"Blue Zones": Are People Living Longer or Just Committing More Fraud?

"Blue Zones": Are People Living Longer or Just Committing More Fraud?

Rebecca Watson (Skepchick)

3 недели назад

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@kylenmaple4668 - 12.10.2024 17:24

It’s like the whole thing that married people are healthier and happier. In fact, healthy and happy people are just more likely to get married. So in reality, they are not statistically linked, but they are all related to economic standing

@ollicron7397 - 12.10.2024 19:01

The research on blue zones isnt vetted.

@CraigHocker - 13.10.2024 03:40

Ikarians take a nap; and Sardinians do happy hour. Sign me up! LOL.

@humanityandme - 13.10.2024 07:17

Holy fuck 😮

First time discovering you. Thanks for this break down. I always wondered about how research

@jamiegallier2106 - 13.10.2024 08:11


@SotraEngine4 - 13.10.2024 08:28

I mean
Move naturally and stress less aren't exactly bad advice

@colinmacdonald5732 - 13.10.2024 12:39

You say very little evidence of alcohol being goog for you. I was watching a Ronda Patrick video, titled "Alcohol is bad for you" or some such. And if you actually watch the video you discover moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial. So I'm a bit skeptical about your alcohol claim!
Here's the thing. Internet grifters aren't selling you their specially formulated alcohol products. Alcohol can't be packaged as a powder and sold as a health supplement. Andrew Huberman does NOT like alcohol. Need I say more?

@אריאלברקוביץ-ת5ס - 13.10.2024 13:44

you should never trust salesmen. all of them are shady af

@WalterHildahl - 13.10.2024 13:59

Viagra cures Jetlag in hamsters? How do you give Jetlag to hamsters and why would you give Viagra to hamsters?

@grega8334 - 13.10.2024 16:29

I love listening to smart people explain things like this--Subscribe!

@peterbedford2610 - 13.10.2024 18:49

Studying a very small percentage of outliers is interesting, but not very useful

@markusgorelli5278 - 13.10.2024 19:28

The story I heard from someone in the government pension branch in my country was about the guy who took his older brother's birth certificate and got an affidavit to say that Jake Doe and Jack Doe were one and the same person. And the ONLY reason he got found out, was that someone working in the department, went to school with the guy, and knew that he wasn't old enough to be retiring (otherwise, he would be too. lol)

If that hadn't happened, this younger guy, would have retired earlier than he should have, and drawn a pension for much longer. Nowadays, one submits a birth certificate to join the service, so I expect that kind of fraud will eventually phase out especially as the certificates have pin numbers now and it is supposed to be connected to your death certificate.

(I was sending retirement documents to them once, and the employee in question did not have a name on her birth certificate. Only "girl child." She actually needed to get an affidavit done and it was hard. Fortunately, she had one living elderly aunt (so she said. 🤔) who could vouch that she was the person referred to. How she got an id card, without having done this earlier, remains baffling to me.)

@tomdebevoise - 14.10.2024 12:53

The 2 red flags for me are the de-emphasis on exercise and the "plant-based" diet. Numerous studies have shown that Vo2 max is the most significant predictor of all-cause mortality. A standard measure of mortality risk is walking speed. If you do not exercise and include regular HIIT in your routine, your VO2 max and walking speed will decline rapidly. Secondly, another mortality risk is low protein intake, which leads to sarcopenia - the loss of muscle mass.

@unclespy - 15.10.2024 18:24

I am a retired law enforcement officer who spent about 20 yrs of my career as a criminal investigator/detective. Right after 9/11 I was able to travel to New York City and spend some time paired up with an NYPD detective. It was an eye opening experience on so many levels. One night over beers I found out that many officers who live in Manhattan have extremely elderly relatives, when asked how that was I was told that it was not unusual to have a 120 or 130 year old grand parent, the cause....rent control...they Iive in nice apartments with their "elderly" relatives. As long as their relatives remain alive on paper they continue to pay 1950's or 1960's era rents. Go figure.

@radidov5333 - 15.10.2024 20:25

this is insane, our world is built on lies lol and no, not an exaggeration. This blue zone things even f doctors tend to believe..this lie was soooo approachable it fooled the entire world (in general thanks god).

@Smith-o1h - 17.10.2024 06:06

God this woman is condescending, feels the need to give the definition of common words intermittently. She must really think her "audience" are bumbling imbeciles.

