ASMR British Girl Gives You A Tattoo

ASMR British Girl Gives You A Tattoo

LizzieLestrange ASMR

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@darthaeontheeternal1727 - 06.09.2024 06:39

Let's Go! Always makes me smile to see an upload by you, Hope You have been doing well! I haven't been so good lately, stressed, monetary issues, I had a heat stroke today and vomited blood, was in and out of the hospital and the weight of my parents and dogs death and all the stuff I've been through for the last 5 years is Hitting me all at once, BUT Seeing you made me smile, ANYWAYS I Hope you have been doing well, LOVED The video, Keep up the FANTASTIC WORK AND NEVER STOP BEING YOU! CHEERS!~ :D

@Котяра-ю8й - 06.09.2024 06:49

Какая ты шикарная💘💝💋

@GlennCoco - 06.09.2024 06:52

Quite relaxing and Loved it Lizzie. Now I can only accept if its a portrait tattoo of the very poshly gothic Lizzie.

@Speakingcandidly - 06.09.2024 07:04

Lizzie!!!!! I was just about to leave a message on the other vid saying it’s been too long and we need our fix 🙏 Thank you for this. Missed ya, glad you’re back. Hope all is well. Wish you the best as always 👍

@Romans8vs28 - 06.09.2024 07:14

Reminds me I need more tattoos before I die

@phillyphantom1752 - 06.09.2024 07:45

Always a thrill coming home from work to the lovely Lizzie Lestrange releasing new video! ☺️😊

Glad to see ya back Lizzie! Hope all is well Lovely! 🙂

PS: Badass Look! The black hair with pink highlights looks beautiful on ya! 🖤💖

Also whatcha think of the recent announcement for Linkin Park 😎🤘🎸

@UchtdorfBLN - 06.09.2024 08:26

Huu, the beautiful lady with her lovely accent did it again. Have a nice Friday and a better weekend, Madame. Cheers from Berlin.

@Cameron_Gomezcg1999 - 06.09.2024 08:35

It's nice to see you again, Liz. Love the haircolor, and it's a beautiful black-red mixture haircolor. I love a British girl giving me a tattoo in this session. Sending all the love you deserve, Liz. 😍😍🥰❤️❤️❤️

@Magnivore519 - 06.09.2024 08:44

This video fulfills my sick male fantasy of getting a tattoo.

@imposible2beat - 06.09.2024 09:22

More mic scratching please.

@psycho187_er - 06.09.2024 09:31

Lizzie. I will always trust you. Awesome Video <3

@5KMDGT - 06.09.2024 09:35

My queen looks so pretty 😍

@JohnFerraro - 06.09.2024 10:54

You can give me a tattoo anytime!!!

The last two I’ve gotten have been SO relaxing. I fell asleep during both of them.

@aj_aka_alan - 06.09.2024 11:23

You’re pretty clean for a tattoo artist

@durtutreeman6410 - 06.09.2024 19:39

Lizze, I combined you with the soundtrack from The Crow.
Because, you know, I'm sentimental.

@LordWay - 06.09.2024 20:21

I would totally let you do a tattoo on me

@johannesmanninen8142 - 06.09.2024 21:05

Always nice to see new video from you Lizzie❤

@treenhintsin - 06.09.2024 21:15

I love your hair. You look like Kylie Cantrell

@grahamburnett7416 - 06.09.2024 23:16

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, sorry that is the tattoo that I would like you to do in Japanese but trust me my pain tolerance is at zero so this might take quite a while, sorry I'm just a huge softy

@MashoodSabir - 06.09.2024 23:59

ahh love you lizzie ❤❤❤❤❤

@MashoodSabir - 07.09.2024 00:00

You are amazing and love you you are gorgeous ❤❤❤❤❤

@MashoodSabir - 07.09.2024 00:00

Hope you have a wonderful day love <3 <3 ❤❤❤❤❤❤

@WolfCatalyst - 07.09.2024 00:36

Hey I know we discussed "No Regrets" but looks like my tattoo says LizzieLestrange ASMR...
Ohhhh... I see what you did. There's no way I'll regret that.

@foggyfan9151 - 07.09.2024 00:46

Hi Lizzie ⚘️ hope you're well now,, you look Glowing,, I have only one Tattoo, but am getting more, Was Woman in this Humour ever Wooed, Was Woman in this Humour ever Won,, love ❤️ this Video ⚘️🌹✨️

@JeffisWinning - 07.09.2024 05:22

Too much mouth clicking. I made it to the 7-minute mark.

@LuchOutsider - 07.09.2024 07:45

Tell me she doesn't look like Fiora from League of Legends XDXD

@jaythoth9683 - 07.09.2024 08:03

good show, though I'd never get a tattoo

@Klaheto88 - 07.09.2024 08:46

Gorgeous, now she made me fall in love.

@jaredkerby5934 - 07.09.2024 08:50

Thanks for comforting me Lizzie ❤❤❤❤❤❤ You're so beautiful and so sweet 😍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Sending hugs and lil kisses my friend 💋

@M-T-R - 07.09.2024 13:56


@bdibu - 07.09.2024 20:30

Good Timing! I Wanted to Get a Small One!

@RobThePainter - 07.09.2024 20:41

Her looks, accent & delivery wow, what a talent, I'll be back...

