i scouted the map and HOW did i miss a whole ass gold expo??????? this is why i was hardstuck gold hahaha
Ответитьfuck blizztard for making you play this locked on the fastest gamespeed.
ОтветитьOld ass man just wanted to get the brutal achievement. Good strategies. Will try it. Thanks
Ответитьyou have a strange hotkey layout
ОтветитьI’ve been struggling with this for so long! It still takes some micro to stay on top of overlords but this makes it so much more manageable. Finally got it! Thanks a bunch
ОтветитьI tried this last night on Brutal having completed it a few times on hard.
Went Immortal- phoenix-collosus and got owned.
Got past it by rushing sheild and air weapons upgrades. spamming immortals and cannons on the high ground till i could get void rays then spamming carriers and clustering cannons under the air units on the high ground. Didn't have to build templar and got to 2.8K kills. Didn't have to expand either.
Ответить I can keep that expansion base mining during that second flank attack WITHOUT getting attention from the Zerg. Nice.
ОтветитьSo, I followed this video, watched 60 seconds put on pause, then did the exact same thing, all the way. My research thing died at 1700 Zerg slayed, and my base was overrun and I lost before 2000… I feel like this video is not on brutal… the hybrids do not fucking die as easy as on this video and I’m at max air weapons. They ignor my air and rush the base every time even with cannons
ОтветитьNice job, man. Insane how that final corruptor/muta ball just rips through the last of your air units.
ОтветитьDoes walling off with hold position DTs no longer work?
ОтветитьThis always was such an incredibly long and boring mission to be honest, even on lower difficulties it is an absolute pain
ОтветитьI reccomend walling off with dt
ОтветитьLol I just realized I just one based (two) and never got upgrades on my og run
ОтветитьOk I will use cheats for this 😆
ОтветитьSince "Kill xx Units" is in Main Objectives, do I lose if I didn't reach the amount?
ОтветитьMan I hated this mission even on normal. I hate holdout missions and timer missions. Very lazy game design.
ОтветитьI don't think Gateways used to work in this mission, they must have updated that
ОтветитьIs there an easy way to do this if I just want the achievement? Like letting the archives die and super fortifying the inner base?
Ответитьi sealed the 3 paths with dark templers on hold position and sniped the zerg overseers before they can reveal my templars. pretty easy strategy
ОтветитьGreat strategy! It worked for me. :)
ОтветитьMan full health bars are sooo useless and annoying!!! Why not put only DAMAGED units in display? Much more useful and doesn't rape the graphics nearly as much!!!
ОтветитьHe builds canons at a mined out base, lol
ОтветитьSo massing air is pretty much the way to go towards the end?