@Ginsunuva Maybe that's why it's called a "teaser"?
ОтветитьLook at the shadow background if you didn't understand. 3D tablet?
Ответитькак же утомительно :(
Ответитьdoes this mean sony ericsson wont be releasing a tablet??
ОтветитьExpected more from Sony ads...
Ответить@tusharsingal Idiot, I didn't say it had more apps. I'm saying hundreds of thousands of apps is not a "lack of an appstore".
Ответить@Microshocky Sonys only bad thing is that they havent made any big Gb walkmans 16Gb is their bigest they should make atleast one big model
Ответить@robbiekhan66 it was announced before WII U
ОтветитьВ стиле роликов от Google только здесь нудно и затянуто.
Ответить@larissatube And we have to take your word for it ? Arguments people, arguments!
Ответитьdoes it sync with itunes?
Ответить@SuicideUZI Android but I'm sure Sony will add they little twist with they own OS.
Ответить@ApologiaTV Doubt it its not Apple.
ОтветитьI'm glad to see that it's not an iPad clone for once. Now I just hope it's NOT running on Android.
ОтветитьRarely do I see an ad that makes me actively dislike a product, but this ad makes the tablet look anything but interesting. Are we selling a tablet here or a game of mousetrap? Boring. (anything BUT an Apple fanboi by the way)
Ответитьwow release date is September! why sony just didnt wait for tegra3 which will be in production October...bad choice for sony management team, i dont want to sound like a hater but the s1 or s2 not going to sell it would hav if it was running tegra3.
Ответитьnice, but so what?
ОтветитьSleek, sexy, and light, the New Asus Tablet gets as close to the iPad 2 as any Android tablet before it. watch?v=VXXtGe4bJEM .................... "Brand new tablets on sale" just google search for my store "mdia5947"
ОтветитьLooks great, I've always preferred Sony's technology than other company's, Sony is the only company I can trust now.
ОтветитьView Mirko Scepanovic A Night In Tunisia
Ответить"Two will" - Story of two will and the two will be.
Ответитьgreat i luuv sony, really want it
ОтветитьCool video,Nice tablet.But what does it try to express?
ОтветитьCan't wait for it's release...... Andriod #1!!!!
ОтветитьTruly great video! :) Waiting for the next one!
Ответить@iEatUglyNoobs No... I own no apple product and have a Xperia Play, Im actually quite a big android fan. I was stating that this device could compete against the ipad in terms of SALES, a lot of consumers are not intrested in tablets, or do not even knoe about rival products, they just want an ipad for the social status and for show. However tablet wise I would rather own a Ipad (as of 2011) as there are more apps made for it than android 3.0 honeycomb, Android will only grow. Do YOUR research.
ОтветитьAre you guys serious? Comparing Sony and Apple?
Ответить@Thecincocarte Yeah, that´s obviously what I meant dipshit.
Ответить@Microshocky every brend has its fans
Ответить@TheCincoarte that's what he meant dude
Ответить@Zeoloth haha good one lol
Ответить@WhitePride810 If sony sucks, why are you watching this video?
Ответитьel video mas horrible q he visto en mi vida
Ответить@Sony are you a real person that works at sony if so we need to hsve a seriuse talk asap about not getting minecraft for ps3 while xbox gets everything and we get only gsmes thats for every thing
Ответить@dhirenwhitetiger Uncharted?
ОтветитьThey should make more UMD movies for the psp
ОтветитьI own the tab and its awesome. ipad is sooo straight laced and lacks personality. my tab is running the megadrive and snes emulators perfectly straight from the android market. no ipad jailbreaking crap, just streets of rage and mario kart with two taps of the screen. oh yes baby!
ОтветитьYeah. 20 years ago.
Ответитьbetter than me <3
ОтветитьJust hope nothing goes wrong, they have the worst customer service I've ever experienced
ОтветитьCyborg (1989) - IMDb
ОтветитьExcellent video! Do you have any more sony videos? Please visit my channel and sub!