@nadaduo1765 - 07.09.2024 22:56

We all got the hots for Lizzie 😭

@Hammern28 - 08.09.2024 00:03

I only sigh when Lizzie brings another video, with ASMR perfection.

... and I... think... I would let her tattoo me. It's a gamble, I know! But... I don't care if it is doodle this or doodle that. It would be a Lizzie original! 🥰🥰🥰

@liamspruyt - 08.09.2024 19:11

another lovely lizzie video!

@TheDistur - 09.09.2024 01:23

Thank you British Girl aka Lizzie!

@brycewilliams8504 - 09.09.2024 06:05

Low key looking like Fiora 👀

@theathenictheodorus - 09.09.2024 11:15

The world could be such a wonderful place if only we would learn to let go of our anger, bitterness, division, and hatred.
If we learned to love one another and to humbly serve one another,
When God made humanity, he did so that all the people of this good earth,
would love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
We have so much potential to be a force for good in the world.
All we need to do is let go of our pride and love the Lord and others with an open and willing heart.
Jesus died on the cross as a free gift of salvation for us; it isn't based on self-righteousness.
or based on our performance, it is only by God's great mercy and sacrifice when he died on the cross, when he took our punishment for our sins.
The only thing that counts as righteousness is faith in Christ and what he has done for us.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
Rejecting God's mercy will only lead to our eternal suffering and damnation.
Sin is like a disease that, if left untreated, will destroy us, like cancer. Sin must be dealt with.
which is why Jesus took our punishment for us; all we need to do is repent for our sins and place our faith solely in him.
“It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick.
I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”
Luke 5:31-32

"Dear God, please forgive me of all my sins and wash me clean. I've chosen to trust in the finished work of your son, Jesus Christ.
that when he suffered and died on the cross for my sins through his blood, they were washed away, lead, and guide
me on the path you have chosen for my life; lead me away from anger and hatred; teach me to love and serve others as you've loved me."

Eternal suffering is horrifying; it is forever, and once dead, there is no escaping such a fate. That's why
While we live, we need to turn to God for forgiveness. ''Anyone who says they do not sin is a liar, and there isn't truth within them.

Paraphrasing 1 John 1:8

''But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Matthew 5:28

You know that wicked people will not inherit the kingdom of God.
don't you? Stop deceiving yourselves! Sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals,

Corinthians 1:6-9

But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart (from our thoughts), and these things defile a man. (Make us sinful and worthy of judgment.)
For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander.

''Anyone who uses divination (consulting with psychics or mediums) practices witchcraft (Wicca) or claims to be able to predict the future through signs and omens
(a false prophet) or a sorcerer (one who dabbles in black magic, or any other occultic teaching) is guilty of eternal damnation in the eyes of God'' (Hell is a place of intense physical and emotional suffering
and it is forever, for all eternity, there is no escaping it after death)

The punishment for dabbling in
The occult in ancient times was harsh, you'd often be put to death by stoning or even by being burned at the stake, messing with the occult is serious, it's brought entire nations to it's knees
because of God's wrath (intense anger)
and it is one of the greatest sins, man can do
against God, because of Israel's rebellion in sacrificing their children the false canaanite gods (baal, astaroth and moloch), they suffered immensely over the course of history, especially when
they were invaded and conquered by the Babylonian Empire. Only suffering comes from the use of such practices, suffering in this life and eternal suffering in the next.


Deuteronomy 18:10-12

@thehouseofronin9209 - 09.09.2024 13:52

Hey Lizzie! You're as lovely as ever and super sweet in this one! (I was half expecting a sassy Lizzie! Lol) You're now my favorite tattoo artist, btw! Your gentle approach and soft asmr sounds are a welcome distraction! This is definitely the most comforting and painless tattoo ever! So I'm just going to go ahead and pre-book a few more sessions with you now, ok, 😊 Always fun to spend time with you Lizzie! Have a great day!

@mirandagarcia4998 - 10.09.2024 07:39

Now she’s hot hot like I couldn’t scroll past her lol I tried cause I’m not ready for bed yet but new here I don’t think you have to do click bait thumbnail like a thin black turtle neck would look fire. Or shirts and tank tops with ties and designs, high necks! Sorry I know that’s random it’s just a thought cause there is a lot that comes with mystery and art. You’re beautiful either way but you have power to wear a turtle neck with some rose gold jewelry and necklaces I think is sexier than lingerie but this is asmr not sex just my thoughts

@bobbwc7011 - 11.09.2024 00:22

All kinds of girls do OnlyFans, except the girls who mattter...

@zinnias114 - 11.09.2024 02:58


@yungsteppa8544 - 11.09.2024 08:13

her face is unnatural looking from what looks like surgeries... its kinda scary no offense

@Lordmikejay - 11.09.2024 17:48

Always good to see you friend 😊

@jeremywalton5651 - 11.09.2024 20:47

Your beautiful

@mariushansen2596 - 12.09.2024 19:14

Maybe 😏 someday I'll come to English

@mariushansen2596 - 12.09.2024 19:14

You are beautiful ❤

@mariushansen2596 - 12.09.2024 19:16

Bye ❤

@johnscull7873 - 14.09.2024 02:32

Lizzie Lestrange is undoubtedly the most scrumptious of ASMR artist!!!!😘

@LenOx4791 - 18.09.2024 06:12

We need sweet Lizzie in our lives again.
