NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 25.S1.1 - League of Legends

NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 25.S1.1 - League of Legends

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

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@wildart3253 - 09.01.2025 09:36

Still no changes for rengar, great

@alebeni5006 - 09.01.2025 10:09

i like league of legends new season

@rhinocheese7831 - 09.01.2025 11:02

NOOOOO don't expose my zyra

@feuerteufel2799 - 09.01.2025 11:39

Amumu with the new item should be good right?

@christophermauro-barias7451 - 09.01.2025 12:55

S1.1 sounds so stupid to hear. jesus.

@hycix705 - 09.01.2025 13:18

Might be low elo perspective, but I am surprised to not see Talon in S+ given his first blood potential with the new boot system

@Grimcorep99 - 09.01.2025 13:25

AP champs in all their forms are going to be OP af this patch. Boots upgrade is insanely strong with mejai and bloodletters curse is extremely over tuned. Prepare to see some of the strongest AP champs we have seen ever.

@mistersergei - 09.01.2025 14:24

I didnt get it about Ashe, does she need crit now or what?

@Moonlakes - 09.01.2025 14:24

yeah. these boots are way too op considering you as a singular player have very little influence on it. decreases skill expression a lot. they will be gutted hard, maybe way lower stats but you don't have to buy them.
edit: thinking about it more, the jungler can solo give away all 3 points. with the amount of objective these days, i think jungle has way too much influence now

@lucarius4465 - 09.01.2025 15:27

up to 100 memento stacks but 25 max stacks? Sounds like unlimited games, but no games

@dfvbadfvadfvad - 09.01.2025 15:55

so you telling me, there is a game mode where i can play league of legends and end the game at 25 minutes? not to mention i can go into practise tool with my friends? whos gonna play ranked? cuz for sure i wont be playing ranked in my life ever again, swiftplay is the mode that everyone wanted to see, good job riot, you just killed ranked, thank you.

@roni-ed6lh - 09.01.2025 16:51

Maybe would be cool if instead of locking tier 3 boots solely for your team. Both teams get access to them at a fixed time or level and each feat of strength reduces the level requirement or game time your team gets access to them like oh for example access to tier 3 boots at level 16 but each feat of strength means you can get it 2 levels earlier. Thoughts?

@lol-gameplay7290 - 09.01.2025 18:28

Kalista sht, but gotta nerf her early game, sure Riot...

@JaYaTe-hf9bq - 09.01.2025 19:10

Why is zeri tier A now

@NightridingDoom - 09.01.2025 19:21

About heartseel:

DIANA. Her shield scales with %HP and she can make incredibly good use of Riftmaker, as long as there isn't a teemo or quinn in the game.

And Hybrids (Jax/Kayle/Kaisa) can really bolster their scaling power, but they will sacrifice their early game agency even more. Since both titanic hydra and riftmaker can be used on all 3 of them, heart steel naturally becomes a possible choice.

Again, this is going to be situational, and not always viable.


Unlwaa rhwew ia healing bug, undending despair is going to be the item to take if you want to lose the game.

Warmog will probably get a health regen buff. They most likely nerfed it because of runaway mundo effect.

The 10%hp increase from items makes it a good pairing with heartsteel, but there isn't a single champion you want to stack that much health so early for it to matter. It is going to be more a warmog vs heartsteel, and heartsteel is gonna win out on that front.

The extra out of combat sustain can be made use of by likes of Mundo, who really saw bigger chance of winning games with warmog rush than with heartsteel rush, but overall... i think only garen will build it now to bolster his passive. and even then, once in a blue moon in low elo.


Axiom Arcanist is going to be a must have on supports, on Lissandra and on any other ultimate reliant mage.

Deep Ward is going to be another must for not only supports, but also midlaners.

Grizzly memento has a wierd wording. why are the max stacks at 100, when the max you can gain is 25? It is either going to be a must have, or not as powerful as it first seems.

Sixth Sense is going to be a must have for anyone. Shutting down wards whenever you step into one is going to be extremly powerful. Even with 5 minute cooldown. You need to remember, if the person would take this rune, he most likely is an ad assasin who can also use the item that does the same thing at much shorter cooldown. Pair them both together and you can permablind the map. Pyke will be a menace.

We will also see the rise of support items being bought in mid game just to keep up with warding. This in turn shifts the meta more towards champions that do not need all 5 item slots to be effective.


Overall the direction I'm getting is less durability, more utility and strength.


Atakhan: Increased snowball. Yep, that's what we need. Games over in less than 5 minutes were already a problem. Let's make it more of a problem.


Teleport change is a welcome change. Having you travel also gives some extra warning to people if they see the orb. Overall though, teleport just became a must have rune again.

