Donald Trump Denies Connection to Project 2025 | Prophecy Wire

Donald Trump Denies Connection to Project 2025 | Prophecy Wire

Amazing Discoveries

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@randolphsloan2263 - 01.09.2024 09:59

Our preparation is SHARING

@faithmakesthingspossibleno8295 - 31.08.2024 19:06

Ellen White says we should work to save religious freedom so that there is more time to spread the gospel, look back on some of our pioneers ,who was it jones or Wagoner who went to leaders to try and stop the sunday laws in the 1800's where hundres of SDA were imprisoned and placed in work camps for working on Sunday, if they had not done that we would not see religious freedom today

@WanderingWiseGuy - 30.08.2024 07:21

The whole reason for the Ukraine war is keeping Russia busy while Rome helps Isreal create the Greater israel.
You guys know who Rome is right? UN, WEF, WHO, THE ENTIRE WEST.
Once they achieve this the one world order will happen once again.
The new world order. The second beast of revelations. Will start the persecution once again. Far far worse than the first Roman Israel.

@JennyParunga - 30.08.2024 02:12

Amen 🙏

@JennyParunga - 30.08.2024 02:10

Truth matters continue America in Bible prophecy we are about to experience little Time of trouble, Adventist wake up. PNG

@AsterixDaBriton - 30.08.2024 00:58

Because people are in hypnosis they only hear what they want.

@rebawild1 - 29.08.2024 06:53

He's referring to what he's being accused of.
I don't agree with anything you're using to post this. You're twisting things.

@markperry562 - 28.08.2024 18:41

I am disappointed in Amazing Discoveries. Another Trump presidency is scary to contemplate. So is a Harris presidency or, heaven forbid, a Tim Walz ascension. Neither party's win appears to bode well for the United States or freedom of religion. Your attention to one threat seems to have diverted your attention. Voting for or against Trump will not hold back prophecy. Neither will voting for of against Harris. Amazing Discoveries used to be concerned with the broader implications of prophecy than a particular election. Regardless who wins the election, people should be warned of imamate troubles regardless of whom occupies the White House. Unfortunately your exclusively anti-Trump postings and your lack of anti-Harris postings may give unaware viewers a false feeling of safety in these perilous times. Don't strain at a gnat while swallowing a camel. Trump is a threat, but he is not the only threat. The US will not be saved from prophecy by either candidate's defeat or election.

@pamhammer1966 - 26.08.2024 23:27

I'm not sure that we need to be pointing out specific persons. Prophecy doesn't. Many persons will be used in fulfilling prophecy. Possibly even you. We must be aware of events, yet focusing on preaching the gospel and the three angels messages as a whole. Not predicting who will do what. God can and does use anyone and everyone He wants to. Praying for us to keep our minds fixed on Jesus!! He will lead us through these last days. Our job is to love those who we don't agree with, pray for them, and make sure we are following Jesus ourselves.

@entemen - 26.08.2024 19:51

Trump himself most likely does not have a clue with details or even cares but if he wins the presidency with project 2025, you certainly should be alarmed that prophecy will unfold quickly. Yet, with the surge behind Democrats that may win the White House, crisis and supernatural events can take us there just as fast. The point is, the end is near.

@sunnymcalister2366 - 26.08.2024 17:29

One thing I can tell you that Trump will do, that of course we're not looking forward to, he will implement or bring forward the national Sunday law. I wish Ben Carson could educate him on the 7th day Sabbath. Trump has not been a studded Christian until recently and he's getting his information from evangelicals and maybe even some Catholics I don't know about that. But what Jehovah God has ordained will come to be, in the National Sunday law is part of that. If you're not prepared to stand up now, you don't have much time at all. Have you not noticed the seasons running together for the several last years now? This should be the dog days of August but instead we have the cool days of fall. Instead we get the dog days of August late spring, and so on. I've been paying attention!

