Taiwan is an Independent Country (p.r.china can have no legitimacy of territorial claims)

Taiwan is an Independent Country (p.r.china can have no legitimacy of territorial claims)


1 десятилетие назад

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Blocking "p.r.china's annexation of Taiwan"
From points of historical view just after the World War Ⅱ
Mr.Genki Fujii, Japanese analyst of international politics puts his convincing interpretations on legitimacy of Independence of Taiwan by Taiwanese and illegitimacy of territorial claims for annexation of Taiwan by p.r.china with gunboat diplomacy so-called "one-china policy"
At Coalition Rally by Japan and Taiwan, Civilian Hall in Bunkyou-Ward, Tokyo, on Feb.16, 2010.


#people's #republic #of #china #dictatorship #democracy #independency #red #communist #Genki #Fujii #藤井 #巌喜 #中華民国 #中華人民共和国 #一つの中国 #児玉源太郎 #後藤新平 #孫中山 #孫文 #胡錦濤 #江沢民 #毛沢東 #三民主義 #民主国家 #独立 #民主主義 #日台友好 #台中関係 #清国 #李登輝 #馬英九 #反日 #中国共産党 #国民党 #民進党 #台湾 #日台共闘集会
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