How To Use Heritage Type Vintage Fonts In Procreate

How To Use Heritage Type Vintage Fonts In Procreate

Vincit Design Co.

4 года назад

11,198 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


@KalebGonyea - 06.11.2020 19:30

It’s amazing how powerful a $10 app on the iPad is! It’s so nice to see the barrier to entry for designers become more realistic! Great video.

@CharlieForeign - 26.12.2020 01:50

Thank you for this!

@relaxationmusiczone8369 - 26.12.2020 06:05

🔥🔥💎💎 How do you edit a template that comes with that package? There are some very easy ones but there are others "RoyalSignage_Quote_Template" that I don't understand. Thank you🔥🔥💎💎

@mightydaxxgutierrez888 - 08.01.2021 04:50

Where i can get the frame?

@James.Daniel.V - 15.04.2021 19:52

Dude I’m thanks for the vid

@CharlieForeign - 15.12.2021 09:18

So after downloading these, I’m still not able to open the fonts on my iMac/ Adobe illustrator. I’m able to open everything else in the bundle like ornaments, templates, extras etc. but not the OTF or TTF fonts. Any help on the issue will be greatly appreciated!

@kattattoos23 - 21.05.2022 19:09

Do you need to have a MacBook for this to work with airdrop?

@GirlArmy21 - 23.07.2022 14:49

Love this. Buying it now. I love using my Procreate....much easier for me. Thanks for the tutorial/view. New subbie. Saved it.

@bogaanb2466 - 16.06.2024 03:58

Interesting tutorial, just music competes with your voice. Your voice is more important than the music.

@JeanaBeana96 - 11.07.2024 19:59

I am a complete beginner and I’m so lost, so please forgive my ineptitude, but what File Explorer app are you using? Is there are free one that is trusted?
