Lex, you need to tell fascists to fuck off. You’re responsible for normalizing Trump and Musk.
ОтветитьWell, and here we are. It is a Monday after last Friday, and something tells me, a truckload of shit is going to hit the fan in the not so distant future.
ОтветитьWell... See you, Lex. It's been real.
ОтветитьTired of you being a mouth piece and fleshlight for Trump and Rogan while feigning centrism. Unsubscribed and blocked.
ОтветитьSo? 👀
ОтветитьTrump & Musk are the TWO MOST CORRUPT INDIVIDUALS 🛑 Trump just has NO INTENTIONS in helping Ukraine and thus SPEW PUTIN PROPAGANDA‼Imagine US now allies itself with one of its GREATEST ENEMIES, Russia⁉️Imagine, you have to be one the STUPIDEST person to DITCH your ALLY & side with your ENEMY ‼
Ответитьsound is fuck .. for that reason i am out
ОтветитьУх и бурлит же у переможников, которым теперь лет 500 придется выплачивать, за подарки западные.
Никогда такого не было и вот опять, за банкет оказывается платить придётся, да еще с процентами.
Watching this again after the shit show zelensky had at the white house really puts a bow on the fact HE IS THE ONE WITH HIS ASS OUT! My heart goes out to the region bound to a president that is incompetent. America just barely came out 4 years in one piece with incompetent leader during peace time i couldmt imagine war time. Its greed! He doesnt want to stop taking our money! Thank god for Trump and Vance!
ОтветитьSo disappointed in Lex
ОтветитьZelensky was mocked, humiliated, spoken down to, lectured to about diplomacy, called a dictator... this is a war time president of an invaded country.. trump and vance were disgusting. This isn't transactional, it's existential for Ukraine. The US have acted like bullies, the rest of the world wont forget.
ОтветитьЗеленский 10,журналист 2
ОтветитьLex will study srussian just to get brainwashed 😂😂😂
ОтветитьLex your tweet was disgusting...sorry to say that bro but wtf was this?
ОтветитьJesus Lex youre clearly a smart man, why then are you talking bollocks about VZ showing disrespect to Trump and the American people ? that is clearly bullshit and i suspect you know that, is it more important to be aligned with " know fuck alls " like Rogan ?
ОтветитьDid he really ask Zelenskyy to forgive Putin ? Lex what in the fook
ОтветитьВ 2019 году Зеленский, Меркель и Макрон очередной раз обманули Путина. И не нужно рассказывать, что Украина бедная и несчастная жертва. Украина с 15 года подписала 2 Минских соглашения и не выполнила их. И не собиралась выполнять. Продолжая убивать своих же граждан на Донбассе, обстреливая гражданские районы, автовокзалы, рынки, школы. Спросите ОБСЕ)
ОтветитьСлава Україні!
ОтветитьThat’s awesome Lex!
The language choices you guys overlayed. Great podcast & discussion altogether! (From a long time listener of your podcasts).
I rarely leave a comments, but this deserves respect. I hope you see this. If so, please read:
— First: Much gratitude..
…from one Patriot, to another.
As you’ve earned a special, a privileged kind of respect with this. (At least to me, you have) The kind of respect, similar to a Soldiers Respect - for your service. 👍👍👍
— Secondly, it’s noteworthy to add the facts. It’s humbling to see this from a civilian. Your overall desire to — dampen, to quench the fires of war. Also, to go against “the powers that be”, to STOP what they’re doing, and still trying to do!!!
Without getting too deeply into it, most of us who are “somewhat informed,” know that a good percentage is because of evil billionaires, who are invested deeply. Who won’t ALLOW this war to burn itself out!
— Regardless of it all, you really do deserve much respect for this. For the time, efforts, cost involved, bravery… for all in doing this man.
Anything to help settle the awful situation over there & stop the killing, is a battle won !
Again, great job Lex.
It’s one VERY awesome podcast!👍👍👍
O govno zagovarila
ОтветитьI did not expect a different behavior from Lex considering his the proximity with Musk and Trump.
Ответитьlex called Zelenskyy “disrespectful” referring to the oval office meeting. come on man know better. lost a sub
ОтветитьI want to see lex interview his fellow jew - netanyahu and tell him hamas loves its people and have good intentions in their mind, you must sit down with their leaders and talk, stop the killing and have an immediate peace deal. After lex expressed his opioning about putin loving his country and he wanted to give zelensky a chance to open up to putin but instead zelensky was rough - it completely shattered my previous perception of lex.
ОтветитьLex is a shill and a liar. This dude is pathetic.
ОтветитьI do not appreciate Fridman for using Zelensky and being a troll and Russian asset. Fridman is not helping Democracy. Zelensky on the other hand is a world hero. Facts and truth matter and Russia is the one who invaded Ukraine.
ОтветитьLex, explain again, why exactly Zelensky was disrespectful? Just bc. you (!) wear a suit all the time, doesn’t make you an intellectual, you know.
ОтветитьThank you, this was enlightening in many ways - about the situation and the person. It seems likely there will be more casualties, many more.
ОтветитьThank you for showing the American people that Zelensky is a fraud murderer. We need more people to wake up from the woke marxist agenda to support Ukraine.
ОтветитьLex was so disrespectful and his bias is so obvious as well.
ОтветитьI wonder what lex thinks about the oval office knockdown , drag out???
ОтветитьEven after he gave you an interview, your nationalistic brain couldn’t be reigned in and you opened your mouth to support pure chaos and madness. Why are you all such blind mind rotted muppets. Ugh
ОтветитьAnother unsub after his take on the sandbag meeting. Lex's habit of quoting poetry used to be kind of I think he is just a damn fool.
ОтветитьWhat a shame, Lex
ОтветитьThat tweet and what you really understand and feel about Ukraine and Zelensky is pathetic - your daddy Trump and the ketamine monster Musk are beyond pathetic. Stop trying to play "intellectual", you're ignorant and frankly you're simply stupid.
ОтветитьWow so many bots here, what farm y'all from?
ОтветитьЛекс! Сделай одолжение!
Возьми интервью с Дугиным
Очень много узнаешь и нам будет очень ОЧЕНЬ полезно)
Боже, он же либо совсем больной, либо конченый подлец, как ему верят?
Что-то раньше он плясал на первом канале, все его устраивало и про Чечню не вспоминал и Грузия его не беспокоила...
I know Lex you were born in Ukraine but was surprised to find out you are a Putin sympathiser. How disappointing! Going to click the unsubscribe button know.
ОтветитьPlease stay neutral as u always were, we dont want another biased source of information. U should let your guests choose whatever language they re comfortable to speak with. Keep ur pro russian and pro elon / rogan biases out of the podcast for the best. We wanna hear both sides. Still waiting for putin podcast. Good luck 🍀
Ответить3 hours of gaslighting.
ОтветитьThis didn’t age well
Ответитькакая же все таки гнусавая мерзость...
ОтветитьRussia is not the aggressor, the US is to blame for escalations between Russia and Ukraine.
ОтветитьIt's disappointing to see Lex who once spoke so honestly and critically of Putin, now talk of him as if he's a worthy party to be treated with leniency.
It feels as if he's trying to be everybody's friend, as if he wants everyone to like him. At some point, when a person's actions over decades demonstrate nothing but evil, I thought he would be one to speak truth. Would love to hear his thoughts after the recent discussions been Zelensky, Trump, and Vance; does Lex truly think that Trump will stand for justice after that display?
Why didn't you include the very original audio thingie where you both speak tongues
ОтветитьWhy they use a transfer?