How 'Quiet Quitting' Became The Next Phase Of The Great Resignation

How 'Quiet Quitting' Became The Next Phase Of The Great Resignation


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@23cla69 - 17.10.2024 16:36

This didn't age well!

@KageumiUmikage - 17.10.2024 12:39

That man is going to be humbled real soon now that the internet is here. People's nastiest behavior is being exposed and put on full display warning younger generations and even older people. You're all going to adjust to a new world very fast and you're going to maybe regret taking your workers for granted

@No-One-None-One - 15.10.2024 13:24

"culture", "purpose"... The purpose of a job is to make money.

@Offbeige - 09.10.2024 11:31

“Quiet quitting” as a trend in my time was only a symptom of Caucasian people who had the privilege to do it. Companies found they could get more out of this of us that were young diversity hires. I think now it’s just saying I have boundaries that after 5pm I’m not engaged anymore.

@Yasmine91646 - 07.10.2024 22:18

“Does anybody want to work anymore?” Of course not. People are tired of being slaves and going above and beyond for nothing when we can barely pay bills and afford rent and food

@miguelgarz - 07.10.2024 11:21

Sorry, that's regular work I. Countries which have a regular job market. You work what you're paid. It seems that in US there is some *!? Expectation that you don't follow your contract and should give more than agreed on paper. Never seen a company deliver more than a customer paid. Why should an employee do the same ? Sounds like an unethical assimetry of power.

@mythictyrant3 - 05.10.2024 02:03

And you wonder why companies don’t care about employees since employees feel entitled for a paycheck

@sloppyjonuts9162 - 04.10.2024 17:03

2012 to 2024 I had about 300 factory jobs and a few construction jobs
Opportunity to become a police officer 3 times

Janitor & security guard

@bryansammis998 - 04.10.2024 03:59

If you just do you job, you’re a slacker. If you go above and beyond, you’re a threat!

@leslieann2698 - 29.09.2024 23:50

They think we stupid but we are not

@leslieann2698 - 29.09.2024 23:49

We tired! Overworked and underpaid

@silvieb2024 - 28.09.2024 10:25

You pretend to work and they pretend to pay you.

@bigdapramirez6157 - 25.09.2024 06:01

CEOs need to understand this. The minute the world ends and money is worthless, the only people showing up to the office will be there to fight each other over who gets the Rolex on your wrist and who gets the keys to your Mercedes

@bigdapramirez6157 - 25.09.2024 05:19

"If you're a quiet quitter, you're not working for me." That's right Mr oleary. We've woken up and realized that we should start prioritizing (working for) our own needs over our bosses needs. Someone like you ought to know a lot about that already though seeing as how you don't care about anyone but yourself and you'd rather see every other person living in abject poverty than give up a thimble of your wealth

@bigdapramirez6157 - 25.09.2024 05:14

You get what you pay for. Pay employees sh*t get sh*t performance

@daleallen5575 - 16.09.2024 17:24

These comments are passing the vibe check. It is necessary to have boundaries in the workplace. Choosing to refresh myself and rest after a day of work actually fuels productivity during work hours.

@TheTruthhasbeenspoken - 16.09.2024 16:23

Thank you Kevin O Leary for telling me I should never work again

@charlestran7309 - 16.09.2024 06:26

Simple, people do not want to work a 9-5 job until they retire. It is a waste of life and i my case I do not want to wake up to go work. People are pursuing other things.

@ServantOfOdin - 15.09.2024 15:58

It's not Quiet Quitting, it's realising your own value instead of working your a$$ off in a shotgun economy.

@sarahsmith3016 - 15.09.2024 01:47

Lol my supervisor sent me a super passive aggressive email and CC’d three other supervisors on it. Basically she expected me to not only come in early, but also stay late and do the work of 3+ employees. Bye Felicia 👋🏼

@2224johnjohn - 09.09.2024 17:02

Boomers hate this because they want you to work for free.

@ignorthepain - 09.09.2024 07:37

No reason to work when pay is so bad

@squirekev - 03.09.2024 10:33

Tech is terrible for this: they tried to supply everything at the job location: food services, recreational activities, pushing work culture with one's colleagues as some sort of distorted family unit, so one would be duped into replacing their actual life with their fabricated one: to not know the difference, be 'happy' and then not be able to function outside of the bubble. Awful psych-games. A Brave New World which preys on people's social insecurities and distorts the line between your work and life outside the office so you just live in this mess all the time (or is it the utopian biosphere? heh).

@JJSeattle - 02.09.2024 12:47

Dunno. I work for a 15 person tech company - company success is my financial success: roof over my head, food, bills paid, entertainment, etc.

@user-pn6mv4wy7w - 02.09.2024 02:51

lol, ooooh this new generation is so soft.