@debbiefiuza - 17.10.2024 11:32

I was so disappointed when you said Saul Newman because I thought for a second you said Saul Goodman

@debbiefiuza - 17.10.2024 11:35

Why would there be more centenarians in areas with below average rates of people over 90? Because like my hamster, they ate everyone else.

@Sec_coach - 17.10.2024 12:05

Blue zone my ass
People were I live eat pork a lot and these idiots says they are vegetarian

@jimgossett1154 - 17.10.2024 14:05

This close to an election and it's not political. I'm so proud of you.

@ke6264 - 17.10.2024 15:12

I have a friend who is originally from Nigeria and the village where her grandmother lives Apparently a ton of people live to be over 100 on average so when I heard about blue zones a few years ago, I assumed that this Nigerian village would be included, but to my surprise, or not to my surprise, it wasn’t. With Africa, being the birthplace of civilization, you would think that the oldest living people would come out of Africa, so that always stuck with me that they were not in any of the “blue zones”

@pdfads - 17.10.2024 17:56

One of the original "blue zones" was the Caucasus, esp. Georgia, which was heavily promoted by the Soviet Union (obvious reasons), and by a yogurt company which was introducing a then unheard of food, yogurt, into US markets. This may have started out with locals evading military service, but was picked up, and run with, by Stalin's toadies, who wished to flatter him, (Stalin was a Georgian. Who died at 74.), and, later, the yogurt company (Dannon, I think, but don't quote me on that). Sceptics at the time pointed out that younger Georgians didn't seem to live that long.

@pdfads - 17.10.2024 18:03

I've had lots of problems because the US Social Security declared me dead in 2022. I got it straightened out with them, and credit cards, and insurance companies, but I'm still fighting with the IRS, although they did cash my tax check.

@Kerry-uo6og - 17.10.2024 18:18

I cannot take a single drink and still be home for vmas. It's October. Whatta ya reckon? Do you feel lucky?..🤠👍

@juliahello6673 - 17.10.2024 19:53

Can you stop accusing people of being grifters or salespeople and stick to the facts? You lose credibility if you start off with ad hominem attacks. The only thing that matters is the science.

@williamtomkiel8215 - 17.10.2024 21:04

wHO REMEMBERS THE "CURIOSITRY" OF : The Journal of Ir-reproducible Results?
Is it still around?

@tosgem - 18.10.2024 09:36

It sounds like the biggest losers from this flawed research was the Seventh Day Adventist church, who believed in his project and paid big money to buy it!

@paulcohen6727 - 18.10.2024 10:40

I just found this video and channel and I find it to be very interesting, not that I believe the world needs more cynics. Do you have any opinion about a recently published book called How Not To Die by a Doctor named Michael Greger?

@pseudonamed - 18.10.2024 20:30

well that was eye opening

@danlowe8684 - 19.10.2024 03:24

Average life expectancy stats have always been misleading in that many more children under the age of 3 or 4 died in past generations and dragged down the averages. A farm family in the 20s or 30s may have had 12 children, but only 8 made it past 3 years of age. Even if all 8 surviving siblings live to be 100 years old, their average lifespan is only 67 years. This is why it is misleading to think the majority of US citizens in 1880 only lived to age 39, when 39 is indeed the statistical average. Aside from the young dying, a greater understanding of sanitation, water treatment, diseases such as malaria, and public health regulations are by far the largest reasons for the increase in longevity. Antibiotics and overall causal knowledge in medicine would be next but not nearly as large a contributor as the medical industry (and snake oil salesmen such as the author) would have you believe.

@LDogSmiles - 19.10.2024 07:10

Blue zones always seemed like a marketing thing to me

@dianelipson5420 - 19.10.2024 15:12

Buettner skipped Kyushu, which was confusing for me. They have a freakishly low incidence of cancer there in addition to surprising longevity. A study in Tokyo indicated that the crop they grow, Kabuso, might be cancer protective. And this guy never mentioned the place.

@patriklindholm7576 - 19.10.2024 17:22

Of all the claimed superaged humans none have had actual objectively verified documentation supporting the birth date, but merely such written later on based on anecdote, so I remain perhaps impressed but unconvinced.

@davidgeorge7443 - 20.10.2024 00:49

Booooo! I want to believe in the Blue Zones!

@LauraB.335 - 20.10.2024 15:06

Another question is are people in blue zones really eating so many plants? Answer: NO! Check Mary Ruddick who has visited every blue zone and lived in many of them. The people who live longest live in Hong Kong (they aren’t even included in the Blue Zones), and they eat the most meat.

