ОтветитьMy bs meter is buzzing.
ОтветитьTo being able to impart so much info I am cautiously optimistic that this dude is stating fact…. But understand I say cautious as I’m a retired big city Firefighter and know for a fact that WE NEVER HAD
Any policy with federal, state or county agency with proticals in an event of extra-terrestrials or their
crafts…. That being said however, I absolutely believe these exist as there are too many people coming
forward to say they have seen, encountered or know others who have made contact in one way or another..
This guy is the laughing stock of the world. What an idiot
ОтветитьVerbal diareah
ОтветитьSo what happened to the non disclosure agreements / requirements for those doing the talking now?
ОтветитьVery interessting! Follow this topic since i learned to read. Some things i heard for the first time. Hope we can (or did already, as i belive) establish constructive, friendly relations with positive ET races to learn from them about the way they live, gain more knowlege of the universe, advanced forms of tech and clean energy sources ... instead of keeping them hostage. It would be great if the public gets information of contact, open and honest.
ОтветитьI am surprised that he speaks so open and goes into details.
ОтветитьStupid humans 🙄
ОтветитьNot one has ever exploded. Freaking idiots 🙄
ОтветитьAnatomy from dissecting pathetic and deplorable idiots
ОтветитьThis is why not much of this topic is discussed out in the open. Sadly most people are ignorant to things they can't quite understand, sound strange and impossible to a regular intellect.
ОтветитьI believe him about as much as i believe Corey Goode and his blue alien chicken story.
ОтветитьEmery is a fraud 😂
ОтветитьThat dude is a wife beating drunk! Completely disgusting
ОтветитьVery interesting 🤔🧐👍👍👍👍💯
ОтветитьAs a magician I know that you can fool the audience for a while,(lie),but too much lying (magic) can spoil it. Exposes.
ОтветитьWe were camping in ca .we found a ufo ,was able to load it on a boom truck and took to a barn,. People were getting known we had it and had to move it so we can really check it out. We messed around and try flying it,no go..
ОтветитьNobody cares baby girl.
ОтветитьThe yaluza has one? Really?
Ответить😂@his use of the word infatometry...🤣🤣🤣
Infatometry=measuring of the height and length of an infant or small child.
I'm not going to try to be an apologist for this guy misusing technical terminology. My first impression is that he's just trying to sound smarter than he is. He might have meant interferometry , spectrometry , or spectroscopy ??
I'm not sure, but this needs clarification as it sounds like nonsense being spouted with a sprinkling of big technical words to make what he's saying sound authoritative or more legitimate. You guys have to remember that there are some smart people out there who'll peruse these types of shows to see who's spouting BS and who's actually trying to explain the mechanisms behind the odd phenomena that are being documented and witnessed. The former annoy me to the extreme, getting in the way of any real scientific studies being done IRL. These are typically perpetrated by counter-intelligence guys. The latter are the guys that really want to set everybody free in the truest sense of the word, that want to establish SOPs for communication, maintain their privacy and safety, all while preventing any sort of panicking by the general public.
We also would want to prevent any sort of accidental misunderstanding that could lead to open hostilities between our civilizations!
Biggest liar
ОтветитьThank you for sharing.
ОтветитьWell then let's start using zero point energy
ОтветитьEmory is a government plant. Sent to us to make up elaborated stories mixed in with some truths just like Richard Doty. Mark my word! As is steven Greer, and lue elizando!
ОтветитьSounds like Bali eh to me George.
ОтветитьYou can tell from the body language s d the vagueness of his terminology that he is clearly lying
ОтветитьUh no. You know... you know... you know... this guy is utterly unbelievable. Hyperbaric. He has no idea what that word even means.
Do not believe this man. Much like Luis Elizondo, he is a paid stooge parroting a story full of nonsense.
ОтветитьHe said my country (Brazil) has a scalar weapon
I wonder when, where and from who we stole it.
Drones is a decoy where did that Tic Tac Go
ОтветитьCouldn't even put a feeler gauge between this story and a conspiracy theory
ОтветитьExcelentes informaciones. Está claro en la importancia de aprender todo lo posible acerca de los extraterrestres accidentes
que ocurren en el mundo. Mi nombre es Darío Mendoza (USA),
It is not. very truth
ОтветитьSo why did he leave the programme? Also, why are they allowing him to talk?
ОтветитьThis is not News.
ОтветитьNoory, the master at asking cringe questions.
ОтветитьGreed and everything is arranged by the reptiles
ОтветитьDont you see they are playing us like fools ?
ОтветитьConfirmed liar unfortunately.
ОтветитьWait... Brazil has it? I don't believe it.
ОтветитьSome one is full of 💩
ОтветитьThis was a great video until John Lear came on. Anytime I see him in a video I just shut it off, because it is ridiculous and embarrassing at the same time.