Game still trash. No player experience wort BBC it if you want to play and not read much. They like their books and gay-ish story additions.
ОтветитьI played for like 5 or 6 years and its a great game but had to quit bc spent too much time only playing it
ОтветитьSo I never really played this game much, but I did come back for the Elsewhere expansion, and it was absolutely amazing. the world was beautiful, the characters more interesting then i've seen in almost any other MMO (that wasn't GW2 or FFXIV) and like... I just found myself getting lost in the world. I had a great time. But the monetization absolutely turned me off of it again. Having to pay per zone is absolutely insane. And the fact that areas are un-leveled kind of just pissed me off, because it felt like there was no meaningful progression.
ОтветитьTo anyone watching who hates animation cancelling then take this vet's advice: just make a strong attack build. ESO has a lot of build variety. Werewolves, twohandes weapons and lightning staffs are the most popular to make a heavy attack build around. I went for the werewolf because literally clapping my enemies to death will never not be funny, but you do you
ОтветитьESO VS GW2, which would be better?
ОтветитьYa, if a game puts a paywall in my face before I even leave the character creation screen, I'm getting my refund.
Ответитьyou can buy crowns with golds meaning you can buy DLC as without spending real money.. they give ample login rewards and sometimes free crates, i never bought any mounts but i still have cool freaking mounts just by casually playing everyday, i even got the summerset villa for free from log in rewards, you get a lot of free stuff, just play the game or just log in if you dont have time.. armor style you can also just buy with golds.. almost everything can be bought in gold. and gold is easy enough to come by just by doing dailies and selling loots and just stealing.
AGAIN, you can buy crowns with golds, from sellers who are rich enough to not care about spending money so they avoid grinding for golds, and you who have been trading goods for golds can buy crowns to spend on the crown store like byuing crates, DLC, houses..
So now they have an universal tutorial zone before the DLC prologue zones, eh? ZOS always finding new ways to piss all over the base game storyline...
(it was sloppy in execution, I know, but the premise had so much potential I find it sad to see all the implicit disdain for it)
I love ESO to death but I will never be able to get deeply into it or tell others to do so with how predatory its monetization is.
ОтветитьThey changed the introduction?
ОтветитьTried to play this after having finished Warframe, holy crap that was a wake up call. From brilliant to horrific monetisation, from brilliant to stale combat, from brilliant to horrific QoL systems.
Irredeemable garbage.
ESO is the best MMORPG in the history of MMORPGs. As a game - okay.
Why? Because it's an MMORPG. The genre itself is boring, uninteresting and disgusting. And since this is an MMORPG, the genre itself was created with the aim of begging players for money. Absolutely everything is for sale, if there is no money - engage in weeks-months of grinding for money or some specific thing.
I played all kinds of MMOs out there, like Blade and Soul and all that. And ESO compared to them is the best and more importantly feels like a game.
And if you don't play ESO like an MMO, like skiping everything, grinding, quickly clearing dungeons, and so on, the game works perfectly. But if you play like an MMO, as you should, the game quickly becomes disgusting and boring. Battles, guilds and crafting are incredibly boring. I don't want that.
If this game was a single player and not an MMO, it would be great. The world is more interesting than Skyrim. A lot. And as a game - it is also better.
[Despite the "please buy, you really need it, right now it's a good offer, buy it."]
And if they just removed from the game all the tasks like "only you can do it, you are the chosen one, the world is in danger" and replaced them with simple, ordinary tasks, like an ordinary mercenary - that would be beneficial.
In short, the main problem with this game is the MMO.
(And you can't just disable other players in the game. It's a shame, because I don't want to see other players dressed up in costumes, like prostitutes, courtesans, night butterflies and call girls. Also with wings of some kind, with glowing dust and some other crap on glowing skeleton bears. It's really disgusting.)
Man, people JUST wanted Skyrim Together. They didn't need to suck, they chose this.
ОтветитьOne of the best single player series that NEVER should have been a mmo, it's TES.
ОтветитьFor me the combat is a huge drawback in pve but is so good in pvp.
The weaving is clearly a part i would get rid of but i also find the weapon system ending makingg any class played the same for the same role. And I hate not having an aoe taunt as most tanks, it makes the tanking job uselessly more complicated (not much but it's so annoying)
The monetization killed the game for me, it's so ridiculously far beyond the line of too much it's insane. The game is effectively paid sub because I don't know anyone that would willingly go through the pain of playing any game with the inventory issues alone, let alone everything else.
The game has pros but the cons are so bad it overshadows the good completely for me. I try to come back but quit every time after like a week.
furious comment on how you right you are about monetization along with the complete lack of any challenge in overland content is the reason i quit this game
so much to do with so little depth quantity over quality
oh and timegated content nothing more i hate in mmos than timegating things just to force you to login everyday with the shop being blasted in your face
I thought the cat was talking about rupees for half the video.
ОтветитьBeen Playing Eso for 9 years now. I love it still today.
ОтветитьSo glad u roasted the monetization system in ESO. They dont even give u decent cosmetic rewards by actually playing the game anymore. All the good sht is in the gambling crown crates
ОтветитьThe ESO shills and cash cows who defend ESO’s monetization system have the tism and need to get therapy for the gambling addiction.
ОтветитьLoosers buying Eso was the death of elder scrolls. Now we will never get a good game.