@mrschwartzmc - 21.10.2024 16:44

I not dum dum!

@PhilippeOrlando - 22.10.2024 02:28

are you aware that the longest lived "documented"human, Jeanne Calment might be a fraud? Check it up. Her daughter might have replaced her.

@Ellis-Tor - 23.10.2024 17:04

my family is okinawa, the idea that they are "vegans" is a laughable joke, just more american vegan porpoganda, ...almost everything they make in okinawa has pork involved, they eat alot of meat and are waaay healthier than westerners.

@CatarinaStone - 23.10.2024 17:43

the thing about the alcohol I've always heard is that it's red wine specifically, not alcohol in general. Even white wine supposedly doesn't have the same properties. And the thing is from what I understand you're supposed to drink it in moderation because the alcohol in it is bad, but maybe the red wine by itself does have some beneficial properties so long as you don't consume enough actual alcohol to outweigh it.

@JasonArter - 23.10.2024 17:56

How is it I've been on the internet since the BBS days and I've only just seen you? Excellent videos!

@joshm3342 - 24.10.2024 07:19

I used to believe the idea that drinking alcohol in moderation was healthy. It seems that cutting WAY DOWN is good, and quitting may be best.

@kelleemerson9510 - 24.10.2024 15:14

And another benefit: you look young for your age.

@lauriethomas6187 - 24.10.2024 15:35

The Seventh Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California are not lying about their age. Epidemiologists have known for more than 50 years that the causes of death among human beings fall into 2 general categories: diseases of poverty and diseases of affluence. Poor people die of malnutrition, unclean water, unsafe working conditions, and lack of basic medical care (e.g., untreated infections, such as tuberculosis). In contrast, rich people mainly die from foods that poor people cannot afford to eat regularly. Last summer, Dean Ornish's group published a study that showed that changing to a low-fat plant-based diet has a meaningful beneficial effect even among people in the early stages of senile dementia (10.1186/s13195-024-01482-z). But of course, the naysayers (who call themselves skeptics) will attack Ornish personally or quibble over imaginary flaws in his study, instead of immersing themselves in the literature and evaluating the available literature as a whole, which is what a real scientist does. Over the years, I've seen a disturbing trend where self-described "skeptics" with no training in nutrition or epidemiology sow unreasonable doubt about a basic fact of life: the value of a low-fat diet based on whole plant foods for promoting human health and longevity. They will seize on one fact (or even one factoid) to "debunk" this fact of life. Rebecca Watson has a degree in communications. The discipline of communications is all about how to persuade people, not about how to find truth. I'd be willing to bet that she has never read even a single textbook on nutrition or epidemiology. Take heed from Alexander Pope:

A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.

@fullmindstorm - 24.10.2024 18:26

Thanks to this video I discovered that my scummy relatives were collecting my granpas pension, I just reported their a**ess 😇 thank you for that.

@AntonioFerreira-mx1er - 24.10.2024 18:40

Not to mention that any birth certificate in Europe, before WWII is suspicious. There were a lot of people that stole identities .
Outside of Europe, any allegation of age is just a scam, almost all countries in this group dont really have a birth certificate (by the way the borth certificate is a derivation of the christian baptism , wich is not exactly the day of birth)

@cduffy2011 - 24.10.2024 20:05

I now understand LOL. I actually LOL'd when you said "It's fraud. The answer is fraud."

@tamaragorman7421 - 25.10.2024 17:35

Nice. Finally someone is talking about the misleading Blue Zones. My grandmother lived to 103 while living in Sacramento. Why? Not sure any one reason can be pinned down. She was a professional musician and had the most chaotic schedule, often operating on just 2 to 4 hours sleep until late in life. She ate whatever she wanted, including dessert. She didn't smoke and wasn't obsessive about exercise. The advice she used to give was keep moving, laugh as much as you can, do your best in each moment, and to each his own. Also, my great aunt from the other side of the family lived to 101 in New Orleans. She was another one who ate whatever she wanted and drank a lot of old-style glass bottled Coca-Cola. I think she even smoked into her 80s or 90s. I imagine if we dug, we would find story after story about centenarians whose lifestyles and diets contradict those mentioned in the Blue Zones.

@clm3436 - 25.10.2024 17:50

Blue Zones were established long before 2004

@joearnold6881 - 26.10.2024 11:28

Viagra can cure jet lag in humans, too… if you happen to have a penis and anyone who’d like you to use it on them for long enough 😂
