ОтветитьMilkie 😍
ОтветитьHeyyy Sabotage vibes round here
ОтветитьThe person playing guitar is gorgeous
ОтветитьSuch a sick performance!!!I want to break something now...fuck. Anyone know who that chick is? Her voice is sick...🤘🏼🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
ОтветитьRATM fury.
ОтветитьI kind of heard a modern days beastie boys in this. Fkn love it . I have never been able to say I love every song an artist puts out but I could easily say it with yungblud
ОтветитьI literally can’t stop watching! What a banger. Thank you Dom!🤘🏼🖤🖤🧷
ОтветитьThis man has my whole soul
ОтветитьOmfg you are so good artist
Yungblud Style - ‘ the correct way’ !
Is no one gonna talk about how Silkes voice fits so perfect
ОтветитьThe new era Keith Flint?
ОтветитьLong live the Beasty Boys🫡
ОтветитьREINFIELD lead me here..
ОтветитьThank you Renfield!
ОтветитьR.I.P MCA BBoyz 4 life
ОтветитьRenfield anyone?
ОтветитьListen all y'all, this is a sabotage!
ОтветитьIntroduced to this via Renfield - OMG loving you guys!
ОтветитьI'm sorry, but that blonde girl's voice rurined it...
ОтветитьI was watching Renfeild when I heard this song.
ОтветитьBeastie Boys knockoff band.
ОтветитьMuito louco animal yung!
ОтветитьEven better than the recorded version by far! ❤
ОтветитьWhat’s the name of the female bassist
ОтветитьWhat’s the name of the female bassist
ОтветитьIs this some kind of Sabotage?. 🤔
ОтветитьI'm looking back at this song and its super underrated.
ОтветитьGetting a Beastie boys vibe!
ОтветитьIt's like Ad-Rock and Keith Flint had a child lol
Ответитьthis is so much love
ОтветитьSounds like "Beastie Boys"
ОтветитьThat is from renfield
ОтветитьHe totally blew me away with this one
ОтветитьLove this song its mental. Much love yungblud
ОтветитьSeeing this live at bludfest was the best moment of my life .. goosebumps
Ответитьand from those who saw a Beastie Boys influence in this song, thumbs up here \o
ОтветитьFlipping great 👍 ❤❤❤😂😂😂
ОтветитьWatched renfield vampire movie that had this song.
ОтветитьAnyone calling him a sellout or fake punk conveniently forgets the sex pistols can sell t shirts in target or Walmart