Hi Jamie. What you think about cwicly? Do you offer any training with cwicly?
ОтветитьGreat tips! I am working with ACF this week; great timing. These tips are going to be super useful. Thanks Jamie.
ОтветитьNice one. WordPress Block Themes are nice and let's you customise for free your website. The only problem is that it needs time so everyone to get used with them.
ОтветитьWhaou. You've done it in 5 min! Super clear, super essential. My daily food for Months lol. FSE offers so much more than classic themes. Ex : Yesterday my client did edit an FSE archive template !!
ОтветитьCool! by the way, which block theme are you using here?
ОтветитьJamie, your knowledge and insight into the best ways to utilize Wordpress to its fullest extent are greatly appreciated. I've learned so much about WP since subscribing to your channel. Thanks for what you do!
Also, I hit that like button. Kitties get treats!
Great stuff. I've been trying to figure out something very similar to having different archive pages so this is going to be very helpful.
ОтветитьI can see my future - I will be watching this one 12 more times so I can walk through it and then memorize these steps. How do you do it Jamie? Great content is presented in an understandable way. (Even if I have to watch it multiple times) Great stuff.
ОтветитьLove it. Thanks as usual!
ОтветитьLike the new intro promotion for the sponsor. Very snazzy.
ОтветитьExcellent video. I think I need to up my WordPress game.
Ответитьdidn't know about Meta Field block. so easy.
ОтветитьTotally smashing the like button!!! A tutorial how to create AND display custom fields for free is absolutely riveting!!! 🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьGreat overview Jamie. The Meta block is cool, but really waiting for native or add-on tool that allows you to use core blocks for display of custom fields and relationships. There are several that are embedded in "larger" toolkits like Toolset, Stackable etc. but they all bring some baggage. There is a core thread talking about how to enable that I've been tracking.
ОтветитьThanks for this interesting Overview. I have one question, in the last part you show a combination of the query loop function of wordpress and a css grid with your gutenberg pro plugin. Is this a new function? After lookng at your plugin website I can‘t find the css grid function in product overview. I look so long for a small, fast loading css grid plugin, where I can show my 4, 5 or 6 recent posts on my Homepage. Till now I use elementor free and the unlimitedelements addon for elementor, but I want use only wordpress and gutenberg blocks without elementor for my website. I‘ve tested so many plugins but the most are too heavy and my pageload time were very slow with them, like the postx plugin for example. That‘s why I asked for this special function. Thanks again for your interesting vids, they helped me more than one time.😉👍
ОтветитьA couple of questions, if you don't mind:
1) Why is it that basic, core functionality like custom fields and meta blocks aren't out of the box in the FSE, although it's been released for some time now? Seems like a strange decision to me. As others mentioned, I'm a bit run through on just adding plugins for everything.
2) I have been trying for days and have yet to have the cover block actually show the featured image. Everything is up to date. It simply refuses to show post featured images. The overlays or gradients will show up fine, but no images. Really frustrating. Any insights as to why that might be? I've looked online and it doesn't seem anyone else is experiencing this issue.
Best free FSE block theme in your opinion?
ОтветитьVery relevant as I am beginning to work with FSE and post layouts. A ton of information in just over 9 minutes!
ОтветитьGreat video as always Jamie. Have you done a video yet about hosting for Wordpress?. My hosting company advises me that the requirement of wordpress now compared with a few years ago means you need a much faster and resourceful web hosting due to the fact that Wordpress now uses so much more resources. I bet there are loads of people looking at things like caching there site when maybe they just need better hosting to keep up with Wordpress.
ОтветитьVery good video =D
ОтветитьThe last time I used ACF was about three years ago and it was a bloody nightmare! Would you say ACF is easier to use now with the latest WP core updates compared to how it was in the past?
ОтветитьI just need to sit down and brainstorm how this acf function works. 🤯
ОтветитьI have recently returned to using WP after trying Joomla. Your channel has been an excellent resource for me to re-learn WP. One thing that I wish someone (hopefully you) would do is a video on using custom taxonomies from ACF. I love your style of using core as much as possible. It seems other creators jump to paid plugins or themes to solve all their problems (I wonder if affiliate links have anything to do with that)
ОтветитьHi Paul, please talk to WordPress core team (I am assuming they are within your reach) and tell them to integrate a better navigation system (header & footer menu) which I feel is the most weaken area of WordPress FSE. Why can they build something similar or better than 'Blocksy', 'Astra', or 'Kadence' header and footer. With a better Header & Footer and a nice animated navigation, WordPress can the most beautiful thing in the 'world'. 😜
Thank you for your invaluable videos. I really love it.
I've seen this tutorial a few times now because my senile pea brain can hardly remember anything and I find it great every time anew.