fella you are the best yoo
ОтветитьD'akujem dobre. Študujem slovenčinu. Trieda je majstrovské.
ОтветитьAhoj, som začiatočník v slovenčine, a naozaj si cením tvoje videá, tvoje videá sú veľmi kvalitné!)
I hope you can do some about the 7 grammatical cases and intermediate syntaxis, I'd be overmuch elated hahaha)
I'd also love to know if you would happen to know if it is this is the same rule like in Russian, regarding the voiced and unvoiced consonants, for what I see here, they apply exactly the same as you explained, in Russian, wanted to know if you knew them (the rules) in russian cos it's much more spread and there's a lot of information about it but if not, don't worry, you made a striking job anyway.
Am learning fast through your teachings Sam
Thanks alot
V = Em, A.
ОтветитьThank you for information
ОтветитьPlease make more videos to learn slovakia for beginners