Sadist: Pleasure of Your Pain, Anguish of Your Pleasure (+Narcissist)

Sadist: Pleasure of Your Pain, Anguish of Your Pleasure (+Narcissist)

Prof. Sam Vaknin

4 года назад

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@lanashowler5906 - 24.07.2021 10:11

I dated a sadist for 3+ mths. We're still running and not protected by police, sexual assult officers, no Ivo has been placed on his arse .... And NOONES helping us stay alive or safe.... We're still running for our lives almost 2 months later ... :( Me and my kids are still running scared shitless just to stay alive. He even got me pregnant to trap me forever I lost that baby 8/7.... And I'm trying for fighting for help, justice, and trying to stay alive due to physical injuries he has caused me ... The mental torment he's put my kids through is brutal alone, what they have seen him to do me is utterly brutal, he's killed my kids budgie, he's beaten me unconscious ... He's tried to DISTROY me mentally, physically, financially, sexually. The karma coming his way is only a matter of time .. the justice system in Australia is utterly barbaric .. he's hacked my email, phone, FB, messenger, calls, you name it he's probably bugged my home, car, and whatever else he's been able to do .... He's stolen $$$ of me also ..... And here we are with zero help from the only ones who can help us .... Where is the victims RIGHTS. ???? We have NONE !!!!!

@lanashowler5906 - 24.07.2021 10:14

My ex husband was also a narcisist who beat our own children when I wasn't there to protect them as he was too gutless to ever do it in front of me, and raped me for 12+ years .... And got away with both lots of abuse .. also hit away with fraud. My ex partner will also be done for fraud..... Alone with everything else he's done. They will both end up in jail forever ... !!! Once I'm done with their arses.... !!!

@jefflovenc - 30.07.2021 15:36

I have this thing on my mind of thinking the sadistic people in a weird way..... what’s the best way of getting ripped off sadists?.....

@Julietttachka - 03.09.2021 03:53

Oh, there are a lot of these men with BDSM inclinations. Great Masters) Ahahahah) They believe that their genes are special and many other things. And even if you blatantly lie to them, exaggerating their good sides, they sincerely enjoy it. They are sure that yes, they are so great. To be honest, it makes me laugh. Almost from the first sentence I can identify such a man. This grandeur is felt even through the screen) But yes, they are somehow, nevertheless, different from each other. In some, these traits are not as pronounced as in others. It's fair to voice their BDSM tendencies before getting into a relationship, but there are a lot of couples out there where this is all hidden. But I see that the man clearly dominates the wife in this pair, he just did not call himself a master and her slave. Since, in my country, it is considered normal that the man in the family is the main one - everyone turns a blind eye to this. As if it should be) I know stories when a wife gave food to her husband and just looked at him the wrong way, according to her husband, she got a lot of anger. By the way, this is some sore subject. Why are men so fixated on the fact that a woman must serve him at the table? If he takes cooked food without the help of his wife, it is like death for such men. Is this a sign of narcissism?

@AndrewB221 - 15.10.2021 07:29

A sadist looks just like you

@augustoj.s892 - 05.11.2021 19:59

I want my dom back :(

@alfalders3020 - 14.11.2021 09:18

Do they use “threat of physical violence” as a tactic?

@nobodyaskedyou9004 - 26.11.2021 00:43

I like to manipulate, control, humiliate and mentally abuse/punish people. The first 2 is just a normal day for me. The other behaviors I typically express them when I perceive insult or become angry. I never scream or get out of character instead I get very quiet and will mind fk you.

I mostly get along very well with people that show respect and are good listeners but most importantly are submissive. People that won’t argue if you pick a place, a time, a day. People that you tell them this is what and how we will do things and they are docile and comply.

People I cannot get along with are assertive, hard to manipulate, always form their own opinions and believe they are superior than me.

I’ve ever tortured animals nor enjoy seeing people in pain or hurt. I’m incapable of inflicting harm and pain to anything alive but if I dislike you and you fall out of a window I’d pay for that footage to enjoy it over and over. I love bad things happening to anyone I dislike and if I dislike you then you surely either lied to me or made me feel disrespected.

@nobodyaskedyou9004 - 26.11.2021 09:19

I don’t know how this man can deal with all the weak dumb have nothing to offer women who all believe their ex are a narcissist. Haven’t met a woman who didn’t label their ex a narcissist. Must be a woman trait to excuse their short comings. Maybe your ex isn’t a narcissist maybe you’re worthless 🤷🏻‍♀️

@lakeriarianx5226 - 19.12.2021 22:08

I have psychopathic tendinitis with a Dark twisted sadistic mind, cure me ☠️

@paper-chasepublications9433 - 03.02.2022 18:30

Very enlightening, as usual. Thank you.

@sebastianbryner1173 - 14.02.2022 18:00

Very informative

@lessandra602 - 15.02.2022 07:34

Thank you.

