Farage - Ben Habib leaving was the 'champagne moment'

Farage - Ben Habib leaving was the 'champagne moment'

Left of Centre Brexit

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@communismwillbeeradicated.6128 - 12.03.2025 06:29

farage betraying his voters, ben is amazing and everything he said about the party hasnt been "bitter" but an observational opinion more so as a fact, really liked farage but what hes doing is betraying the cause at this point and it seems this country is doomed. get your passports ready, its over.

@antonwilliams176 - 12.03.2025 07:45

Snake oil seller - weve seen your true colours now go away and ruin something else

@michaelpowell1077 - 12.03.2025 09:37

Bye bye farage

@devonbiker - 12.03.2025 10:14

Division is everywhere these days. We must work hard to overcome it and recognise it for what it is. Division destroys.

@minecraftofduty2620 - 12.03.2025 11:14

Ben is a trouble maker, i wish rupert didn't listen to him he has caused all the bitterness ever chance he gets he slags nigel off he is pathetic and needs to stop acting like a child.

@angelasheffield3574 - 12.03.2025 12:10

Bitter Ben I sure it started when he lost at the election it tells you something there.

@ClaireMitchell-n6y - 12.03.2025 12:13

Habib was banned from the events - hardly walked away. Farage ousted Habib when Habib asked Farage to make Reform a democracy and not a company owned by Farage.££

@brianoliver880 - 12.03.2025 12:24

Huge relief, Ben Habib Douglas Murray and Matt Goodwin are the finest with Rupert lowe Nigel farage and Richard tice runners up, but the reform party is the only party that can pull us out of the shit,
Unless trump invaded Britain and make Britain the 51st state of America and clean out parlement and all the MPs and all the other shit please hurry Big Don you will have St Andrews golf course free

@john3oy1984 - 12.03.2025 12:29

No nigel the only reason you don't like Ben or rupert is because there more popular than you! An your ego can't take that!
You can't be trusted an for that reason it won't vote for reform until your gone!

@bieituns - 12.03.2025 12:34

What a rat farage has turned out to be.

@biddlelove2135 - 12.03.2025 13:17

I will be voting reform, they have seats!!!

@vanyaforbes3334 - 12.03.2025 13:31

Never been a fan if Farage. I can honestly say i detest him as much as i do Starmer. You dangled hope in our faces then snatched it away. Farage, sit down and shut up,your done! I stand with Rupert Lowe.

@ShirleyNunn-h2e - 12.03.2025 13:38

Good riddance to habib his absolutely despicable and has showed himself to be vindictive

@MJ-tg7wv - 12.03.2025 14:08

Sorry Nigel. Actions are speaking louder than words and your history of shedding people is starting to stack up - always someone else's fault. 29th february? even your facts don't add up.

@davidbettney785 - 12.03.2025 14:24

And now Rupert...Can Farage blame everyone around him all the time

@RillUK - 12.03.2025 14:41

Farage and Zia own Reform, it's over. They've become part of the Uniparty. Time to support Rupert.

@kevinbrown3482 - 12.03.2025 15:25

Ben and Rupert are for the people. Farage is finished

@aleccap5946 - 12.03.2025 15:50

Farage is as i said a 1000 times before, nothing but a professional speaker that dabbles in politics

@ShaunFaulkner-j7o - 12.03.2025 15:59

What a weasel 😂

@iestyn77 - 12.03.2025 16:11

Can't stand tice

@singingtradsongs - 12.03.2025 16:20

Farage is just so unelectable. Get rid of this reactionary.

@joycestewart8685 - 12.03.2025 16:38

BEN HABIB 🇬🇧 💪 ✝️

@truefoa - 12.03.2025 16:42

Your sad Nigel, nobody believes you any more. Ben Habib has never come across as bitter or resentful.

@MrBobDobaline - 12.03.2025 17:25

Nigel, you have had your 15 minutes of fame, and now you have become one of them. A Backstabber!

@hoa3512 - 12.03.2025 17:26

Ohh look rats dress up now

@Jaymark-gk4li - 12.03.2025 17:29


@mikespurgeon3345 - 12.03.2025 17:30

Farage is finished, he is a narcissistic lightweight.

@AndyP-b9z - 12.03.2025 17:34

Farage what a disloyal scumbucket.

@somewhereuk1957 - 12.03.2025 18:17

Ben Habib is a 1000% better spokesperson for Reform than the narcissist Farage is... 'why I'm flying around the world funded by Party donations' is what he meant to say... not travelling around the country. People are deserting your ship Farage.

@345seadog - 12.03.2025 18:38

Farage is a traitor.

@ardee1312 - 12.03.2025 19:53

Well, that’s me done with Farage. He’s proving to be just another grifter.
P. S. Hey, Nigel, you’ve gone very quiet about the Pakistani rape gangs, thought you were funding a full inquiry???

@robertwilson8965 - 12.03.2025 19:54

These people Lowe, habib, right wingers like Johnson, sunak the list is endless are good people who talk well but will never win anything

@caddyvw-e2h - 12.03.2025 20:35

Nope thats it no more nigel for me!what a backstabber you are!!all for fame
he wants to cash in,
He said be nice to Muslim's before they take over,
he said there is too many to deport now so hes already taken sides,
Backstabbed rupert lowe,
Wont back tommy robinson,
Brexit bull crap
Massive ego w⚓️
Hes been bought and payed for..
The country is on its knees 🤬🤬🤬

@Goldi3loxrox - 12.03.2025 20:52

Both Reform and GB News are somewhat behind the curve anyway. I think i see whats happening here. Reform and GB NEWS set themselves up as an antidote to the Tories and mainstream media, then morph into them little by little. They both got rid of many of their best people. The ones that remain seem to settle in to the tory, lib/lab uni party. Reform are now just the tories part 2

@CateCatesby - 12.03.2025 22:09

He does himself no favours, do he?

@barriemeredith907 - 12.03.2025 22:51

