Shopping for Value! Blue Willow, Wedgwood, Fostoria Glass, Bone China, Plates - Thrift with Dr. Lori

Shopping for Value! Blue Willow, Wedgwood, Fostoria Glass, Bone China, Plates - Thrift with Dr. Lori

Dr. Lori

1 год назад

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@nancypadilla7444 - 12.03.2025 02:20

Luv u Ms Lori. ..

@mariaroldan4200 - 11.03.2025 18:42

I never heard of the donut mold bottom❤

@Ginny_Leigh - 06.03.2025 08:35

Love blue willow! My husband’s grandmother had a bunch, we’ve started collecting it. Hers was lost to the ages.

@penelopemorden4599 - 01.03.2025 22:25

My mother had blue Willow that had been used in a restaurant. It had divided sections in it and was very heavy. Can you tell me about that?

@sheilagilleland4312 - 26.02.2025 16:27

I have several blue and white dishes. I was collecting them to hang on the wall years ago. I still have them just because I use them for other things, like a ring or earring holder.

@LowcountyLiberalLady - 18.01.2025 22:18

I’ve learned so much from you Dr Lori, THANK YOU!! 💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍💙

@jadakowers590 - 13.01.2025 02:10

This video was so interesting that I just subscribed. 🐩

@amieinnovascotia8490 - 28.12.2024 03:21

That little dish with the tartan and flag. It’s Nova Scotia tartan and the flag of the province of Nova Scotia (east coat of Canada). Been binge watching your videos. I love dishes.

@luciaaguirre-on4pf - 21.12.2024 07:10

Loving you're show so much !! Is very impressive ,and I love going thrift store shopping

@cjohnson4342 - 09.12.2024 16:23

I collect Haviland so almost died when I saw those plates

@saythankyou111 - 11.10.2024 03:40


@thebookofknowledge1 - 20.09.2024 04:48

Do your gloves make picking up those ceramics slippery? Great video!

@DeathByFashion1 - 27.08.2024 16:25

I love that overpriced set lol

@TonitaOrozco - 21.08.2024 03:55


@nitaburg-zn4kd - 13.08.2024 15:20

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!!! I love your videos.

@joconnell-n1d - 17.07.2024 01:37

That's a great place and the money goes to a good cause. Also, it's on Rt 6A. The place is cute and SPOTLESS. There is no dust there and the ladies and the gentleman that volunteer there are wonderful. I've moved away and miss it. No Junk. They don't have a lot of tables and chairs, but they are very nice and reasonable.

@deannaboud117 - 10.07.2024 12:53

Thank you for the education.

@maureenedmiston107 - 29.06.2024 03:52

Love you Dr. Lori!!! You go girl!!

@soniashaw8072 - 28.05.2024 06:41

Have you visit Canada?

@MsShellybell12 - 26.05.2024 06:33

My grandma had these

@Profe-101 - 23.05.2024 21:00

The store has now moved to Sandwich MA on Route 6A. I went today and scored a 2 quart vintage Le Creuset marked B, for $10! Thanks for the suggestion.
When was the B series produced?

@ThereseRocks - 15.05.2024 05:35

You are a good teacher

@sunnydavidson297 - 22.04.2024 20:34

Haven't been to that thrift in ages.

@lisalamp6845 - 11.04.2024 18:18

I have a full set of curior and Ives (spelling?) That was a wedding gift of my mother in laws wedding about 50 years ago. Are they worth anything? Thank you.

@minderbean - 03.04.2024 19:30

I need more glass seam info… (not yet checked the Dr’s website 😉)

@susangarland7903 - 25.03.2024 05:15

Love Dr. Lori.....a wealth of information! And she's fun too! Loved your cruise videos💖🤩

@ztellaluna - 19.03.2024 04:19

Very exciting - my family was from Barnstable!