@No-.. - 05.05.2022 09:31

I enjoying imagining torturing people but blood smells disgusting in real life. I wonder how sadist kixlrs felt when they cut open that flesh and scraped out the intestines. Gore images turn me on especially the ones with legs wide open and cut from the middle all the way to their privates

@shanthageorge7413 - 12.05.2022 10:19

Why do these sick people want to hide their true self from the society? They will go to any measure to destroy their loved ones children and spouse and lie to the world.

@xenajade6264 - 05.06.2022 03:23

Most men I've known have been fascinated by WW2, weapons, military strategy and crazy dictators with extreme power. If I ever pointed out there's not much to admire.... millions of people died.... they would ignore that inconvenient fact while gorging on the details of the "warcraft". Seems to be infinitely fascinating for them.

@trinacorbett4827 - 09.07.2022 01:13

This was the most exhausting conversation for me ... I am overwhelmed analyzing my life and my mom.

Oh ... my ... goodness ... that is exactly what my mom did to me as a child! ... she would beat me until I cried and then beat me until I stopped and then breat me until I cried again. In third grade she had me pack my suitcase of all my favorite things. As soon as it got dark she took me to the door ... opened up the suitcase and one by one took each thing out and letting me know they were not mine but in reality hers ... until my suitcase was emptied. Then she opened the door and pushed me out into the dark ... looked down into my eyes and turned off the porch light and slammed the door ... and then locked it. I was so scared and cold in the dark. No matter how hard I cried she wouldn't open the door.

@BlueSky-ff4oy - 15.07.2022 23:49

Omg the (case study) ending was horrendous I hope he went to jail / all minors were removed from his care. That is overt physical abuse/torture mixed with psychological torture for all.
Thank you for clarification of the seeming but completely different overlap of sadism in the outright sadist, the narcissist and in there the psychopath V psycopathic tendencies. When I listened i THOUGHT I am getting it but now as I write I see I do not quite know if that is three types or two. Definitely relistening.

@lydiajaden7348 - 04.09.2022 05:17

He brought up the fact that I orgasmed 4 times in one session and him only once. He denied me pleasure until he got orgasms an equal number of times. He used biology against me.

@Human1136 - 08.09.2022 23:59

Tip: Internet Trolls = Sadists)👹

@BuzzChronicles - 17.09.2022 07:16

OHH lord im back at one of your videos, I should have really reached out to you when you replayed to my comment a month ago . was feeling Like crap making a huge life change & things not going how i wanted it. Just destroyed a Childhood Friend Ended the relationship in a horrible way & that made me feel better WTF is wrong with me Who do i only feel good By hurting others

@maskedman2210 - 03.12.2022 14:30

Thank you for this. 2 days ago I had flashback, and while I had never forgotten what my father did, the exact details and also how long it lasted. I also have a severely handicapped sister. One thing my father loved to do was take her to my room, and force me to watch her break all my toys. I was pushed until I would scream then I would try to stop him, but being 5 years old, I could not stop him. My desperation was entertaining to him, and he would also say things like "who is the retard" effectively using her as a guilt trip tool while simultaneously as an anger tool. He would do this until my mother came home. Sometimes it would be 4 or 5 hours of doing this, and this prolonged torture would go on for hours at a time. For so long I believed the belittlements and that I had no right to be angry. This is a rage i feel even now, boiled up beneath the surface. Even now, more than 30 years later, I want to skin him alive in the slowest way possible even I think of this. And his denying it inflicts more even pain. And I broke no rules, did everything I was supposed to. My sister didn't know what she was doing.

Thank you. I may be feeling PTSD to the point of uncontrollable rage outbursts at this moment, but you opened my eyes. Nothing was my fault. I was a child, and if what he had been doing didn't bug me , he wuda found something else to bother me. He is also armed with the intelligence of a rocket scientist.

Feel like I have to stop here. This is very exhausting to me. I

@eagyinjection - 29.12.2022 01:13

God the father is a sadistic narcissist whose sole purpose in life is to cause human misery

@nicolii7321 - 10.02.2023 07:08

Does this mean all saddists are psychopaths?

@stardustsparkles22 - 12.04.2023 07:51

Mine was into basically torture. I couldn't take it anymore and am divorcing him. And yes they want to spoil/ corrupt and break their partner. My agony was his food. I hope he gets help. He needs it. It's truly pathological. He will have to find supply elsewhere now. Going full grey rock on him.

@stardustsparkles22 - 12.04.2023 08:52

So true. Every last word describes the sadistic ex I had. Scary people.

@Heisenherb - 14.04.2023 02:08

I had an ex that I realized was always really happy when I was sad. And when i was happy, it pissed her off.

@DawnSeeley-wy2fm - 23.04.2023 16:14

I was with a sexually sadistic person. I was with Don Barnes for 5 years of Hell. He is sexually abusing children and animals, and records it so he can sit and watch it later. I know beyond a shadow of doubt this man is a sexually abusive pervert. He is sexually abusing my dogs that he wouldn’t let me take when he made me leave because I was getting too close to figuring everything he is doing out. He needs to be caught and locked up.