@nicholasjaboor2514 - 01.09.2024 12:59

Whats funny is, in general, I tend to relate more to the ownership side of things on most issues... NOT this one though, company's are entitled, out of touch, GREEDY af...... this is the corporate equivelant of everyone putting out tip jars

@50PullUps - 01.09.2024 07:08

Considering that the job market is absolutely brutal now (Q3 2024) this is a painful watch.

@hideshisface1886 - 30.08.2024 13:33

Oh no, how dare people just do their job and prevent being screwed into doing more for not extra compensation! How horrible! /s

@blacklyfe6881 - 29.08.2024 21:22

Life is not short.

@LCplLudwig - 28.08.2024 18:04

When you view certain employees as beneath you then don't be mad when they act that way.

@Moont706 - 27.08.2024 00:03

Lol this isn’t new. Employees have been doing the bare minimum for years

@Tripleaaaaaaaa - 23.08.2024 03:48


@marcocastaneda6736 - 21.08.2024 20:29

This reminds me of Costco in California where they start you at 16 an hr and have to work really hard and then you have McDonalds at 20 with way less stress

@TheBeachkitten - 21.08.2024 17:02

No freebies here. I work my hours, do my job, that’s it! No overtime, no changing the schedule once it’s posted, no trading days, NO ON CALL, and no communication after work. This has been my policy for 48 years. And yes I take lunch and vacation days. Bottom line it’s my life and my responsibility to govern my time. You get a good days work but you will not get my blood.

@eltooyo2 - 19.08.2024 07:35

I didn't hear anybody mentioning the undeniable trend of CEOs who wildly overpay and over bonus themselves by factors of 2 or 300 percent demanding that their already overworked, over-qualified, over-stretched and underpaid staff work extra hours and on weekends for NO additional reward. None. But an excess of additional stress. Why should they? Why should they bust their asses going the extra mile when the only ones who stand to benefit from it are the ones at the very top and the stockholders?
How about fixing THAT?

@kevinandrews5272 - 18.08.2024 17:14


@nellyjohnson7316 - 18.08.2024 15:18

Employers strike back..mass firings.

@allanb1743 - 17.08.2024 17:22

Read this very carefully: Quiet quitting is not the problem, the real problem is the more an employee does for a company especially without proper compensation, the more the upper management expects from them! If you chose to work like this that is your choice but the rest of the workforce should not be obliged to this.

@eilegz - 15.08.2024 04:12

lie flat, let it rot

@bluessymptoms6134 - 14.08.2024 10:03

Has this always been the definition of 'quiet quitting'? I never really took the time to find out its true meaning and always assumed it referred to people doing only the bare minimum of their assigned tasks during work hours. Not checking your mail or answering your boss after work hours is not "Quiet quitting", it's common sense! Calling it "Quitting" is just trying to shame the people who respect their own boundaries. I work for Japanese company and has experienced psychological blackmailing for not working for free outside of my work hours and I thought my employees were just absolutely insane to ask me something so ridiculous lol.

@Gunzalo70 - 11.08.2024 20:28

Quit complaining and pay me for my work

@RumitheBartender - 11.08.2024 05:09

Not one person here talked about paying employees a livable wage. Why give it your all when wages do not keep up with productivity.

@haydenfowle7576 - 08.08.2024 18:31

Its like buying a Jetblue ticket for Basic but want the same amenities as Blue or Blue Extra

@daniellemaroney2931 - 06.08.2024 23:31

Why go far and beyond when your employers don't even notice the hard work you put in? If I come to work late, I get written up for that, but if I show up on time, sometimes there's nobody in the office to let me in the building. At one point, I was so dedicated to being early on one of my work assignments, that I accidentally showed up on a Saturday. I don't see anybody writing anything about that. It's only when I mess up is when people want to take notice and get rid of me. I don't blame people for only doing the bare minimum just to get paid. Because the hire-ups don't care about you working overtime, and suffering from headaches and stress just to get the damn job done. And then people wonder why the quiet person who sits in the cubicle across from them goes postal. The news always calls this senseless, but is it really? Sometimes people feel that they have to use force just to get some damn r-e-s-p-e-c-t. Otherwise, people In the workplace just ignore you.

@marcz9482 - 03.08.2024 15:43

Stupid name does not mean what you're are trying to accomplish. Work life balance is what you need.

@bl1204 - 29.07.2024 15:33

When the economy takes a turn down ( which is coming ) and you chaps here championing quiet quitting will be first to beg for a job because guess what? Employers are going to remember who are those who will not bother to take 5 mins to reply a email or message after 5pm and you are all going to be the first ones getting fired.

@keinpodcast4053 - 26.07.2024 22:38

To the rich people: No, we're not your slaves.

@hanhdiemta2458 - 25.07.2024 10:44

informative but the example at the start is what really triggers a dislike -_-
