FENG SHUI ACTIVATION for more business, more clients, more profits, more helpful people, more learning, if any questions, si tiene alguna preegunta, envieme un mensaje DM
WHEN? Saturday April 20, 2024 , best hours, see below:
you can activate it for one day or maximum 2 weeks activation
best available timings (your local timing)
from 7am to 8:59am or 1pm to 2:59pm or 7pm to 7:59pm , if any questions, DM or leave a comment below.
HOW? you can either use the sector or area of your home condo or apartment or PLACE A BUCKET OF WATER at least 10 gallons of moving water, use a pump, see video )
Business and Investments SOUTH WEST
Cashflow, Sales, more Clients NORTH
Nobleman Helpful People & Wisdom EAST
Career Promotion & Recognition NORTH EAST
Learning Ability NORTH WEST
Facilitate AIRFLOW with open windows/doorways, turn on ceiling fans in the auspicious sector, keep the area clean without clutter.
Share this #fengshuitip with friends & family.
enjoy the good vibes
If any questions, please COMMENT below
Or DM @LupeSotoRealtor
Real Estate & Feng Shui - The Perfect Combination serving areas Los Angeles, Burbank, Arleta, San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, Palmdale, Lancaster.
Thinking of BUYING or SELLING?
FOLLOW ME @LupeSotoRealtor in all social media Facebook, Instagram or my YouTube Video Blog
#fengshuitips #FengShuiActivation #FengShui2024 #LupeSotoFengShui #WaterActivation
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