GOP reactions LUL
ОтветитьOf course Cenk didn't see this coming. He is blinded by massive preconceived bias.
For independent voters, who are responsible for Trumps win, this comes as no surprise, he said during the whole campaign he would work with dems.
Wow what a concept. The president actually doing what is the best for the country.
ОтветитьGah! What movie is that clip from??? It's bugging me that I can't place it
Ответитьhaaaaaaaah! republican re...pretty funny
ОтветитьWell...even a broken clock is right twice a day.
ОтветитьMakes a deal with establishment democrats because they're both in bed with Wall Street and gigantic corporations. Trump and the establishment democrats are one in the same: tax breaks for corporations and people who need them the least while the people who need those tax breaks the most will pay out the ass in taxes to pay for corporate welfare and multi billionaire tax breaks.
ОтветитьWhat movie was this
Ответитьshut up you muslim buffalo
ОтветитьDidn't Trump run as a Republican? Didn't they nominate him? Why are Republicans trying to distance themselves from their party's leader?
ОтветитьHurricane Jose is coming, I want see trump turn this one away.
ОтветитьLet's not get ahead of selves, kids. Trump supports only ONE party - the Trump party. He's just lashing out at the GOP congress for not handing him more "victories" so he goes to the 'other' side to make something happen and make HIM look like he's doing something. The plain fact that anyone is ever surprised by this baby-man's behavior is clearly in denial. I'm hoping that Shumer and Pelosi don't think this changes anything, but they probably do.
And the circus goes on.
No matter the issue I applaud Republicans (well one at least) and democrats working together! So tired of this my seperatist bullshit of not dealing with the minority party no matter if its Rep. or Dem. Work together for a better solution, not against each other!
ОтветитьYou should have used the clip from "Scanners" of the guy's head exploding early in the film instead of the T2 clip
ОтветитьWas the burning humans video necessary? I feel like that was totally disturbing to watch...
ОтветитьOkay that made me lol
ОтветитьTrump probably has his fingers crossed to get some financial compensation for his golf course. Keep your eyes peeled, he'll funnel money that way
ОтветитьIn spite of TYT's assault of our President, I think they might actually wake up and see President Trump is doing a phenomenal job. Our country is already getting better for our citizens.
ОтветитьWhat has this world come to?
Ответитьthat head exploding thing was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly anoying stop that shit
Ответитьhallooooo republican assholes...what Y'all got to say about this?
Ответитьwait doesnt cenk need some bacon grease?
ОтветитьNow I'm going to see how Tomi Lahren scrambles for excuses on Twitter while insulting left wingers as she attempts to divert attention from the issue.
Ответитьwhat movie is that from??? lol
ОтветитьLmao.. Don't really care the idiot still needs to be impeached
Ответитьpeople didn't vote for Republicans they voted for trump. it was never republicans vs democrats it was always trump vs democrats/republicans(establishment)
ОтветитьTrump has thin skin. This was probably his revenge on the republicans for failing to repeal obamacare.
ОтветитьHe is willing do what it takes. 8 years of Trump awaits.
ОтветитьI think people are making this into a much bigger victory than it is. Sure, Ryan looks like an ass and that is always enjoyable, but in exchange for what? What are the democrats "gaining" here? Punting the debt ceiling a few months? Who gives a damn? Like that wasn't going to happen anyway.
More importantly what are the democrats willing to give up? Thats the real question that many on the left don't want to ask themselves, much less answer. I will not be surprised one bit when they push through a nightmare of a budget with only a modest amount of superficial opposition. Or perhaps steps toward privatizing SS? The FNMA?
As bad of a negotiator Trump is you can always count on the democratic party being worse. The kind of deals the democrats make work like this:
1. Agree to go along with the Republicans on some horrible shit that will have lasting effects on millions of people in exchange for some superficial victory.
2. Declare a major victory and brag endlessly about how bi-partisan and reasonable they are. CNN will drive this home on an endless 24/7 cycle for a week. High-brow center-left online outlets will write hundreds of articles in support. There will be much rejoicing.
3. Address any criticism from the left with ridicule and not so subtle insinuations of racism or sexism. Utilize right wing talking points against the communist hordes. Perhaps consider insulting and alienating an entire generation of voters by repeating the same tired and bogus put-downs that have been used ad nauseum.
4. Lose
5. Lose even more.
6. Repeat step three.
I think Trump could develop a taste for actual winning.
ОтветитьI really like how the replican reaction is a scene from terminator
ОтветитьPersonally, I think the Dems got hoodwinked. Other than optics they gave Trump a gift and got back a tweet! They should've gotten the 18 month. Not sure what's going on.
ОтветитьWhat happened to "The Resistance"???
ОтветитьIts better to have Trump there than Pence, or another hardcore right-winger.
Trump is not ideological, he might do the thing once in a while, even if its for all the wrong reasons.
What the heck.. cenk is laughing at a girl getting fried.. that clip is dugusting
ОтветитьRepublican Reaction....................AWESOME!!!
Ответитьdrain the GOP- Trump 2020 !
Ответить3x cutting to that video. First time was okay...
ОтветитьDoes anyone else feel like coming on Tyt is like talking to a bunch of hysterical morally panicked old white women?
ОтветитьMaybe the TRUMP is a Democratic plant here to destroy the GOP conspiracy is true??? BILL CLINTON ENCOURAGED him to run !! Lol!!
ОтветитьLmao he looked so evil laughing after showing the clip of people bursting into flame
Ответитьcyclic economy. zero tax. The governments just prints money to pay for what it has to pay for. To stop what happened in germany just print higher domination currencies 1 dollar = 100 cent. 1 alpha dollar is 100 dollars.
ОтветитьMeanwhile Ted Cruz was too busy looking at porn to notice.
Ответитьso now we have a credit card with no max limit? and we're going to become more financially responsible? sure we are....NOT! I get it we need to help out people in need, but having the government and taxpayers fund it isn't always the answer.
Ответитьso now we have a credit card with no max limit? and we're going to become more financially responsible? sure we are....NOT! I get it we need to help out people in need, but having the government and taxpayers fund it isn't always the answer.
ОтветитьThat's a lot of nukes