Metroid Dread is Over, RIP

Metroid Dread is Over, RIP

Jack therippa

1 месяц назад

110 Просмотров

#jacktherippa #shovelknight #vtuber

I played this when it originally came out back in 2006. This was my first Super Metroid Hack, and I loved it.

1. Be nice to other viewers. Do not spam, troll, or argue with one another.
2. Don’t talk to spammers. Block and report.
3. Do not reveal personal information about anyone, including yourself.
4. Please chat about the stream.
5. Please don’t mention other streamers in chat unless I bring them up. Also do not bring me up in other streamers’ chats unless permitted.


Twitter Tags:
#Jacktherippa = general use
#JArt = fan art and AI art.
#JCraft = anything minecraft you wish to show/include me in.


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Stream assets made by OGD 4506 (Discord Username)
Music by DOVA-Syndrome


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