@sunnymcalister2366 - 26.08.2024 17:22

Why are you worried about the only person that's trying to save this country? Apparently you're unaware that Mike Pence was a traitor and has been dealt with accordingly. You are totally worrying about the wrong person. You need to ask God for some guidance because it's been very obvious for quite some years now that God has chosen this man to do his work, and has protected him a million times. Y'all know about the one obvious assassination, but how many of you know about the 25 that were thwarted before they got that far? You need to rebuke Satan and start praying about what your broadcasting! It doesn't even matter what Trump does at this point don't you see what the left has done to this country? And you obviously have not looked into what they want to do to this country!

@sunnymcalister2366 - 26.08.2024 17:12

Well first of all by saying he knows nothing about it I'm pretty sure he's referring to he had nothing to do with the instigation of it and is not involved with it. Why is anyone worried about project 2025 which isn't great but it's not as bad as Agenda 21 which is now turned into agenda 2030 since they couldn't get Hillary in? Agenda 2030 is absolutely demonic!

@davidnelson6874 - 26.08.2024 16:07

Politics is a rather slippery slope. Do you realize that this kind of reportage kind of makes these reports seem partisan? So as long as you are in the territory one might also report on things like the consolidation of labor unions, (particularly the gigantic influence teachers unions have over our children).

@Onionman-wx8wz - 26.08.2024 11:17

Can someone help a non-SDA with some answers. How come Ellen never saw the state of Israel coming or it playing a part in these days? ( yes i know its a Fm enterprise). And how can the 144,000 be made up from anyone who is not from one of the tribes mentioned? (and a virgin). PS. I was introduced to one of them once by some believers who said he was. I dont know what tribe he was from. I know that he was a Jehovahs Witness. I dont know if he was a virgin.

@whitedaisyjen - 26.08.2024 09:06

The Heritage Foundation always lays out their recommendations for a new administration. This is nothing new. Just because these are things they are suggesting doesn’t mean Trump will agree with all of their suggestions. We really need to realize that Satan has a plan to see his agenda to fruition with either party. We are not citizens of this world but are citizens of Gods kingdom. Pushing His agenda should be our top priority. God isn’t a Democrat or Republican, a Canadian or American. I can see a clear path for the merging of secular, Catholicism and spiritism through the progressive platform more than the MAGA platform…. but I also see a boomerang from the right is possible. I think we need to watch for an attack in our soul which will usher in a b emergency takeover of the country… pausing the election process altogether. This may be coming soon. I think the Popes day of rest for the earth is more likely to be embraced by the left, married to environmentalism.

@Fugubro754 - 26.08.2024 00:43

Project 2025 is complete bull and trash lie period bye

@ConnorMarc - 25.08.2024 17:26

I've read every comment to now and one thing's for certain, videos like this expose who are Christian Nationalists vs who are Christians.

I'm thankful for Trump for one thing, he's made these people come out of the closet where they can't hide themselves anymore.

I can see God's hand in all of this. We're definitely in the last days.

@jimranallo686 - 25.08.2024 10:19

Seems like the cnp is thhe driving force of the heritage foundation.....a very difficulttask getting a cnp membership list...i have compiled about 1000 names...they are a dangerous group of delusional types....the policy drivers of the phoney christian right....they are 180% out of phase...what they claim to be is the exact opposite of their intended goals.... cheers from Mexico

@PeregrineFisher - 25.08.2024 05:04

Do better research. I usually like your videos but this is easily researched and is the Heritage Foundation’s project. It makes your discernment questionable.

@glennismacdonald3569 - 25.08.2024 02:05

Are you going after Harris the way you have gone after Trump? What is wicked is to take sides. We don't know the outcome of the political. Either gop or dems could take us to the end. Christians should not be involved in side taking. We could take a side and be wrong. Then, no one would believe us.😮

@janemonroe289 - 24.08.2024 23:17

I will not fear and I know God will protect me. I'm so tired of hearing of these fearful warnings. I know time is short but I will live each day with joy and love for my fellow men. I will continue to focus and learn everything I can from Gods word. And I pray for salvation and protection. I will continue to witness and pray until my last breath but will not fear.

@mantica1970 - 24.08.2024 23:02

Your initial dialog before the intro shows some ignorance on your part about how Trump speaks. In fact how a lot of people speak.