@bonnierobbins4230 - 16.03.2024 22:29

Dear Doctor Lori
Love your channel!
We're hoping one day you can visit Youngstown/Warren Ohio!
Bonnie Ohio

@teresawehrle5294 - 11.03.2024 22:29

Do you have suggestions for books that help you learn about collections, dishes, and vintage

@lylacrawford1827 - 11.03.2024 05:48

My Blue Willow is made by Homer Laughlin. Is there more than one type of Blue Willow? I am confused.

@itaobyrneokeeffe7908 - 11.03.2024 04:40

I love your program ,your fantastic personality,and a born teacher,I am learning a lot from you .I have a lot of antiques and I mean “lots”,silver ,a 20 place setting China ,my children do not want them ,which breaks my heart
I do not know what to do?? I used to entertain a lot beforehand,but not so much any more.
Is there advice you can give me please.

@femkewestra4474 - 10.03.2024 12:16

Hope you will share whatever you find on the possibly old waterford piece. I would love to hear more about that one!

@karencurtiss1364 - 09.03.2024 02:34

I’m so glad I found your channel. I love watching you go through thrift stores. It’s like I’m shopping with you. I run a vintage booth in a pop-up shop in California. We are open once a month and we restage everything monthly. I’m always on the hunt for new things, you are helping me learn so much and also referring some things that I already knew. Thank you love your channel.

@lorieedmonds5514 - 07.03.2024 05:40

I, too, love blue and white 💙! I recently sold a Blue Willow set of 4 dinner plates I found at GW! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

@stephaniemontor1567 - 07.03.2024 02:25

Dr Lori thank you for sharing your wonderful knowledge! Loved that Shelley cup ware.

@AC-qi9wo - 07.03.2024 02:10

My mother in law, bought me the Blue Willow, from Safeway around 26 year's ago probably not worth a lot but they are nice I should pull them out and use them, I've never used them at all.❤😅😊

@danahiggs - 07.03.2024 01:32

i want the Shelley Dainty blue for 11.00

@exdus235 - 06.03.2024 23:38

Each time, learn so much.

@dorothyarredondo6285 - 06.03.2024 23:14

Thank you Dr. Lori for sharing all you knowledge.. I’m not a reseller but I want to know what I’m buying

@conniesax3529 - 06.03.2024 23:02

Enjoyed the info, ty!!!

@lesliereynolds4492 - 06.03.2024 20:24

That Shelley is beautiful. Never seen it before.

@sarahj.5970 - 06.03.2024 19:59

I just love the art and design education and the way you speak in the joy of it, and the taste things, and the beauty and loving something thing along with the Id and value things, I love blue and white too..not for everything i own but a lot...The first set looked the quality of a doll dish set I had...someone stole the teapot lid at a show and tell. Some are re-glued..I just have lots of doll things people made me,,,,would like a space to set up these treasures in a display/hobby collect room kind of that time of doll stuff...sentimental. I have a teacup collection too...and a few teapots but mostly teacups..those first dishes were the adult version of my doll dishes...I also Adore Dainty grandma had one cup and saucer..I have gone overboard with a cream and sugar (Mini) and 2 cups and saucers and one lunchplate and one larger open I can find

@FleaMarketJohn - 06.03.2024 19:55

Lots of valuable clues and tips. I just can't remember all of them 😅

@trinacerk7608 - 06.03.2024 19:21

Thank you for the knowledge you share as you travel. Then you save the items for us to find. 😊

@lefantomer - 06.03.2024 18:07

What a nice and so totally Cape Cod shop! Love your videos! I don't buy and sell any more, but will always love watching someone so expert and enjoying the benefits of your knowledge!

@tracyhasty6506 - 06.03.2024 16:37

I saw a set of silver banded salad bowls. Was it Dorothy Thorpe? What is the value of them?

@longislandwife - 06.03.2024 16:25

We love you Dr. Lori!!

@tracyhasty6506 - 06.03.2024 16:23

I love Blue Willow! I have Churchill and my son has Johnson Brothers...

@kingjohnson5380 - 06.03.2024 15:29

Thank you Dr. Lori. I look forward to your videos

@johannamarsh8464 - 06.03.2024 13:46

Dr Lori is awesome everytime!! ❤