ОтветитьI played from day one for at least 5 years. Now I'm years out of touch AND on a whole new platform. I want to get back into ESO, but just cant fathom fully restarting and dishing out for ALL the content again
ОтветитьPVPVE was changed to PVX.
ОтветитьWait until battlepasses get here this year. (2025)
ОтветитьIts baffeling how much they STILL keep out on you after you fork a lot of cash for the base game, latest xpac and sub, like fucks sake if i invest so much in a game i expect to be able to obtain everything in it trough my work
ОтветитьI just started playing a couple weeks ago. I have to say I am enjoying the game thoroughly. I like the easier difficulty as it allows me to enjoy and experience most of the game solo. Plus I am old and suck at the hard combat stuff now days, but still want to enjoy games like this without being a professional rotation expert to get every last damage point out of my class.
Ответитьwant to throw out that eso plus limits the over all demand for everything you listed. they hyper monetized the game but minimized purchase needs with the subscription service. which i think the trade off is big enough to give it to them. i do agree over all it cost way too much but at least its not a money sink like destiny 2 where half your shit you like get nerfed to junk and brought by the dev like "our bad"
anyways subscription of eso = good, game is on gamepass and ultimate gamepass as well = you don't pay for the full game if your a console player = best experience on console for a good chunk of us.
another thing is i used to play in guilds that were very friendly with handing out prizes and ingame stuff so i really think that's where you missed out by not joining more social based guilds
I hate that no matter how many times I hear it, the skyrim music kicks me in the nostalgic guts
ОтветитьDid you ever get that mount?
Ответитьgame is trash on next level
ОтветитьCrafting inventory locked behind subscription is what killed this MMO for me.
If they offered to buy the bag once per character, I'd play this game more.
Phenomenal video. ON point on almost every subject.
Just two things ... or three: add-ons/add-ons making the game economy awful and mind numbing questing, after few maps. and the absurd price of Chapters.
Zenimax has recently buckled down so hard on QoL updates to the base game, they're actually taking a break from making new expansions to work full-time on polishing the content they already have. The actual roadmap reveal is still a few months off, but stuff they've teased include:
- Overhauling the "feel" of combat to make it more satisfying
- Adding new story content to older zones
- Addressing player concerns about overland being "too easy"
- Experimenting with new PvP formats
- Improving the new player experience with updated tutorials, graphics updates to old/starter zones, updating where/when important quests are offered... and most importantly, making untrained mounts significantly faster than walking
I played the game whitout paying real money (except for purchasing the game itself of course) and yes the limited inventory space is somewhat challenging but not to bad
ОтветитьIt's not $2B to line their pockets. It's $2B to line their investors' pockets.
Ответитьafter 8 years an around 5k spent, i regret every minute and dollar i wasted on this garbage game
ОтветитьI played with my fiance around 300h without the optional subscription. IT IS POSSIBLE! We are still long from finish and we will come back to the Titel at some point. It definitely has it's flaws but we're always playing any game without putting extra money into it - We still loved it and had lot's of fun :)
Just try to buy everything in a pack on sale - there is sooooo much content by now that you will be busy for quite a while, even without buying more expenions :D
I don't know how people found this game easy. I found it really difficult and frustrating as a solo player and only manageable with a party (which was hard to find). Maybe its a skill issue but I got frustrated, gave up and cancelled my subscription
ОтветитьPlaying ESO free is like playing demo version , so if u like the game and want to really play it then u need to sub 100%
ОтветитьI actually made the mistake of buying Morrowind when I had just come out and I had fun for the first few hours. That was until the money grabbing system is what I call. It really started getting on my nerves. I basically got sick of it and I quit and I have not picked up the game at all since. I have been a loving fan of the elder scrolls series. But this money grabbing system pushed me too far and ruined it. Which really sucks I’m sad to say. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate this series and what they did on it. It’s just did not jive with me. To make it worth continuing to play, which makes me sad, but that’s just me. Thank you for doing a video on this. Really appreciate it.
ОтветитьI will come back if they make craft bags free for everyone
Guild wars 2, world of warcraft and other mmos all of these do this already
People still accepting and playing it so sad to see
Monetization: Excellent segment. I've played ESO since the beta, and since the crown store was introduced, I've been very vocal about it. It is terrible, always has been. If they took everything in the loot boxes and put it in the game as collectables, maybe even rare drops like Wow does, the game would have way more players because the retention would be insane. But hey, loot boxes make a lot of money and they'd still probably make less. They should get ahead of the curve and remove it before it all gets banned in the western world.
ОтветитьI've seen chinese mmos with less aggressive monetisation
ОтветитьThis game has the same flaw as all others MMORPG's if you have not played this game for a long time you are just a free kill in PVP and for PVE it has become so easy that loosing is impossible and bags full of garbage items. If you can not see through the scam you need more glasses.
ОтветитьI can guarantee you the reason the monetization is so egregious is because we are paying for ZeniMax’s next MMO. They already told us that they’re working on it a couple of years ago, and with the new chapters, it’s clear to see that not All of the team is working on eso anymore.
But I do agree the monetization in this game is horrible. And I’m pretty sure. The only reason that they added the endeavor system was because of legal reasons with the loot boxes, not because they wanted to add an alternative way for players to get items in the crown store
I love eso but I play on xbox and they capped menus at 30fps, it makes me get migraines and nausea but the devs have ignored us.