍♂️

❤you could also call it common sense as to why that was the reason and not racism

@Nope.7136 - 25.10.2024 03:42

All fascism starts as Socialism

@davidmason5163 - 25.10.2024 01:55

I can hear background music from Kerbal Space Program...just in the video background!

@t.l.1610 - 25.10.2024 01:36

Thank you!! Great job. 👏 I’m always struck by how far we’ve come restoring old footage now. Colorizing it used to be controversial, but it does help humanize the faces we’re seeing.

@theantagonist2147 - 25.10.2024 01:08

Colour is spelled wrong in the thumbnail

@willigee7885 - 24.10.2024 22:32

Moosilini. lol

@Kevin.g0319 - 24.10.2024 21:40

Militree? I am sure you mean to say MiliTARY.....

@superkkism - 24.10.2024 18:17

The is the BEST documentary on WW2 ever. Telling the truth about how HITLER Admired how the the DEMOCRATS treated us Black People here in America. Athe racist democrats propaganda machine hasn't gotten to this documentary yet are try to rewrite HISTORY

@niiv9747 - 24.10.2024 17:40

Когда уже американцы поумнеют и перестанут лепить из СССР какой-то карикатурный режим из-за своей собственной необразованности???

@serget2168 - 24.10.2024 14:02

If your interested in a different view about WW2 check out LOST BATTLEFIELD by Tino his content is truly awesome he's found nuclear sites secret weapons bunkers in it's original condition as if someone was just there and is a USA millinery veteran
Company like Chace Natural Bank Bayer Audi just some companies who were involved helping Nazis out,

@rosesprog1722 - 24.10.2024 11:35

Anyone who reads a little knows that Churchill and Roosevelt also had enabling acts and that "Judea declared war on Germany on March 24th 1933. And that major decisions were submitted tp the German people through referendums.

@jmcw9632 - 24.10.2024 10:59

Ugh, the AI voice is just so bad.

@samdoors5132 - 24.10.2024 10:17

If you could only read Hitler’s mind, and I think the German population would have been surprised what he really thought about them. Over 10 million German soldiers died for something they would never be a part of. What Hitler was preaching about sounded really good. The thing is why die for something you would not be a part of.
A whole lot of female humans would become widowed with children I mean so who was going to support them with all of their husbands dead? it’s like a test pilot is told you will break the sound barrier with this airplane but you will die, but all of us will celebrate what you’ve done we’re going to have a big festival in your honor we’re going to build a statue resembling you. The thing is, it’s not you you’re dead you can’t even participate in the celebrations.

@Wolf-hh4rv - 24.10.2024 09:33

As usual the colourisation is a joke. German army uniforms were green but you rolled out the standard grey with a slightly bluish-green hue. It’s actually someone’s job to get this right that’s so depressing.

Rather than stealing their pay cheques the colourisation folks can look the large number of colour photos of the WW2 era.

@Charles-t7z - 24.10.2024 09:00

You just had to colorize the video and ruin it, didn't you? Hopefully, there will be a law enacted to outlaw colorization with an eye to preserving the historical record.

@HockeyVictory66 - 24.10.2024 08:35

Sounds a lot like Trump’s plans.

@redbaron9029 - 24.10.2024 08:32

They were right about degenerate art which now holds a centerplace in the western world. Picasso was a fake and stupid person unable to describe his degenerate art.!

@ThatGirl-ku5dq - 24.10.2024 07:09

I believe if the USA got involved earlier, this war wouldn’t have gotten this far. Thus NATO.

@ThatGirl-ku5dq - 24.10.2024 04:48

I fear history is repeating itself in the USA. A mirror image in this.

@elyaqui5324 - 24.10.2024 04:01

"As it signaled japans intent for domination"

And the Germans were considered liberators?

@beautifulfouse - 24.10.2024 03:02

Concerning Hitler and his followers, This has to be the Darkest Time in All of Human History. How could a people this large get so seriously out of touch???

@stephensangalli - 24.10.2024 01:42

Roosevelt did not end the depression, he protracted it. 😢

@JC-eq6is - 24.10.2024 00:26

The first part of this documentary, which pertains to the rise of fascist totalitarianism in Italy and Germany during the 1920s-1930s in the leadup to WW2, precisely describes what is currently happening in the USA. In doing so it illustrates how and why it is that ruthless messianic strongman authoritarians rise to power at certain times, as well how it could be that an intellectually bereft, psychologically disordered and morally repugnant individual such as Donald Trump, who by any remotely reasonable standard is utterly unfit to be the President of the United States and as such the single most powerful and influential person on the face of the earth, could be supported in gaining and allowed to be anywhere near that office or any other office that is endowed with responsibility and authority insofar as the greater societal good is concerned. It also provides ominous forewarning, from history that does indeed repeat itself, as to how irrationally and recklessly destructive human beings are collectively capable of being when they are ruled by ignorance, fear and hate.

