Oculus Quest vs Rift S : Which should you buy?

Oculus Quest vs Rift S : Which should you buy?


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@Lagastrains - 01.03.2024 15:31

For 2024, If you want to play just PCVR, but don't wanna worry about performance or quality control, get a Rift S. If you want to play PCVR and Standalone, get a Quest 3. I don't care what you say, the Rift S is a great headset.

@TwoWheelRyan - 16.03.2022 05:49

quest 2 go brrrr

@gabed1284 - 02.12.2021 03:32

It’s always such a trip to go back and watch these

@robertsandlin366 - 15.08.2021 21:10

quest 2: exists in this comment.

Others: why are their dislikes?

@ZoeyIsDum - 23.03.2021 13:19

can you do a quest 2 vs rift s because my friend keeps arguing that rift s is better

@lizardmilk5753 - 31.12.2020 23:39

just wait until he finds out about the quest 2

@icegamingfiregaming5441 - 05.12.2020 15:25

Short answer, Quest 2

@alexk2418 - 13.10.2020 17:03

Perfect timing youtOobus. Watching, searching for 3 weeks... Never seen that video. Ordered Valve kit and all new components for pc. So... I don't give a f...ung anymore... Good review!👍👍

@VSink7631 - 28.09.2020 23:50

Just get the quest...
gets half life flashbacks

@iamTkbxby - 06.09.2020 22:45

Oculus quest is better than most 100%

@Youkai_graphics - 01.09.2020 21:40

i’m planning on getting rid of my oculus rift, and get a rift s, mainly because my room layout doesn’t allow me to put the sensor. so i will have to use a sensor less headset

@eytcyfvgkjhlnj - 28.08.2020 05:44

Can anyone tell me what game was playing in the background?

@SmileyFace01 - 26.08.2020 22:28

As a quest user.. you should probably get the rift s instead or even better, wait a few months for new VR headsets.. (The quest is not bad, but I notice the pixels a bit too often..)

@mrfoxfam_doesstuff6252 - 18.08.2020 09:10

Oculus quest for life

@donovans6472 - 18.08.2020 06:48

@thrillseeker please help me out here....i'm looking for a headset for watching vr content i don't care about gaming....unfortunately the people at bestbuy don't know about products that they sell.....i just had an oculus go and the battery life is very short...approximatelly 90 minutes and kept messaging me that it was getting hot within 30 minutes of watching it........it broke down on me less than a month.....i probably used it 4 separate times in total... i had plugged in the usb charging cable while watching it to get more playing time life....i probably got an extra hour doing that then it would just off..............anyways i just bought an oculus rift s.......from what you're saying it sounds like this rift s is mainly for playing games and has to be connected to a pc.....considering that it needs to be plugged into a pc i'm guessing that it won't be shutting off on me while using it...however it sounds like it is strictly for gaming....i'm not interested in gaming...so what would be the main difference with getting the oculus quest....is the oculus quest the similar to the oculus go......I believe you mentioned that the Quest does not need to be plugged in....and that it operates on battery as well......how much battery life does it give you? and can i plug it in to my pc as well to get more playing time? will that cause the occulus to shut down as well....? the oculus quest is more than twice as much as the Occulus go so what is the main difference. between the Go and Quest......................considering that i want this to watch Vr content should i be getting the Quest instead of the Rift S...and can the quest be used with a pc as well as a stand alone device....thanks

@RealBolter - 17.08.2020 20:30

I am getting a 800$ pc should i get a rift s for it or a quest?

@not_luky_557 - 08.08.2020 21:26

i cant get the quest because im poor

@randomguy7473 - 04.08.2020 02:09

Oculus rift s owners:Haha stupid Oculus quest owners we might have to be tethered to a PC but we get better games. Oculus quest owners: Do you know about the link? Rift owners WHAT THE FUU--

@DeathgodAnubis3 - 03.08.2020 16:24

Honestly idk why people complain about the lcd vs oled thing, i've used the rift cv1 for months and now the rift s for a couple days, i have had no issues with blacks being anything other than black and THE only real grippe i had with the colors is the fact they look cooler compared the the cv1 which had pretty warm colors.

@macknewmann - 02.08.2020 04:06

I’m torn, i have an oculus quest, and bought it before i got a pc. i have been using link but it is pretty glitchy, and the weight of the headset is really bothering me. should i sell my quest and buy a rift s or not? or another vr headset (on a budget, valve index is out of the question) i have an rtx 2070 and ryzen 2600

@electrichook - 30.07.2020 00:59

I just wanted to share my OPINION so don’t go crazy. I would say I perfer the quest over the rift S just because of portability and having no wires. Having no wires is just absolutely the best!! Why is this so great? Well if your showing somebody VR it sucks with a wired headset because they have to turn in game with the joystick. So lots of newcomers get turned around and I have to make sure they don’t get tangled in the wire. But with the quest it’s more realistic because you can turn around in real life and have no wire. The rift S is still an amazing headset just was always more immersed with the quest because of free movement. They you go, and invade you forgot this was my OPINION so don’t go bat shit crazy in the comments.

