May Lindstrom The Youth Dew

May Lindstrom The Youth Dew

Miriam Imperial

8 лет назад

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@maclen5172 - 13.05.2017 00:00

I enjoy your videos! That's the way I felt about The Youth Dew, especially with the recent price increase. I tried the sample but I wasn't willing to pay for a full size. This may not help you decide, but I decided to splurge on The Vintner's Daughter even with the $185 price for one ounce. I only use a few drops at night, so it should last several months. In one month my normal dry and sensitive skin has been transformed into balanced, hydrated, radiant skin. The smell is unbelievable! I read that they are in the process of making samples available.

@torontogirl3814 - 18.06.2017 07:40

It has such great ingredients 😍 And definitely expensive. But I just got The Youth Dew free with my $200 purchase! Yay. 👍🏼

@almatoledo1608 - 06.10.2017 21:12

I also have a sample and I love it¡! It wont hurt to buy it since a drop or 2 at night is all we need.

@almatoledo1608 - 06.10.2017 21:13

Aromatherapy is amazing in this product.

@Desperoy - 03.04.2019 22:55

I love the sound effect you put when you described the smell of the youth dew, it couldn’t be more accurate !
