Revisiting Some of Fortnite's BEST THROWABLE ITEMS of ALL TIME...

Revisiting Some of Fortnite's BEST THROWABLE ITEMS of ALL TIME...


4 месяца назад

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@PigmanCharade1112 - 23.07.2024 22:34

The Ship in the bottle is worse than the junk rift because it does much worse damage.

@MaxPS9 - 23.07.2024 22:35

It fing doesn’t matter that the mythic gold fish is rare I got it in reload and I blitzkrieged over to somebody got one tapped

@JuditRozsas - 23.07.2024 22:48

Slap Splash? SUPER Slap Slapshes? Chili Chig Splash? All of them are just improved version of the Chug Splash.

@asmusin5904 - 23.07.2024 23:10

When I get goldfish in reload I drop my shotgun and submachine because it is that good in low range

@amaxfilmprudoctions4800 - 23.07.2024 23:14

Can we agree that the storm flip should've been on this list🗣️

@alfredo_master_7 - 23.07.2024 23:22

congrats on 20k!

@ryanfares263 - 23.07.2024 23:34

Nice time to make this vid because the Mythic goldfish got a hotfix to buff its damage recently

@Harribo11gamingXD - 23.07.2024 23:52

Day 40 of Asking for best and worst bosses

@thewhitemystery1760 - 24.07.2024 00:50

you should have included the boom box that thing was super broken when it was in the game

@galaxygamerz2038 - 24.07.2024 01:03

Video idea, ranking the worst poi, ranking the best poi’s then do a vid ranking all to them

@Nope.999 - 24.07.2024 01:19

The mythic Gold fish is not good at all. If you play builds you can just build a wall and if you play Zero Builds you wont even be one shotted. It also doesn't have a respactable AOE. It is actually worse than any other normal weapon if you think about it.

@carterfetz34 - 24.07.2024 01:44

rank every heal🙏

@w33shy26 - 24.07.2024 02:10

In the entirety of my time on Fortnite, i have gotten the Mythic Goldfish 17, and only ONCE I got it in Ch 2 S1, the rest have been in Reload, but i absolutely LOVE THE THING

@probablyphaded6180 - 24.07.2024 02:40

Congrats on 20k subscribers man!! My girlfriend and I have been checking the numbers each day!

@Ikcatcher - 24.07.2024 03:18

Boogie bombs are so good to just keep a team occupied while a friend slowly kills the other team.

Me and a friend got ambushed by another team, we were basically low health but I spammed six boogie bombs on them while my friend downs both of them

@LionTheMisfit - 24.07.2024 04:00

Just bought the Wastelander Dummy using your code 👌 Keep cooking, Dude

@scargamin - 24.07.2024 05:14

i didnt finish the video but wouldn’t the slap splashes the normal and exotic be a healing item

@gametugboat3985 - 24.07.2024 05:52

slap splashes went hard, so did the shield keg. also hot take, firefly jars during chapter 2 season 6 were nuts

@ForbiddenKry - 24.07.2024 05:53

Junk Rifts are the coldest take you could ever have, man

@jkgaming0565 - 24.07.2024 06:14

Nah, I killed my self more with cluster clingers than I did enemies. Oscar’s even killed me either way them once

@RollBrotherRacing - 24.07.2024 08:45

Were are the clingers

@everyshotman - 24.07.2024 10:21

another good healing throwable is slap splash. super uselful

@dankobatistic8143 - 24.07.2024 16:06

The fact that the storm flip isnt here makes me mad

@featamoeba1140 - 24.07.2024 16:57

I think you should rank every weapon mod. It would be very entertaining!

@Losthewaronemus - 24.07.2024 18:59

I would say Slap Splashes are better then Chugs...

@Shadow_monnarch - 24.07.2024 19:45

My favorite item is the storm flip. Taking damage in storm? Throw it down and you get a small safe zone. in a box fight? Throw it down and create a mini storm. In the early game it's a bit trash because it reflects the current storm damage. So in late game it's broken.

@tinuzuki4307 - 24.07.2024 21:54

plz do worst

@frendilion975 - 25.07.2024 00:25

super slap splashes slap splashes chili chug splashes left the chat

@paradox863 - 25.07.2024 04:32

Storm flip and stink gas

@GoatedRecovery - 25.07.2024 16:54

I’ve found a mythic goldfish just in reload this season, maybe even two of them (I don’t remember if I found a second one or not)

@stefanyhastings5582 - 25.07.2024 18:33

People who got stuck by oscar

@Benskii420 - 26.07.2024 00:04

Stink bombs, slap splash, shield keg and storm flip?

@GengeyGengarFR - 27.07.2024 02:42

You should rank every keycard

@spidermilis8730 - 27.07.2024 21:13

What about shield kegs

@RipplyAnemone67 - 29.07.2024 01:57

The mythic goldfish is a wierd item and is one of the best as it’s one of the girth skill risk vs reward items like the cluster clingers and both are great. Also the mythic goldfish is benefited by the lack of hit reg problems in fortnite. If Fortnite’s hit registration was like sea of thieves it could be completely different. Also chug splashes to me are one of the best healing items as they have amazing until it’s with healing shield and health and helping your team. It’s just a good item. Also the junk rift it fun. Also one you missed is the storm flip as it had great utility and make’s interesting scenarios especially in late game.

@MarcdeLaRochebrochard - 29.07.2024 21:18

Bro forgot about shield kegs!!

@PrimeMoneyMan242 - 30.07.2024 22:55

super slap splashes, they are chug splashes but give 30 health or shield instead of 20 and they give a full 60 seconds of unlimited stamina

@kobeyballer - 31.07.2024 06:03

Rank every single throwable man!

@TheCursedOfficial - 01.08.2024 15:32

what about the healing item that you were throwing on the ground and it just healed all you and teammate’s shield? I forgot the name but it was in lootpool of chp 3 s1/2

@titanslayer1619 - 02.08.2024 13:09

Where is the super slap splashes? Surely that should take the spot over regular splashes. They heal more and they give the slap effect

@Hn119ax - 04.08.2024 08:43

I have used the goldfish in reload

@hourglass_fb - 06.08.2024 04:57

you forgot to mention the slap splash

@hourglass_fb - 06.08.2024 04:57

i personally think those are better than chugs

@BinjaMinja_W - 23.08.2024 07:56

What about exotic slap splash

@BlixerYoshiMiiometryDash - 27.09.2024 00:35

Honorable mention: Cuddlefish from the infamousCH2 S6
Basically a homing proximity mine

@Fishrule13 - 10.11.2024 03:49

I found a mythic goldfish in a regular game and I've only been playing for 2 seasons 😂