@sandrabellerue2836 - 02.05.2023 01:34

I watched him in high school being sadistic, laughing after inflicting pain 60 years ago. We just thought him to be naughty. Enter myself who learned everything I never wanted to know or experience during a pandemic lockdown. I survived. Thankful he resides over 7K miles away.

@crashburn22 - 29.06.2023 03:53

It's All about validation, everything they do. It's truly horrific and sad.

@evelyn-phoenixonokah5400 - 29.06.2023 12:17

His humor is A+😂

@yeaesthetics3195 - 09.07.2023 20:47

Ok now im understand that, other than a sadist, im also secretly a narc.

@macnchessplz - 10.07.2023 08:35

THIS is it…..

@m998hmmwv7 - 03.09.2023 06:20

These people are the reason for the way our world has become.. wars death starvation disease ect .. inflicted by governments and willing citizens

@aumperialism - 28.09.2023 19:45

Thank you sir

@Bernadette-gd2oh - 28.11.2023 16:51

This is my soon to be ex husband!! Extremely diabolical and I suspect he will be in prison soon!!!

@dianesylvain3309 - 03.02.2024 12:55

The “monk sadist” reminds me of many politicians in Canada. 🇨🇦 They are pathological liars, and always gas-lighting and lying to push their policies that the majority of Canadians do not want now, and cause many to suffer. Our PM, for example, admires the Chinese Communist party. He constantly puts himself in a “fantasy world” that he is helping Canadians, as he is “morally higher” than the rest of us, when in fact he is causing pain. If we could keep these sadists/narcissists out of our government, medical and educational system our society would be better!

@prodigygirl1 - 19.03.2024 19:46

This sounds like my brother. He has total control over his wife, he witholds all communications. He made his own wife cut the brother who brought her up, off. He loves to inflict physical pain to people and animals. He enjoys sending people to prison. He will scar himself physically in order to influct pain on others by lying. He controls my elderly mother, too.He has a love of wraponry and an unhealthy obsession with concentration camps.

@prodigygirl1 - 19.03.2024 20:14

Do sadists get duper's delight?

@INFJ2 - 08.04.2024 06:49

Im attracted to this man. 😂❤❤❤

@faithgarcia5428 - 28.06.2024 02:34

The definition of God

@mikibellomillo - 09.07.2024 16:34

i never know i was being raised in sadistic environment till i reconnect to my inner child and rewrite my memories... all the fun is gone n turn into disgust . it's weird ~

@DanChad-er9lh - 15.08.2024 04:28

Is the true sadist very rare? I mean, ted bundy.? I am certainly interested in manipulating people but I cannot bear to see pain in any form ( it revolts me, however I am be capable of phantasy against those who have wronged me. In a brutal fantasy. But in reality I feel sorry for people who have wronged me. I want them to confess. Is this narcissistic?

@olitonottero7620 - 19.08.2024 04:45

Super helpful thank you

@HealandInspire - 23.08.2024 09:23

Daktari is what I watched and grew up on too.

@andrewamata - 23.08.2024 21:40

This has been very helpful thank you.

@pappaprosjektet - 24.08.2024 23:55

Thnx Sam.
After dealing with all types of "myself" and others personal disorders I became an eremit living in survivourmode on daily basis. Affraid that dammaged goods only create more dammage if not fixed I have desidet to go it alone.
I have patterns of it all, surficing now and then so I hang on to my empathic me with all that I've got.
Struggeling with the aftermath is hard but I find a lot of stringt in being compationate to others helping them with my experience and insight. I have learned a lot from you and also gotten confirmations that gives me relief and clearifying. Bless you ❤

@LulamaDabula-p4z - 17.09.2024 17:26

My mother's daughter/my younger half sister sacrificed my cousin sisters for her to do well, excell & achieve success & for her to steal their identity. Now she is sacrificing me because she has been envious of me or rather lusting after my childs father. Infact she envies everything about me even after having exposed me through various abuse. My mother herself has sacrificed all four of her oldest siblings for her to be successful. They are born again christian witches that operate secretly.They do evil & heinous acts & then hide behind the bible/Christianity. Imagine Israel preaching "love you neigbour as you love yourself", but in reality they don't practice that message but do the opposite, nuclear bombing their neighbors. Imagine prophet TB Joshua preaching a message of love but behind closed doors is sexual predator that has raped half of the church members. Evil people are found only in christian & jewish religion. Look at Jews neighbors for evidence. Look at Christians family members if they are not raped, terrorized & misplaced by the christian narc. They are a curse to planet earth. They take away life & peace. They only want there to be choas &destruction. They leave a trail of destruction to whereever they go. They are demons clothed in flesh.

@Melancholian - 08.10.2024 01:33

I have sexual sadism disorder where can I get help?