@Arthur-tx8fd - 24.10.2024 00:20

When we talk about Hitler and race it was great to see Roosevelt accept Jesse Owens at the White House in front of all that media then they both got in the same car for a parade.
We really showed Germany how tolerant we are over them

@Arthur-tx8fd - 24.10.2024 00:06

Transferring the footage to color is exceptional

@DavidHuber63 - 23.10.2024 21:31

Good man. brave and chose love over fame or anything else

@oO-_-_-_-Oo - 23.10.2024 20:47

Ukraine in fact does have, or DID have, a sizeable neo-Nazi element within it. Yes, they did discriminate and terrorize the eastern Russian speaking Ukrainians. Yes, they did with the help of the CIA, Nuland etc., overthrow a democratically elected government. YES CANADA DID GIVE A GERMAN SS SOLDIER A STANDING OVATION.








@robertewing3114 - 23.10.2024 20:46

None of this refers to 1936 and 1938 Cabinet Minutes, and jumps from subject to subject without emphasis on decision-making to slow Hitler and deny him the initiative, tells us nothing of note.

@rickmassey1272 - 23.10.2024 18:56

Everything Hitler and Mussolini did is being used as a blueprint by trump

@MilitarySummaryChannel2024 - 23.10.2024 18:29

I have 1 friend. His parents grew up during World War II, and they were traumatized by it. Now that he's an adult, he understands why they couldn't express love to him and his brother. The war had stripped them of the ability to show kindness and affection. His grandparents couldn't show it to his parents, and his parents couldn't show it to him and his brother. He has suffered so much, his parents suffer, and their families suffer as well. And he hopes that his son won't have to suffer. He pours all his love into his child. The best he can. When the war ended, it took generations for mental health to recover.

@DominicFlynn - 23.10.2024 15:38

Who said WWI was the triumph of liberal democracy over authoritarianism? Wasn't it the triumph of King and empire? So.. after listening to only 30 seconds of this production I'm wondering why we still need to produce propaganda about WWI and WWII

@HenriHattar - 23.10.2024 13:43

NOT at NO CHARGE ! The British did not finish paying off the debt, with the interest that the US added to it, until about 2010..there was a charge ! And there is more to that story if you wish to dig a bit !

@williamhemmings2879 - 23.10.2024 09:47

One point that’s interesting the article mentioned the battle of the bulge having taken in January 1945. It was December 1944.😮

@marcussheffield7221 - 23.10.2024 05:46

AI is cause of poor pronunciation.

@Robert-cf5ci - 23.10.2024 04:22

Trump's going to prison people.He's a criminal.He loves to rape the ladies

@stephensangalli - 22.10.2024 17:56

Edward VIII was a quisling and a fool, but other than that a jolly good fellow. 😂

@ehisgeorge414 - 22.10.2024 17:45

Same Jews are doing Nazi insanity against Palestinians in the Middle East. Was Hitler somehow right on the Jewish war profiteering?

@kennethkemerer5381 - 22.10.2024 15:15

Why not start after WW1 when the French took the Rhine land and beat the German men and raped their women in front of them then the polish were systematically killing German people village after village hundreds of thousands. No wonder ADOLF was pissed ,and he didn't attack Poland alone Stalin attacked from the east. ALL LIES PEOPLE GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND. THE ALLIES STARTED WW2 WITH THE VERSI TREATY .TREATY

@stephensangalli - 22.10.2024 12:47

Your pronunciations are dubious at best. 😂

@KevinPettie - 22.10.2024 12:43

A quick and easy overview that explains many important points of the NSDAP. Long before NAZI Germany, in New England USA 1773, created a committee of safety. As expected, the strong-arm for the Cause or Revolution were the Sons of Liberty which the majority of colonist joined and the group which Tar and feather Taxmen and threw tea into the harbor and expelled Loyalist from the colonies. These groups were called The Mohawks and Minutemen.

@jerometeluz - 22.10.2024 12:34

Great videos
