I Bought a 17 Year Old, Obsolete Trail Bike

I Bought a 17 Year Old, Obsolete Trail Bike


10 месяцев назад

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@TheFixer-rq9tj - 24.01.2025 22:35

"This is a rock solid Japanese Dual Sport""
Did they sell those as a Dual Sport with blinkers and mirrors somewhere on earth? I'm pretty sure this is a trail bike with added blinkers and mirrors.

@rowanb7430 - 26.12.2024 08:16

Had a 2010, shouldn't have sold it.
Recommend you clean the oil screen if it hasn't been done.

@bonjovi1354 - 21.12.2024 22:27

good news for me kawasaki sells these here in india!! brand spanking new

@mcasswell48 - 17.12.2024 02:45

Run a light switch as it struggles to charge the battery with it on.

@mcasswell48 - 17.12.2024 02:44

Adbs test against a crf450l much latter design saw it fair really well.

@joeycourtice4157 - 21.11.2024 09:20

I just finally got mine going again after it sat in the shed for a while. Absolute beast of a bike, titanium intake valves tend to wear out every 150 hours or so but otherwise rock solid. Definitely be keen to see some klx450 content

@scottmartin9513 - 10.11.2024 20:06

Looks really clean! I'm looking at getting one as well! How do you like it so far?

@maccas44 - 15.10.2024 12:31

KLX 450 Awesome bike , I went don the same track as you but bought a Husky 450 TE and it is in the rebuild stage atm

@jimgarcia6317 - 12.10.2024 21:30

You're lucky! Here in the USA they only produced KLX450R motorcycle for 2 years. I always wanted one. Someday...

@jasoncaribou9530 - 27.09.2024 18:03

Nice ride bud , I just picked up one 2008 , 450 l , nice bike , with 1777 km for $ 4900 Canadian dollar , I watched your video and was intrigued , great stuff , keep two wheels down
Cheers from Canada

@theballintruth3369 - 02.09.2024 22:39

I thought it said you were a 17 year old and i was so confused

@robbieandbeckie - 24.06.2024 03:41

Looking forward to it

@johantaljaard2132 - 15.05.2024 03:23

I'm trying to find a street tilted one here in the US as we speak. Just seems like a fantastic bike that's hopelessly underrated. Following along to see it come together.

@coloradodirtbike5930 - 09.05.2024 22:17

You f(ed) up buying a 4 stroke bloke

@user-ql9pd8ll8w - 08.05.2024 16:16

I wanted to thank you for your videos and sharing your rides. I found your channel when researching the VStrom 800DE. I bought one and love it and appreciate what you've done with yours and the places you take it! I also think it's a good move going to a lighter dirt bike. I can also attest to the earlier comments about hospital trips and broken bones with a KX500. I had a highly modified CR500. No hospital or broken bones but she was called the widow maker!
Awesome channel and content!
J from the USA

@Xiaopang5544 - 08.05.2024 16:05

Hard to imagine why these weren’t more popular given that the WR450 is supposed to still be the #1 selling trail bike in Aus.

@FeatheredDino - 08.05.2024 15:51

I personally don't see it as obsolete at all. Sometimes, companies make the wrong decisions with new bikes. I would argue the best trail bike ever made, even to this day, is hands down the XR400, and it hasn't been produced for 20 years now.

@rickyzechariah1793 - 08.05.2024 10:50

They were popular here in Malaysia. I remember when they first came out magazines (they had those back then) complained they were a bit down on power and up in weight compared to the EXC/TE/WRF line.
But I rember reading sometime later a reviewer putting it in the class with the DR400E reliability wise (Which is way DOWN on power and UP in weight than the KLX450) and I thought, "If that's true, I would definitely be willing to sacrifice 10% power/weight for DRE reliability!

@SKgeostrat - 07.05.2024 23:00

I agree with you, this us a perfect bike for improving offroad skills. Old, light, enough power, super!

@Angry-Lynx - 07.05.2024 17:37

I think its piece of shit.
Lets see u ride it 🙂

@billcotton1551 - 07.05.2024 16:02

I think nothing will be able to stop you on this. Can't wait to see what terrain you will tackle.

