My JPEG Settings - 5 Custom Fujifilm Film Simulations For Your No Edit Photos (JPEG Recipes)

My JPEG Settings - 5 Custom Fujifilm Film Simulations For Your No Edit Photos (JPEG Recipes)

Kebs Cayabyab

4 года назад

89,458 Просмотров

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@eastvisuals1852 - 16.08.2021 09:41


@joe_tographer - 19.08.2021 01:57

Great video, Tsukiji is my favorite!

@pimp2hoes - 25.08.2021 21:12

i’ve got a question here:If certain recipe needs a specific DR for example DR400 i do need to be at ISO 800 to be abble to take advantage of the 400% in DR,what happens if i shoot at Iso 160 that forces DR100,does it affect the recipe when its suppouse to be at DR400?

@viaripamonti25 - 04.09.2021 17:08

Love the tsukiji simulation!

@srivigneshn - 07.09.2021 13:54

Do these film simulation recipies work for video as well?

@VeneerDept - 19.09.2021 17:20

I love you, your video was amazing

@bien.mp4 - 24.10.2021 17:59


@ps4toji776 - 16.11.2021 22:40

I want subscribe you 1M time

@drizzycloudsz - 18.11.2021 15:50

Hi. Quick question, how do you set the AUTO - White Balance Shift differently for the 5 different recipes? I'm using an XT-20 and whenever I try to change the AUTO - WB Shift, it will use that setting for all the custom settings that I have.

@bahasaperasaanphotowork2124 - 23.12.2021 16:07

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

@gueraka - 31.12.2021 05:44

If sony cold do something special like fuji did...

@MrNasexD - 17.01.2022 03:27

Hey Kebs!
Would I get similar results, if I use those settings on the X100v?
I'll get my first Fuji in about a month and those recipes of yours are just gorgeous!

@cariza5 - 14.02.2022 22:05

is there an app that can give your android or iPhone Fujifilm and Kodak Colours, What I mean is Film Simulation Recipes, so you can enter a few colour settings etc and get Fujifilm and Kodak Colours everytime you shoot with your android or iPhone, I don't want an app like lightroom that charges you every month as I am short of money, so just a one off payment is what I want, I just want Fuji Across and Fiji Provia colours etc coming from my Android and iPhone camera.

@eyespolaroid2089 - 18.02.2022 20:22

Hi, what should be Dynamic range, Colour Chrome FX and Colour Chrome blue in Tsukiji and Akihabara? Please reply it will be a great help.

@MultiMarooned - 07.03.2022 15:39

Fantastic stuff - I might 'borrow' these, but change the names ????

@user-kk8bt4nn5d - 03.04.2022 09:38

your channel is so helpful. easy to watch with such clear and precise points + examples. you have really helped me get started with using my fujifilm system.

@せんリスの絵コント - 06.04.2022 11:33

hey thanks for the useful tip! just one quick question: how do you set up WB Shift for each custom? or do you set it up every time you change the custom filmsimulation

@rizkiyoist - 29.05.2022 11:47

HI, can you explain how your approach in creating these recipes? For example do you start from white balance first then go from there, or maybe film simulation first, etc. Also do you create these while going outdoors shooting, or do you shoot normally then bake it in camera until it looks like the way you want it to be?

@giangle775 - 16.06.2022 17:39

portrait. Which recipe do you choose?

@TipuNguyen - 15.07.2022 11:13

How i can change Red and blue in wb (auto) in each custom

@allanosantiago5955 - 17.07.2022 13:58

Beautiful pictures Kebs, and nice experiments with the settings. Though I may not shoot in Fuji, but it makes me want to experiment with my Olympus and Lumix on how they may react on a Jpeg setting and perhaps adjust from there. Thank you for those tips.

@kathfern - 16.08.2022 12:10

Wonderful thankyou

@RenFang - 27.08.2022 10:55

Awesome thanks

@marksantiago7942 - 27.09.2022 19:21

Thanks for this bro. Super ganda. Anyway ano ang exposure setting mo dito? Thanks

@fabiogaleandro2169 - 27.11.2022 00:59

I tried your recipes they are beautiful compliments and thanks

@Tea-Spin - 13.12.2022 17:46

Hi, I just pick up a 2nd hand Fuji XE2 to start taking casual photography. From what I understand, the grain setting is just introduced in X Trans III sensor which XE2 is not. So, what setting should I compensate for the lack of grain effect setting to achieve some of your recipe (that require grain setting)? Or just leave it as is?

@OscarLorenzoStaCruz - 26.01.2023 09:50

noob question: why do you a-have to noise reduce -2? then only to add grain after?

@jeetts59 - 08.02.2023 23:51

Hello, I’ve just found your channel, love it. I’m in Australia and have subscribed. I love visiting Japane.

@robbykidman - 06.04.2023 00:50

What a great find your video is. Very straight to the point and informative. I will be shooting a girl who is beauty conscious so i will have to use the harajuku on her. Thanks

@call_me_migo - 06.04.2023 18:45

I have a fujifilm x100v. Is it compatible with your recipe?

@post_velum - 04.05.2023 09:38

Fantastic presentation on how the film recipes change the base image and I love the comparisons on a single photo. You really helped me see the subtle differences in each recipe and this is the best video on Fujifilm recipes that I have seen by far 🙌! My favorites are Shinjuku and Asakusa 😊.

@GJSsongsmith - 05.05.2023 04:41

These are great Kebs , many thanks 🙏

@louisjakeramos - 11.06.2023 21:09

is there any chance that i can still use the original simulation without mixing up the custom simulation? or i just need to may 6 custom simulations?

@rmndo8125 - 26.07.2023 14:49

ang ganda sir! recently got my x-e3 and di ko talaga magets yung recipes until i found your video! susubukan kong gayahin yung recipe niyo dito. ❤❤🙌🙌

@calvintong9713 - 19.08.2023 16:38

Thank you for using the general filters which are available on most of the Fuji camera model😊Will have a try on the lovely recipe tomorrow!

@michaelhall859 - 13.09.2023 13:47

I know this is old but these are beautiful mate, great work 👌🏼

@Cjproductions903 - 06.02.2024 06:17

Wow!!! I’m try these out on my xe1 I just picked up. New sub here !! Thanks

@peteru3357 - 27.02.2024 17:01

Is this still recommended sir? Planning to use it on our Japan vacation this year.

@orthodocrap - 06.03.2024 06:08

Kebs i love the differentiation between a standard shot plus the recipe. Galing boss!

@stephanweiskorn6760 - 11.03.2024 22:25

Excellent video 😊!

@shylamadeleine - 06.04.2024 19:12

Are these recipes applicable also for XA5?

@Narsuitus - 24.05.2024 23:20

I was hoping you would have at least one black & white recipe.

@miguelangelromero2130 - 27.07.2024 05:02

Muy buenas recetas 🙌🏼 gracias por compartirlas. Voy a usar la de Harajuku, me gustó bastante. Saludos desde Argentina.

@carleochua3604 - 16.08.2024 09:39

Are these applicable to Trans IV sensor?

@hergelchua6252 - 01.09.2024 03:40

May I know what are the exposure compensation used on these recipes?

@akombalasau4022 - 30.09.2024 08:25

Are all the clarities set to 0?

@mikomangulabnan6811 - 20.10.2024 08:46

can you set and save the WB shift per custom setting or do you have to manually set it every time you change presets?

@eser7434 - 13.11.2024 18:03

Can you explain about that ; noise reduction, shadowtone, sharpness, highlight, color?
