Idfc Ron deserved that so much he deserves everything he did to Sam 😂
Ответить"as much as I do the wrong thing I always try to do the right thing" -Ronpage
ОтветитьThere is a french canadian expression « chaque torchon trouve sa guenille » which basically means each dishcloth find its own rag
ОтветитьThat day Ronnie threw all of Sammi’s stuff out of the room and broke her glasses told me he was ab*sive. I bet he sees a lot of himself in Jenn😬
ОтветитьThey are all awful people that were made to be worse because they became famous for drinking and hooking up and not having talent in anything other than that. Ronnie is an empty vessel of a person lol. It’s fun to see 5”5 pretend tough guy cry
ОтветитьThe baby isn’t going to lose if it’s in a single person home lol. It has already loss because of its two parents lol. That kid will be a drug addict by 16
ОтветитьJennie’s tattoo looks sick ngl 🔥🔥
ОтветитьOkie but she’s so pretty and sexy
Ответитьwhats wrong wit his bottom teeth
ОтветитьRonny a living L
Ответитьron met his match lol
ОтветитьWhy every chick has so much plastic on their faces? Goddamit.
ОтветитьThere is no more despicable bych than one that does the baby pawn game.
ОтветитьThe spitting in his face bs makes me think of the Equal Rights, Equal Lefts slogan.
ОтветитьMiss Ron and Sam why there relationship makes me feel like they need to get back together together
ОтветитьYOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW, bible don't lie.
ОтветитьTom always has some kind of drama ith his gf's....
Dont think he's compatible with them....
I think he needs to be with a dude
Girl show some class on national TV
ОтветитьI want to see jwoww and Jen get into it!
ОтветитьJenni gave him the most toxic advice ever.
ОтветитьI love that he met his match 😂
ОтветитьFake as f😅
ОтветитьPauly was right. She left a newborn baby with a friend to look for Ronnie and start a fight. Girl is and was big problems.
ОтветитьJenni 😂 “idk what to do with my hands …” 🎉
“Your mug shot looks so hot.” 😂
Ron stays BS 🤣🤣🤣
Ответить"I've grown up, I'm an adult"
Lie detector determined that was a lie
It’s about time somebody puts Ronnie in his place
ОтветитьI'm assuming to be dead it seems?
ОтветитьWhen Jenni is shook, you know the girl has some energy.
ОтветитьWhen a Bullet cant Fit in the Clip Meets the Clip that cant fit into the Gun 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI doubt Jen woulda acted this poorly if Ronnie didn’t abuse her, she seems more reactive than actual abuse towards him, some women will fight back like she did, others won’t, it doesn’t make both partners abusive, usually (not always) one partner is the perpetrator & the other is the reactionary and eventually no one can keep track anymore bc the reactionary becomes resentful and starts fights
ОтветитьRon really deserves it all though lol
ОтветитьSam dodged a bullet
ОтветитьHe deserved all this. Sometimes it takes a total crazy person to teach you a lesson. Ron is not innocent here.
ОтветитьI only feel sympathy for the baby.
ОтветитьIm with jwow. Ron needs to grow a pair. Jen is jen....a crazy chick
ОтветитьRonnie always gives himself away with that leg shake I swear
ОтветитьJwow is so freaking phony I can’t take it , everythg about her screams fake , she wants everyone business front and center but when it comes to her it changes , like I just don’t like her anymore , I find her to be a low key hater on all of them , I don’t know why I can’t see any good in her
ОтветитьUmm for her to leave a NEW BORN somewhere else just to fight with him smh show all facts of what he said.... now she is collecting baby daddies lol
Ответитьjwoww knows nothing good to say
ОтветитьJennifer was prettier than all of them too
ОтветитьFunny how clear it is now, how much Ron was enabled while the baby’s mother was villainized .she got shot for leaving baby with a friend to confront Ronnie meanwhile Ronnie’s out partying with a bunch of middle aged folks in some resort somewhere cheating
ОтветитьYal women in these comments are the usual EVIL VANDICTIVE HYPOCRITICAL GARDEN TOOLS that life always has a way of getting u all turns on the back end of life😂😂😂🛞🛞
ОтветитьWhat Jenni said was true. Ron meet his match, we all saw how he treated sam imagine behind closed doors. So he prolly still had the same type of mentality with Jen but Jen ain’t like Sammi and sit their and cry she gonna bite back ten times hard which is why she dragged the man in a car 😭