Hyundai sucks
Ответить한국의 산업발전과 함께 성장한 대기업 현대자동차.. 한편으론 국뽕이 차지만 현대노조의 만행을 보면 절대 차 사주고싶지 않음
ОтветитьI am from Australia. I have Hyundai Tucson, old models, 2015 model it has some scratches, but it’s still going strong. I like Hyundai.
Ответить모닝 안보이네 ㅠㅠ
Ответить전한국인 현대ㆍ기아 바가지 엄청나요
자국민한테요 나쁜넘들임
Ответить21년도 GV70, GV60 빠졌는데...
ОтветитьI like the 2001 Hyundai
Ответить현대차가 80년대까지 출시된차들은 전부 일본 미쓰비시에서 가져온 엔진 밋션으로 만들었으니 현대차 역사가 30년 조금 넘은거밖에안됨
ОтветитьThe image of Atoz is Kia Visto.
ОтветитьI love my 2019 hyundai kona. Ive had it over 4 years and no issues ^^
Ответитьㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ탑스피드 지맘대로 써놨네 😂
ОтветитьI'm from Brazil and miss the Hyundai HB20 and HB20s made here in Brazil.
ОтветитьMy 2009 Genesis is indestructible. Korea may be bad at many things (treatment of women, lax safety standards for pilots, always rushed, etc.) but it knows how to design and build excellent cars.
ОтветитьInstead of Iconic it should be called ironic
ОтветитьBro were aura!
Ответить현대 자동차는 실질적으로 2010년 이전의 차는 쓰레기 수준이고 후진국 수준의 차, 현대가 진정한 디자인의 상승과 성능의 상승을 동시에 이룩한것은 2013년 혹은 2014년부터라고 생각한다. 정확히는 lF소나타 탄생 이전과 이후로 명확한 기준이 된다고 볼수 있다
Ответитьwhere was AURA
ОтветитьThe company seems to have achieved remarkable growth since the 2000s, but looking at the lineup of past models, the only ones that stand out are the OEM Mitsubishi Debonair and Pajero, and there are no other impressive heritage models. Seeing this, I realized the importance of car manufacturers not only producing cars, but also creating and nurturing culture together.
ОтветитьI love sonata 2015
Ответить현대아토즈사진아니고 기아비스토 사진입니다
사진수정 해야함
we have a 10 year old i20, extremly reliable, never needed any expensive repairs - and that car was 12 000 Euros new in 2014
ОтветитьXe hàn quốc không bền bằng xe nhật bản
ОтветитьTrash. Na Na Na. Wtf
ОтветитьI am a proud i10 owner.
ОтветитьHyundai is world,s no 1 company & India ,s best car is santro xing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьCreata 2024
ОтветитьThats Grandeur/Azera from 2012
Ответитьwhere is Tucson NX4😢
ОтветитьUm.. My dad is 2024 SANTA FE MX5 Hybrid owner
ОтветитьI'm from India earlier my father was the owner of hyundai verna/Accent 2015 model the service by hyundai is great 😃😃
ОтветитьHyundai Entourage 2006 Like A Kia Carnival
ОтветитьCupcut project fot sale
Ответитьthe i 20n where is?
ОтветитьВы УАЗ видели? Сразу идеальный получился, 70 лет без изменений выпускают
ОтветитьHonda akkord please
ОтветитьI don’t if any Korean guy will read it but thanks for making Genesis Coupe. Literally the best car I drove
ОтветитьКТО 2025!!??
Ответить우와 대박 진짜 많이 했내요
ОтветитьKorean here
한국사람 모여라
Ответитьgenesis gv80 very good
ОтветитьYou missed the Creta facelift 2018 (my current car). Was patiently waiting for it to show😢
Ответить1990 SCOUPE 1Gen 220km/h(Turbo)
1992 SCOUPE 2Gen 205km/h(Turbo)