X3 BAR WORKOUT SYSTEM | Does the X3 Bar Actually Work? (best and worst exercises)

X3 BAR WORKOUT SYSTEM | Does the X3 Bar Actually Work? (best and worst exercises)


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@utep3 - 03.12.2024 19:40

Edit it down to 10 minutes!

@fmurphy9671 - 17.10.2024 04:30

He’s definitely getting a good workout look at him laboring to catch his breath he’s a whiner the bar was built that way for a reason.

@r2orobles338 - 03.08.2024 06:34

breathing heavy after a half a set with the chest.......... just saying

@Draper11 - 08.06.2024 18:40

I love getting advice from out of shape dudes it rules😂

@alanava894 - 05.05.2024 10:12

Hi why can’t show Eatch x3 bar exercise in one episode like all with procedure?❤

@andyc664 - 14.04.2024 10:01

You need to slow down your reps

@sweetteatruckin3202 - 08.04.2024 17:46

Yeah he did arm extension completely wrong 🫣😂

@cristiansandu4967 - 25.03.2024 14:01

$549 for that?! I can do that with a simple band and a barbell bar.

@stevenwright9859 - 29.02.2024 16:08

Did you know Jaquish is on TRT..?

@jeremykeller - 25.01.2024 19:55

The guy doesn't do the triceps exercise correctly, it's more of a skull crusher motion so you are pressing down. The cadence and tut is a part of the system. If you don't follow the whole thing you won't get the results. Your feet should be shoulder width apart when squatting. This guy has been training people for how long? The black band isn't the most resistance you can get from this device. Why didn't you do a full workout the way it's intended to be done. You would have saved us all 15 minutes of our life that we con't get back. Unfair review. Dude was out of breath for half the video and hardly did anything and it took him 20 minutes to get through the workout. Seems more effective than you give it credit for.

@donnapaige5635 - 22.12.2023 18:23

hahaha That's what she said. That was funny.

@andrewglagau8685 - 20.12.2023 16:36

Hi Chris,
I've been a bodybuilder since 1977 to 1981 when I was younger all things were easy but now that I'm 64 I have a lot of information tucked away in my knowledge database (Head) about bodybuilding and Yes, I do believe strongly on Variable Resistance Training.
In actual fact I have my own multigym set-up that I've just recently converted into using resistance bands incorporating the bands in every movement and exercise I do and it's a complete multigym home machine which allows me to do all 20 exercises for a full body workout. I have found greater success in incorporating resistance bands and I don't even have to worry about thinking about it cause it uses the same mechanism as the plate weights and if I need more resistance I simply clip on another band or simply slide the pin down a notch or do both. No modifications is needed and it was very simple and it's very safe to use. I have a squat / leg press machine in which I'll be also using resistance bands on as well shortly.

@KayvanSylvan - 19.12.2023 11:59

Great video. Thank you!

For the overhead press, you want to grab both the bar and the band in your grip, then you won’t have the problem of the band kind of hanging the way you did it. Also, it looks like your reps are too fast. The X3 system recommends constant tension, and 2-3 seconds up and 2-3 seconds down, for 15-40 slow reps, then doing partial reps, to exhaustion.

@reggieaustin1639 - 20.11.2023 01:34

You should do x3 only to get the fat off of you can’t believe you are a trainer. Look at you with weights

@bradsnooklive - 09.11.2023 20:13

Fair review to some extent, but I know if the gentleman who created this saw it, he would have something to say. The system works extremely well! Your form is conditioned to typical gym movements, and your form and timing is very far off for this system as its instructed and designed to be used. I think you made an effort to do a fair review. I'm just suggesting that maybe you do an update after checking looking at the workout again and use correct form to exhaustion.

@carlcarl6032 - 30.10.2023 02:16

Sorry, I'm not dumb enough to spend over 500 dollars on a metal tube with some big rubber bands.

@papotaino1516 - 28.10.2023 22:00

Great video I don’t have that exact bar but something like it followed all your exercises love the constant resistance also the stability one needs to have ,thanks for the pointers 💪🏽

@sallyhapi7490 - 24.10.2023 12:18

Your bias is not representing the proper moves. You need to watch how the maker Jaquish does it. Your critique is bias and if u don’t like it why false advertise to others. Stick to your weights!

@bandanabanana3162 - 19.09.2023 00:51

Your bands look like they have been stretched out drastically compared to a new set as you said you have only used it for a couple of days. They definitely are a great way to get a complete burnout workout in a minimal ammount of time! I have had mine for a few years now but due to my disability and lack of stamina it takes me more like 40 minutes than the 10 minutes that it should take. I have to completely rest to catch my breath but each burnout exercise only takes 1 to 1.5 minutes to complete. This also follows Menszters ideology of not doing repetitive exercises and tearing you muscles to shreads to get a little benefit but higher weight and lower rep under tension is a great way to get in a full workout and not being able to move the next day.

@macbaryum - 08.09.2023 16:41

Dude is clearly biased towards regular weights. If you listen to the inventor of the bands, the goal was to create easy exercises that are safe and easy on the joints. Nothing about bar bells screams safe. How many people a year hurt themselves on heavy weights?

@BridgeWater94 - 27.08.2023 05:56

Who ever is running this channel is failing. Low views on all videos. Make more X3 review videos and you’ll generate more traffic. Review the para force bands or the force bar.

