It says acess denied when I tap on MOUNT..HELP PLEASE
Ответитьthanks man
ОтветитьHar fått "please insert dvd/cd" på 3 spel nu. Kör daemon Tools och har mountat efter konstens alla regler. Funderar fan på att börja samla frimärken innan man får magsår:/
ОтветитьOw damn' you're such a hipster!
ОтветитьWindows sucks
Ответитьthanks man
Ответитьoooh kinky
ОтветитьHey thanks man, now i know how to mount with daemon tools.
ОтветитьWhich is half of a wit, you... wit.
Ответить1. Mount a iso file (go through your files and select the iso file) 2. After that you can see the iso file at three places (Image Catalog, Recently Used Images and something like [DT - 0] (F:) filename) 3. In this case the (F:) driver will be used too install the iso file. This can be done by going too you Computer and clicking the driver that appeared there. The crack itself can be found in your main folder.
ОтветитьI'd join in but I don't have anything to say :3
ОтветитьIt's not working!!!!
Ответить*are atrocious (you hypocrite)
Ответитьohhh ffs im using windows 8 and there is no thing on the bottom right some one please help there is no one out there helping me!
Ответитьwish there was some audio but otherwise thanks
Ответитьbeing 4-5 years since i last mounted an iso file i completely forgot this simple process and want to thank you for refreshing my memory.
Ответитьit was. I said nothing else
Ответитьoh.. i'm sorry i thought it was ok to keep talking i'll stop, bye..
Ответитьmhhh, I think you just try to keep the conversation as long as you can <.<
ОтветитьXD lol a dork is someone being silly or goofy that's my take on it i'm sure there are other uses including a mean one to call nerds i think >.> i don't know i've never been the bully just the victim
ОтветитьI dont even know, wtf a dork is
Ответитьyour such a dork, you shouldn't go by just my comment
Ответитьokay ! I just wasnt warmed up ! next time I will be !! x) Ehm I started now with my little dancecarrier, hope you enjoyd it. Next Video comin :)
ОтветитьMuch appreciated. Thanks!
Ответитьwell i've seen lame movies though i like the selena gomaz cinderella movie but anyway i've seen dances like that there's nothing wrong with it i swear i just don't know what to say about it
Ответитьwhat do you mean? x)
Ответитьo.o no words for what i just saw
Ответитьbefore you huggle, see me ! on my channel
Ответитьok.. thanks for trying to help :( "huggles you"
Ответитьmhh... i dont think so , really sorry about that :S
ОтветитьI have a problem, I have dowloaded a game and mount it with daemon tools, but when i'm going to play it, its says " Insert the right CD, choose OK and restart the program" What do i do, i dont have the game CD, how do i make it work?
Ответитьwell my good sir you are useless to me now "pokes your sides"
Ответитьwell then Ma'am i have no idea what to do for wii! because its an installation on pc not sure about wii!
Ответитьdid i do that or did you? i wanna play all the fatal frame though without the 4th one for wii i don't think it be fun knowing there's one i can't get, i wish i knew what pewdie uses but him and cry maybe ken too ignored me about their programs or recordings
ОтветитьWhat game is it you want to play? i have to message you here because you are on contact lock!
Ответитьcan i kiss you? o.o your amazing thank you so much >//<
Ответитьlol i guess i didnt really look at your name but anyways, when you download what ever game you can use the program Winarchiver to mount your game or you can put it on a dvd. To put it on a dvd simply open the program with a burner program and continue from there. To mount with Winarchiver you have to (after downloading the program and opening it) right click the game and go winarchiver and mount, then go to the bottom right corner of your screen where the icons are find the winarchiver and mount
Ответитьo.o i'm a girl and i still don't understand it and i have dvd-r cds but i don't know how to put a game on it or if i did how to make it work
Ответитьson i have a heap of dvd-r :D
Ответитьi want to play fatal frame so badly but i already gave up :(
Ответитьi have the same problem ... dam it
Ответитьwhat if i don't have a dvd/cd? i downloaded like a 4.4 something daemon and it doesn't go into my task bar i also asked it to mount the image and it wont play or ask for dvd thing, if i can play the sims 2 shouldn't that count as my dvd/cd?
Ответитьoh the irony
ОтветитьThe Daemon Tools icon isn't in the bottom right corner..
ОтветитьNo, he's right, it's plural, so it's "are".
Ответить"are", not "is"