@Escape-24-7 - 07.05.2024 13:58

Nice choice, definitely don’t see many others. I bought mine new in 2022, instead of a DRZ400. Pros are better suspension out the box, more power and nimble. Cons are that because they aren’t easily rego’d in the US, there isn’t a lot of demand for farkles. I sourced a second hand 16L Acerbis tank for mine and put a B&B bash plate on. Had the dealer restrict it before I picked it up. My fuel range is ~230kms with the big tank. I run soft panniers for longer trips. As others have mentioned, chain slap and wear on sliders is the biggest drama and keep an eye on valve clearances.

@MyNameIsTimIThink - 07.05.2024 12:51

Awesome bike. So hard to find in US. They get snatched up b4 i can make a call

@user-se7vt5ow4e - 07.05.2024 09:31

The best trail bike of 2007 was the KTM 400 XCW. IT did everything well.

@dirkhuman760 - 07.05.2024 07:38

Interesting choice over a DRZ400. Can't wait to see how it fares. Nice one!

@nearkolob - 07.05.2024 04:08

That is probably the second best Enduro made at the time. One being the CRF450X

@mdinkelman3902 - 07.05.2024 03:51

I have an 08, love it. I put fmf exhaust, aluminum skid plate, race tech springs, acerbis tank on it. Plus a few other things. I would like a rad fan or boysen water pump upgrade as well.
Solid bike, cheap to keep and flickable, loves to launch !
Have fun and still can afford a working mans cold pint post ride.

@Davidkxf - 06.05.2024 17:17

Mx bike with lights, bad choice.

@ZeroXSEED - 06.05.2024 15:02

TBH you can extend the service interval of any Enduro bike by simply capping their RPM to 80% redline
You lose a few horsepower but now gained 100-300% time between valve check

@danstevens2204 - 06.05.2024 14:42

Nearly get a kdx250 for that…

@jonathanstormont2898 - 06.05.2024 14:40

I too am looking at the same bike or a KLX 300R. I am looking 2nd hand too and I am thinking of doing pretty much what you are but more to have a bike to ride with my nephew. So super excited to see what you do with it.

@dquin12 - 06.05.2024 14:35

Shes a beauty!

@atlas_au - 06.05.2024 14:15

Bargain. nothing beats a beater!

@baydenbutler338 - 06.05.2024 14:09

Tremendous. Love to see some old school bikes re-loved. You will have a blast, Can't wait to see what you do and where you go with this great looking machine.

@gumbysenduro6546 - 06.05.2024 13:27

Awesome bike, would be good to see some overnight adventure stuff on the klx :)

@maxzabenko3105 - 06.05.2024 12:23

Yes had a 2013 klx bought new came with $2500 of free parts all they need is rejetting new exhaust system pro circuit of course and that's it suspension is great out of the box for enduro riding y9u will love this machine mate very underated bike😊

@Mikethebike-ov1yp - 06.05.2024 12:03

Well done. Clearly a lot of untapped interest in Aus with such historical but relevant bikes. You've got my interest!!! Looking forward to what adventures you embark on with such a weapon.
We aren't all into the latest farkled, you beut bikes- plainly to expensive. Go forth Curtis. Whoo hoo- theres going to be some epic posts i'm sure.

@fredcourtice5164 - 06.05.2024 11:57

Beast of a bike, i had a 2007 one and was so much fun and reliable.
one downside is they chew up valves and need constant shimming then replacing.
Miss that bike so much, was such a weapon at everything.

@Iambatman1939 - 06.05.2024 07:47

Good choice, and a bloody great price. Looking forward to the updates Curtis 🙂👍🏼

@PieroAlfonso77 - 06.05.2024 06:54

Now that looks like a bike you can keep on the back wheel 💪 I'm excited for you and looking forward to more videos!

@robhayes8295 - 06.05.2024 04:58

I get confused by Dual sport, Moto Cross, Enduro, Dirt - What are they, what's the difference? Are they the same?

@c0ck_l2oach75 - 06.05.2024 04:41

Great choice brother

@liv4adv41 - 06.05.2024 00:57

Spunky 💯👍🏼

@Daniel-Mclovin - 06.05.2024 00:15

Blank canvas 👌
I've owned my 14mod from new, has gone from motard to trails to now multi day tourer. hasn't let me down mechanically.
Faultless motors 🦾
Only thing to keep an eye on if doing longer trips up to a week is the swing arm chain guide, and lower guide. The torque chews them! Nice choice Curtis!

@Squirrel-i6u - 05.05.2024 22:56

I basically can't understand a word you're saying. Lol