When he says he knows nothing about something I take that as he doesn't know all the ins and outs of it.
Obviously he heard about it. The media dung mouths spout it every day.
Attacking Trump isn't going to open ears.
We all have sinned.

It amazes me how careful you are when speaking about the very worldly and pagan left but when it comes to Trump it's open hit pieces.

So you either want to quicken the downfall of America or not. Or the coming of Christ if you are talking about spiritual things.
But you can't ignore civil things. Do we want to reach more souls? Then time is needed.

Trump said he wasn't going to support what P2025 was pushing. But we know laws will be passed by either side.

It is true people are polarized. Is that the conservative base that's doing that? Or the powers that be?

Everything is not from the spirit world. People can make their own decisions. That's on them.

It sucks what is coming but who cares? I'm gonna vote who I am going to vote for. Not voting is worse than voting.

And we need dates for everything you are quoting.

Anyway, shout away. I'm not supporting the left. Period.

And Mike Pence? Lol

@RRSDollar - 24.08.2024 22:12

So "Kabbalah Harris" is the better option then? Come on, project 2025 is a tiny project full of conservative policies compared to the "steroidal project" Obama put in place in 2008! * Climate change agenda*** *socialist agenda** * control*** taking over all the gov institutions, corrupting everything to align with the Dem agenda, they are the ones against freedom, free consciousness. Their agenda pushed us way closer to the Sunday law than any Republican policy, and they showed their true colors during the 'plandemic', didn't they? , Have all of you forgotten already??? * Mandates*** * lockdowns ** The left is against freedoms, communist Russian, China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. The project 2025 is a wake up call for Republicans, during the first Trump's term, he was naive, he kept and trusted the Obama personnel "left over" at the gov machine. It was a huge mistake, these people didn't put the nation's interest first, they were not patriots, they hate this country. BTW, Ben Carson is an SDA, he is well involved with Republicans, I am sure he is aware of project 2025 insights, if there was anything slightly related to the Sunday law, he would oppose it for sure, or leave the party all together. We know at a certain point, Democrats and Republicans will unite, the prophecy will be fulfilled. However, there is no sign, anything that indicates "Trump will bring the Sunday law", well, maybe if they kill him after taking the presidency, his VP could bring the Sunday law... However, I don't see any other scenario, on the other hand, Harris as a president, will finish destroying the US society and will bring us to the 3 world war, a nuclear war, that is their plan, contrasting what Trump has been saying about ending the current wars. And do not take his word, just look at his past presidency, we had peace on the planet, the only US president in many decades that didn't put us in a war! Actions speak louder than words. Obviously, our goal as Christians is bringing the third angels message to people, also the testimony of Jesus, and at the same time, be aware of the current events, after all, God is still keeping us here on this Earth, we need to keep going with our lives.

Having said that, take a look at Patriarchs and Prophets, the first chapter, "why sin was permitted"? EGW, and you will see where the left ideology came from!!!! The left has been born from Satan, that's clear, rebellion, dissatisfaction, victimhood, discontent.
The right belongs to God, hierarchy, order, obedience, however, at a certain point, Satan will take control of the right too. But, until that happens, we should never ever support leftist ideologies, never.

@ilijaa7909 - 24.08.2024 13:05

Mixing Christianity and politics is a horrible thing to do

@sanctuary70 - 24.08.2024 12:41

Mackenzie, there's a documentary you and as people as possible need to view. They advised not to view right before going to bed; is how disturbing PROJECT 2025 is. PROJECT 2025 has been percolating since the early 1970's.
Jerry Falwell of the Moral Majority, Billy & Franklin Graham, the entire host of the "Prosperity Gospel!" which is was & is a political strategy.
PROJECT 2025 is no laughing matter. The Congresswoman of Texas Jasmine Crockett, who happens to be a genius in constitutional law warned,"it has already begun. The Heritage Foundation 's people in government are passing bills like crazy now."
Ben Carson,I honestly believe sold himself out long ago , he being paid to help get trump re- enthroned. This documentary is all the real-life players with their Calvinist roots. PROJECT 2025 was the brain -child of a racist. I'm checking out the name.
Happy Sabbath!