@toosas - 10.05.2023 23:20

i think this is perfect for people who hate gyms or gym goers who are travelling a lot, so you take the gym with you wherever you go

@domdom7770 - 02.05.2023 05:06

I swear that pretty much every issue you have with this system is solved by the Harambe System.

@thommccarthy1139 - 23.04.2023 17:33

Jaquish is a clown and looks like he's ready to have a heart attack at any moment. I'm interested in the X3 but his stances against movement exercise, cardio and vegetables are completely ridiculous and I simply cannot comprehend how he has deluded a massive legion into defending everything he says.

@JPE_DRAEB - 06.04.2023 18:44

If the bar was wider and If you spread 20 inches for squat you have been cheating yourself!

@aristomenismourtarakos9613 - 28.03.2023 16:56

Nice video, NOT nice product. That’s for children. The bar is freaking small.

@dextertate5723 - 03.03.2023 04:54

I’m 5’7” I watched a video and the guy said that it was designed for people who are 6’0”+ can someone tell me if this is true or false? thanks

@DLo-kp1jd - 25.02.2023 23:44

They need to offer a wider bar option.

@hansbambach4854 - 22.02.2023 15:09

Your review was spot on. I purchased the full system including the heavier orange band. In all honesty for the cost of it all it’s a poor system and for the 800 usd I spent on it I could have bought a year gym membership and had way better results for the money. Some of the exercises are laughable the tricep push down is a joke. If I could have tried before I bought then. I would not have wasted my money. I find it to be a little gimmicky. Not great.

@oldnatty61 - 03.02.2023 05:28

So Coach, as a fitness professional, you would recommend this? You w/ your high level of expertise feel the x3 bar is worth $550? You'd advise a client to buy it? You feel it's the best purchase if someone has $550 to spend on fitness equipment?

@mikebewley3297 - 02.02.2023 20:53

he is not doing the reps correctly

@glennbishopbishthemagish - 01.02.2023 05:33

Laughing, expensive junk.

@davidgarner6517 - 14.01.2023 01:11

You should of at least did one of the sets as instructed to get a real feel of what it does to you. One set to failure 2-3 second cadence up and down without losing tension.

@cosmomontanaro5759 - 01.01.2023 23:19

What happens if the bar slips out of your hands during a bench press? That's high-speed steel express headed straight at your teeth!

@toddm4374 - 19.12.2022 19:48

For me, the X3 is a very efficient system to gain strength and stay fit. I have used it for 2 years and get a HIIT workout done 6x per week in less time than it takes to drive to my local gym. I follow the slow rep method, as is recommended, to mini rep exhaustion and move to the next exercise within 30 to 60 seconds. With Keto I am down to my high school body weight and stronger than I was 20 yrs ago. X3 may not be for everyone, but anyone who uses it seriously as designed, will benefit. Friends and family have used X3 with similar results. Thanks for the video.

@nickcassevah1446 - 13.12.2022 02:27

This method of exercise is almost cultism with its followers.
- insert obscure out of context study here
- insert honorary doctorate here.

@steveholle7045 - 01.12.2022 15:55

The presenter doesn’t understand the goal of slow constant resistance that allows your muscles to fully go to exhaustion. That is the goal this type of workout. He pumps too fast and also does not allow for slow release of band tension in the eccentric phase. This is not another way to lift weights, it is a different way to fully exhaust the muscles under constant tension.

@GoldKingsMan - 14.11.2022 23:36

Using my X3 today,first day, and have to do it 2 to 3 second movements.Getting used to the form also.

@bojames7841 - 11.11.2022 14:08

I made my own system and my bar and my plate was longer I just made it where I likednit

@johntatman9168 - 08.11.2022 16:00

THe fact that this is a one size fits all makes it somewhat useless.

@plutotoad203 - 31.10.2022 17:14

Thanks. I was doing some of the exercises wrong and when I looked at what you did, this seems ideal. Thanks 👍

@tommandich4648 - 28.10.2022 18:50

There is never a debate about if x3 is any good or not.Its a nice workout tool.Its the guy Dr Jaquish who represents it.Saying weight lifting is a waste of time is completely moronic.Weight lifting is the Gold bond of all resistance training.The guy puts down other types of training to sell his product.

@chrisvesy7245 - 25.10.2022 09:36

Bought an X3 a few weeks ago...definitely has a learning curve using and getting used to the feel.....I'm 6'3" 280 so getting the bar into position for the chest press was a pain plus the bar didn't seem wide enough but Dr Jaquish has an excellent tutorial on just this problem . It helped a lot!
(There is a wider Bar available )
Looking forward to better workouts in the future as I get more & more used to these exercises...

@HeCoversMe - 19.10.2022 21:00

All the Dr did was improvise on something we’ve all done for years. People act like he discovered some miraculous new invention. The price is insane. Just go out, buy parts and make your own. It doesn’t take a whole lot of thought process to figure it out. I’m surprised Titan hasn’t copied it yet for half the price 😂.

@janrusyoutubechannel8466 - 13.10.2022 07:46

Great review! For someone travelling for work weekly this has been a great tool to use in small hotel or Guest house rooms

@lamontbillingslb - 06.10.2022 11:16

I’m sure this device is useful for those who can’t make it to the gym or simply like working out in their own personal space.

@daleroley5185 - 03.10.2022 00:29

Sorry i dont believe you did 1 exercise correctly, Slow Hit 2 to 3 seconds each rep each direction then to failure with 3 or 4 reps.