@WhiteFyre - 28.07.2020 10:07

Can you play rift s on iPad Pro? I know nothing

@saulsber7967 - 22.07.2020 04:39

I have r5 2600 and rx580 should I get quest with link or rift S ?

@khanko7995 - 22.07.2020 00:21

Quest 64gb is f**ked after installing Half Life Alyx. No room for other games lol

@ShayK47 - 19.07.2020 05:08

They're back in stock 😍

@stilts1701 - 15.07.2020 03:30

short version: if you have good pc get rifts

if not: quest

@bluemccain8123 - 14.07.2020 02:12

Video title: which be headset should you buy. Thrillseeker: it’s up to you

@GokuPlaysUK - 12.07.2020 21:47

If you have a good pc the rift s is a no brainer in every single aspect dont understand the wireless argument who cares? I play vr in the same spot every single day wired or wireless makes no difference, quest graphics are super scaled down , comfort out the box is awful after 30 mins your already struggling to keep playing , rift s can play for hours and hours , ps I have both headsets barely use my quest so will sell soon just no need for it at all

@jakoline3507 - 07.07.2020 19:47

I would get the oculus quest because 1. Not everyone who wants vr has a strong gaming pc 2. U can bring it in holiday3. U can still use pc version on a oculus quest with virtual desktop/oculus link!

@Oldquantom345 - 07.07.2020 18:43

I’ve seen multiple videos on this, and I finally have enough money for one of them, and if I had a computer I would get a rift s but I can run it and even if I could it would suck so I have to get an oculus

@blackstealth8168 - 07.07.2020 09:15

I'm getting a Rift S. I really want Hand Tracking So I bought a LEAP Motion Controller. While I'm 100% sure the Rift S could be updated to do hand tracking I highly doubt Oculus will do that in order to sell more Quest units. Just waiting for a cheap Rift S to appear on FB MarketPlace or something.

@hellbullets. - 05.07.2020 18:19

fr conflicted bc the quest is what i would want for having a broken PC ATM,yet the rift s would be better for the future bc I'm wanting to build my own pc

@walloop7196 - 05.07.2020 12:45

If you are a pc gamer you should get rift s, if you are a casual gamer quest.

@coolestkid3435 - 05.07.2020 07:42

Guys I need help, I want to get a vr experience like I really am there. The rift s or quest is what I am thinking about but I just can’t figure out which one I want to get. I want to get the rift s for the graphics and the games but you need a pc and a cord so I feel tethered. I want to get the quest because i feel way more open but that comes with a cost of graphics and games if I don’t to get the cord. I need help to choose.

@extropup - 04.07.2020 17:41

What’s crazy is that even in a span of 7 months the Quest has changed so much since this video.

@stevenrickman6236 - 04.07.2020 17:20

Is it worth getting the S if I'm running a 1050ti with a core I5 5440? (I think that's the cpu)

@parkermankey3898 - 02.07.2020 00:28

why am I watching this I already ordered a quest

@wheetshire - 01.07.2020 09:13


@teedal7203 - 28.06.2020 20:42

if all you're gonna play is beatsaber and vrchat, get the quest, if you are gonna play a lot more vr games and have an oculus compatible pc, get the rift s.

@clearity3147 - 26.06.2020 20:31

Alright the answer I want is the quest better than rift s. Yes or no.

@sryld - 25.06.2020 00:16

I have a PC but it's not very good/strong so which one should I choose?

Quest or Rift?

@nemeanlioness - 23.06.2020 06:39

like i had a choice. just bought what was in stock.

@rlwings - 23.06.2020 02:50

"Focal length adjustment giving 115 degree field of view"? - Where is that adjustment? I don't see it.

@bungo1286 - 15.06.2020 21:50

What game was he playing?

@alrightthen9834 - 11.06.2020 11:45

ok so, the rift is better for pc. duh! its specialization is PCVR. but the problem is that its only pc. the oculus quest is a hybrid you can take it anywhere and you have a choice

@cdereflex1900 - 08.06.2020 21:15

is a 1050ti i5-4590s 8gb ddr3 (1600MHz) ram and no ssd any good for vr as i am getting a oculus Rift s soon ????????

@namen22 - 07.06.2020 17:51

I have just under the minimum graphic requirements for a rift s. Is this a big problem or not really?

@androlaius3859 - 01.06.2020 19:30

This is just the video i needed xd

@bob445566DE - 29.05.2020 13:09

Good review. I just got the Quest after using the Rift S for about a year. I can agree with this review 100%. Will not use the Quest for PC VR again. The Rift S is much better. Still I see people who claim to have a good PC still get the Quest. I think reviewers dont explain good enough how much better the Rift S is.

Also getting the Quest for PCVR has some risks. I see a lot of people claiming to have problems with the link cable, which is understandable as there is a wide range of USB port configurations. Mine worked fine and also looked good with a link cable, but I also have a USB C port on my RTX 2080. I doubt it will work on my other USB ports.
