LITERALLY what he’s saying is
“ the foods like vegetables, grains , and oats CAN CAUSE problems for people “
He’s not saying “ veggies and grains are bad overall “
He literally says it at the end. He even says fruits and veggies are better than ultra processed foods
I'm sorry you had to go through this..
ОтветитьWhat a setup! What was the reason to have a lawyer on a show that is about nutrition and diet?
Did this rude lawyer hold any kind of medical degree? She was there to hold a kangaroo court, not to fairly discuss diet. It's laughable for her to question a medical doctor and say he isn't qualified.
I smell a rat.
Where can I find the original show? This is hilarious. 😂
ОтветитьThese individuals who go to school to specialize in something do it for ego. Their entire identity is based on how hard they worked to be an expert, which means they won’t admit when they are wrong. So they decide to attack people sharing alternate opinions. It seems like the only thing academics do for people is make them in entitled.
ОтветитьYou can't save them all, Paul! Some people simply prefer to live in the seed-oil-matrix.
BTW: The people in the audience waiting to shake their heads in front of the camera were 100% paid actors.
They just don't like the truth why would that lawyer be so angry she seems more interested in discrediting u than communicating about what she supposedly is concerned about
ОтветитьThis woman is the most insane thing I’ve ever witnessed
ОтветитьThat blonde doctor girl obviously wants to sleep with you. For research, of course.
ОтветитьWhy the hell are they are so angry
ОтветитьNever go on a d e I hosted show
ОтветитьThat "woman" was bringing a knife to a gun fight-Paul Bunyan LAYING THE SMACKDOWN!!!
ОтветитьWomen are dumb lol
ОтветитьWomen are dumb lol
ОтветитьJust because you're the loudest in the room, doesn't mean you're correct.
ОтветитьYou stayed so calm in the face of so much anger. How professional of you and unprofessional of them! You seem to he very open minded. I wish you would look at the difference between bread made with dead, nutrient stripped wheat and fresh ground whole wheat. My family has never been healthier. I don't believe it's the gluten but the stripping away of all the healthy oils, fiber, and nutrients from all store bought flour products. Fresh ground whole wheat doesn't have the same insulin issues either. Something to think about for your next research topic. 😁
ОтветитьSorry Paul. I had to turn it off.. that b1tch is yelling with earth's worst voice.
ОтветитьWhy is she yelling!?
ОтветитьI can't watch any more of this
ОтветитьI don't know if I agree with you or not, but she is rude and nasty
ОтветитьAnd, why is she angry?
Ответитьcompletely in control of his demeanor and exhibiting intelligence successfully , the very example of a human on the most nutritious diet!
ОтветитьI want to know how many people that that lady has cured of chronic illnesses that the stupid big pharma says you can't cure they have a big mouth but they're not carrying nobody I've seen Paul saladino help a lot of people get cured of a lot of problems like diabetes cancer etc
ОтветитьThey only want to be heard,why not give you chance to explain things.
Stop holding on to only old things and beliefs,give chance to new knowledge,ideas.Paul is flexible and open to new information,thats why he is able to stand his ground
Wow! We all know the truth hurts, especially if you go against the propoganda 😉 You are a true living legend doc! We believe and learn from you! Keep pushing 👏👏👏
ОтветитьYou held your composure extremely well. Good for you! She's a lunatic! 😂
Ответитьshe literally gets paid to act like a fool to increase ratings, i don't think she is like that in real life, but she's definitely not well in the head to act like that either.
ОтветитьProbably she didn't or doesn't eat right and had poor sleep 😂😂
ОтветитьSorry but not sorry she's a bully!
ОтветитьThere’s a real risk of eating red meat and colon cancer
ОтветитьThat woman was so obnoxious, I could hardly listen to her. I appreciate you're humility.
ОтветитьThat old bird is just yelling to put on a show. What a j@ck@$$. Thats why her @$$ is overweight
ОтветитьNo worries doc. We all laugh at the view.
ОтветитьA bunch of Karens🥴🥴😳😳🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьYou're a class act! They showed their true colors.
ОтветитьI wonder who sponsors them? Paychecks from Big Food by any chance? Whatever that may be you handled yourself like a true gentleman.
ОтветитьPaul, as a Catholic, we recognize this as a demonic attack. You shined the light of truth on their lies and they retaliated. Keep it up.
ОтветитьIt’s like debating a leftist
Guaranteed all those ladies voted for Kamala
Whats the point of her yelling. What a terrible human, as most lawyers are.
ОтветитьThey got to be liberal doctors 😂 Never seen so many triggered people in one place having multiple meltdowns 😂
ОтветитьYou were clearly owned and need to retire the animal-based diet before you upset anybody else Paul hahahaha 😂
ОтветитьYou should have gone full blown Jerry Springer on that woman.
ОтветитьI GUARANTEE these are the same people who took the VXX, supported BLM and the woke agenda.
I'll put money on it.
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players" - Shakespeare
You can't tell me this ain't a simulation we live in.
I truly cannot tell if these talk shows are real or if they are literally all Matrix agents. SERIOUSLY.
A poor young, clean shaven, properly dressed Saladino just trying to plea his case in front of a crowd of pre-aggitated harpies. 😭 I fkn hate these types of biased talk shows. Quite entertaining to say the least. 😂 Respect to you Paul. 💯
ОтветитьHealthy people educate themselves all the time and unhealthy people don't. plan and simple
ОтветитьLet's just see how they fare in their older years. See if they are still alive or not suffering from bad health. I'm not saying you are correct all the time, but there are less doctors like you who promote preventative medicine or interventions than those who treat the problem because there's more money in that.
ОтветитьI'm not saying this because I'm a female individual and because of that I have the authority to comment this way. But I often witness, including myself at time especially before, is that people who raise their voice and don't allow another person to comment after asking a question are commonly practiced by women. It's embarrassing and pathetic 😞
ОтветитьWhat is this lunatic screaming around about. She acts like you intentionally killed her pets.😂😂 TV (sigh). Funny how she doesn’t understand that while being all up in her “feelings” she loses all credibility…if she had any to begin with.
ОтветитьBravo Paul! 'Lame Stream Media' is never your friend when it comes to 'TRUTH'! They are the 'Propaganda' arm of our 'Government' who doesn't give a F**k about us. These so called 'Doctors' are part of the 'Medical Industrial Complex' created and 'Hijacked' by the Rockefellers after the discovery of 'Petroleum' using the 'Flexner Report' to overtake the medical system and drive the true 'Healers' out of business.