@thebestindewest - 24.08.2024 11:45

...they went under cover and met with the co author of the book...he is well this is prep for a civil war n slavery

@tomasischuster9838 - 24.08.2024 04:26

You question Trumps word for the project but you didn't search where it is coming from, who organizations created , what is about. Maybe he just found out and looked at 🤔

@tricia811 - 24.08.2024 04:17

Ben Carson wrote chapter 15😢

@MontelDublin-pp9qn - 24.08.2024 02:48


@Bucknasfri70 - 23.08.2024 11:50

Kamala will win. The momentum is with the democrats. Then we will see another eight years of extreme leftist policies which will eventually push the public to the extreme right. Project 2025 won’t eventuate this round.

@waltalaska7696 - 23.08.2024 03:36

You aren't that bright are you. He hasn't studied the 900 pages, but he hears stuff on the news, just like you and I. He is completely disconnected from this and you are not a deep thinker.

@jackiebunting4000 - 22.08.2024 23:22

The people in this comment section getting upset and offended over Trump being spoken about are a great example of how easily in the end people can be deceived and compromised. Amazing Discoveries in sharing this information are NOT saying they are for democrats either!! As true remnant Christians we are to not favor or side with ANY political party. The right and left are two sides of the same coin, two wings of the same bird. The right is mainstream compromised Christianity while the left is filled with tree hugging climate change fearing individuals. NEITHER should we side with. This is why following Christ is the NARROW way. Following Trump OR Kamala are equally BROAD ways. Wake up brethren.

@clevtb6775 - 22.08.2024 12:31

This seems political 😢

@juicyfruit5126 - 22.08.2024 11:12

This fool is a CLOWN

@DavidsVanHomeAdventure - 22.08.2024 10:11

Trump is restoring our freedom and our constitution
The democrats are on a power trip taking away our freedom.
Think before you make wrong decisions

@qesther1241 - 22.08.2024 10:02

The Heritage Foundation is run by a bunch of strict Catholics. They adhere strictly to the Catholic Church and the pope. They will force everyone to be a catholic Christian and abide by whatever the pope says. Don’t be fooled. This is not for Jesus Christ it is for the pope. And Trump has kissed the pope’s ring and he even said the Catholics are the most persecuted but the Protestants are not.

@paulterry398 - 22.08.2024 03:56

🇺🇸🐭🐻💕 U!!!

@Carloshll726 - 22.08.2024 01:45

This’s my 1st time hearing about Project 2025!!!

@elisabethmorrison6045 - 22.08.2024 00:50

It goes above Trump. Heritage foundation.

@Boston007IRL - 21.08.2024 17:27

Your opening is enough for me to stop watching

@elvispayne8427 - 21.08.2024 16:33

Mark of the beast is coming from the far right

@monikacollins3635 - 21.08.2024 15:04

🙏🙏we all believer need to stay faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ keep continuing in our Prayers 🙏

@Vickiehou - 21.08.2024 09:35

Whether Trump wins or not doesn't affect the fact that he has always been ambiguous about his connections with certain key persons of Project 2025. Which party wins doesn't really affect the connections of all USA elite leaders. Either party wins, the elites celebrate. The purpose of seemingly different choices on the ballet is to make people believe they have a choice. In reality, the elites are of the same group, their goals are to separate, concur, and control. The right pushes the laws of control openly and the left makes chaos that people cannot stand it anymore that they will beg for control. The only purpose of defunding the police is to have the police back and make them even bigger than it was.

@sharonrainford2317 - 21.08.2024 08:31

Truth is Truth. Whether we like it or not.

@rebajane3233 - 21.08.2024 05:36

I can't believe you used CNN as a source.

@rebajane3233 - 21.08.2024 05:03

I may be able to help. Trump disagrees with what they are saying because they are saying Project 2025 was his design.

@oldmryoungdude - 21.08.2024 04:49

Simple he could've have heard a few things about project 2025 is about but hasn't really looked into it.
