Nazis and Democrats both considered themselves the “Progressive Party”.
Before the Nazi's succeeded in turning Germany into a one-party dictatorship, they orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to win over the majority of Germans by taking control of all forms of communication, including radio, newspapers, magazines, books, even public rallies. Viewpoints that were threatening in anyway to Nazi ideas or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media. The parallels with today’s liberal biased media are astounding.
Canadian Media Networks possess a tremendous amount of weight and influence that has recently been commandeered by the federal government in order to sway public opinion and perpetuate the liberal cause. The expropriation of our mainstream News Networks is extremely dangerous to democracy.
No free society can survive a nation whose media centres are gorging themselves on fascist government handouts, while smearing and waging relentless war on all others who oppose their radical agenda.
Hitler was a leftwing socialist.
Hitler basically came in at a time of an economic crisis. He then proceeded to take control of the government, the news media, the education system, the medical industry, the science community and transportation industry. He then began to promise a grand utopia called the “Third Reich”. Citizens just needed to bow-down to his regime and follow his example.
He then promised to get rid of pollution, to clean up the environment, to save the animals and trees. He believed the entire world would follow his agenda.
Klaus Schwab is another German “super-villain” who is doing and promising exactly all the same things today. All Klaus Schwab did was take the Third Reich and turned it into the Fourth Reich or “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. Which is exactly what it is….The WEF Great Global Reset is the Fourth Reich.