GPT-4 Prompt Engineering: Be Better Than 99% ChatGPT Users

GPT-4 Prompt Engineering: Be Better Than 99% ChatGPT Users

The PyCoach

1 год назад

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@GraydonSchwartz - 22.03.2023 22:54

Getting 5 facts first and asking for an expert opinion was really helpful!

@dianadovgopol9087 - 24.03.2023 18:50

Wow, this GPT-4 prompt engineering stuff is insane! The fact that it can outdo 99% of ChatGPT users is wild. It's gonna be sick to see how it can be used in different fields.

As someone who uses language models all the time, I'm pumped to see what GPT-4 can do. If it means we can get even better prompts, that's gonna be huge. Can't wait to see where this tech goes!

@kitokid86400 - 31.03.2023 11:41

Super interesting video with useful information. Taking time to learn how to write effective prompts will save load of time. Thanks PyCoach 😃Hope to see more content ke this in the future.

@Ai_Tools_4U - 04.04.2023 14:47

Suppose we want to write an article on blogging and we want to add some keywords to it, then what prompt should we use?

@wHaTsThIsThInGdO - 05.04.2023 03:58

Try getting on a hot air ballon with ponzi scheme names

@FreshmanProViral - 06.04.2023 12:55

This is a great one, thanks.
Please try to improve your english accent, if possible.

@amartyagupta8255 - 09.04.2023 12:32

Make videos on Langchain

@arturoblas - 13.04.2023 23:33

This is useful, hopefully future language models won't require all this extra work to get around the current flaws.

@freemovieshub9607 - 15.04.2023 08:55

I'm using chatgtp for optimize listing of product for e-commerce business, so i get more traffic, and widely use for worldwide market research. It's really save my time and money. And I'm not sure it provides 100% result, but 85% somewhere it helpful.

@amithyel - 15.04.2023 20:23

I find a mistake in your article/video and I think you should consider to rewrite or ...whatever you want to do my remark.
You provided example of standard and chain of thought prompt. In your standard example the GPT model output answer is incorrect. But the problem is not the structure of the prompting.
The issue is the missing or insufficient basic mathematical dataset, this learning process is unsupervised, GPT is not explicitly taught mathematical concepts, but rather discovers them by observing patterns in the data it is trained on. End of this process, GPT's understanding of mathematical concepts is emergent, derived from the statistical patterns it observes in the text data.

@dgw3650 - 19.04.2023 03:41

just think, this tech has been in the hands of government and elites for a decade or more by now

@tindejuv - 20.04.2023 15:05

Awesome explanations PyCoach. Really inspiring ans useful info!

@EustaquioSantimano - 25.04.2023 04:21

Very good video!

@AlperBal - 26.04.2023 09:24

how much you got paid?

@Sylfa - 27.04.2023 14:44

Worth noting is that most of the improvements in ChatGPT (over GPT-3/InstructGPT) was aimed at overcoming the need to give examples and format it as a "complete this document" task so that it can instead answer questions.

@Sylfa - 27.04.2023 15:49

There's no need to repeat facts in your prompt back to GPT, as long as it doesn't run out of tokens it'll remember the conversation so you can simply write "Use the above facts to…"
The exception is if you've been going back and forth long enough for it to run out of tokens of course, at which point it'll forget earlier parts of the conversation. ChatGPT 3.5 is capable of 4096 tokens, on average a token is 0.75 words, this includes the response however, so it can literally start forgetting things while writing out a response. I'm not sure but I think you have half the tokens if you don't pay for access.

@OSWALD569 - 29.04.2023 10:15

Question! Why do you regard AI as a child?

@stevealexander8010 - 05.05.2023 06:25

So uhhm - you are saying that WE need to tailor our behavior in order to get what we want from ChatGPT - what kind of tool does that make you ?

@rightbrian - 06.05.2023 00:11

Will ChatGPT 4 pass the touring test?

@rajtheo - 11.05.2023 02:48

ask the question clearly on the prompt then there won't be any need for examples . ex: what are the airport codes for miami and boston.

@BrentLogan-jn1vl - 13.05.2023 11:02

When the standard prompting is exactly the same as the chain of thought prompting you have just proven one thing, you're an idiot.

@ArtiomNeganov - 19.05.2023 18:46

Thanks for the video. It does make a lot of sense.
It's funny how silly I was expecting too much from chatGPT w/o providing good prompts and descriptions. On the other hand, it means more typing :(

P.S. "Reasoning" is /ˈriːzənɪŋ/, you pronounce it as /ˈriːs'onɪŋ/

@SpaceCadet4Jesus - 05.08.2023 17:43

What version of which AI engine did you use on the example question "The cafeteria had 23 apples. If they used 20 to make lunch and bought 6 more, how many apples do they have?"
I asked the exact question to Google Bard, Microsoft Bing Chat, and ChatGPT a few minutes ago.
All three engines gave detailed calculations with the correct answer.

@jaywha - 07.09.2023 11:42

Absolutely great advice and immediately useful for me even after watching other prompt engineering tutorials. Thank you!

@ahmadyasinalharits2464 - 20.02.2024 10:00

i use co-pilot right away, and it's usefule for more crative blog post. thanks for sharing