Minion change again is a welcome change. Have to practice last hitting again though.

Nexus turrets respawning is a massive buff to lower elo, where games can be delayed by turtles. So a welcome change. But it will not be enough to counteract the amount of snowballing the game now has. So overall, meaningless change.


Toplane/Jungle: i actually expect shyvana to make a comeback. She really likes fast clear metas where emphasise is more on farming and causing chaos, rather than straight out babysitting one lane to death.

Nocturne and Vi are going to be exceptionally Strong as well. I expect Kayn to fall off.

Midlane: Actually, if cassios team is snowballing or she gets the noxus blessing buff, she will start strangling the whole damn game. She was borderline broken, this may tip her over the edge. But with the buff being if, not when, then it is always going to be a "maybe".

I do expect Malzahar to be a lot stronger, along with zed, ahri and pyke mid,w ho like to roam around a lot.


ASHE - Wow wow wow what thew fuck were they smoking? Ashe new build is going to be triforce into Navoris quickblade for decent cd reduction along with insane attack speed. She is going to be really strong now. Ashe in support is going to be really viable as well, since the 200 base damage buff is quite huge for support ashe. Just remember to max Q as adc, max W as support.

Kalista nerf is probably pro skewed.

Varus is actually getting quite a buff. The E nerf is and passive mana reduction makes him more unreliable, but ithe damage buff on Q is massive.

Mf double tap mechanic can confuse players, hence why she is usually less played. But yhea, Sivir, MF, Ashe and Kog are going to be the 4 main adc's now.

I would also drop caitlyn to B dier. She does not have the power to lanebully anyone, for anything else, everyone outperforms her.


ASHE: As I said, the W max ashe support is going to be much more of a lane bully now that she can benefit from lethality a lot more.

Pyke: New domination runes suit him extremly well. He will also like the sorcery changes, and the durability reduction in the items built by the fighters. So I expect this dewarder to be seen a lot more, especially in higher low tier like gold and emerald.

I would drop Poppy, since she can't bypass janna. And new Axiom Arcanist rune is going to be a huge powerspike for her.

@senhayl5437 - 09.01.2025 19:39

tp is shitty so long early on + minions can now die

@xxANUB1S - 09.01.2025 20:43

oh yay zed still unplayable

@ioannishussein8038 - 09.01.2025 23:50

Ooh, now Aphelios is the worst ADC champion in the ADC tier list! That’s never correct overall.

@FrierenS2 - 10.01.2025 02:18

adc tierlist is trash, silver tier xD.

@DiegoGoRs - 10.01.2025 05:46

I wonder, do Warmog's increase the additional health Heartsteel provides? Because that would be kinda busted tbh

@OGPTdosGPTs - 10.01.2025 06:29

Ashe AP was buffed, because they higher the base damage of the ability

@BBTSU33 - 10.01.2025 08:15

heartsteel hit 3% of max, not 6.

@Progress2Perfection - 10.01.2025 09:02

Cassiopeias winrate is like 58%

@travishipp4972 - 10.01.2025 10:41

Sadly my client keeps crashing cuz of this change tho.

@xModerax - 10.01.2025 14:33

Okay but when do we get old Viktor visuals back?

@ryantherumpus3784 - 10.01.2025 18:13

Lovely every topo adc is actually an APC

@Nichtis - 10.01.2025 18:14

so armored boots get 2 pasivs and mage boots get non?

@k1nice888 - 10.01.2025 18:40

Sivir must be in D tier ngl

@Кукумбер-щ5п - 10.01.2025 20:23

I like the new season update: the removal of the ability to earn mastery chests and the removal of ranked rewards. In the new battle pass, you can only get one skin above epic with zero chests.

@jand.3899 - 10.01.2025 20:55

im a lulu main Q_Q

@Troopzorr - 10.01.2025 22:03

No Diana on the Top Lane tier list? Y'all are missing out

@gameplay_adc - 10.01.2025 22:30

Waiting for W of Medarda

@kristalliace2865 - 10.01.2025 22:44

ADC S Tier list consists of 11 APC Champs and a whopping amount of 4 ADC Champs...

@Ryan-wb6wu - 10.01.2025 22:47

How does one get two first bloods?

@drewskiwest5284 - 11.01.2025 00:09

teleport is really meh... no more sneak attacks on wards killed tp for me but getting back to tower on a FK/FB recall after wave crash
or getting back if it happens to you was huge... but turning into an orb that has a predictable path.... deep warding will 100% be telling
where the person with tp is going from base. so using tp will change mid/late game.
i wish i could have kept playing but after riot perma banned my account i made from their DISC RELEASE after only playing vs AI once
a day or every few days to once a month to every other month, to once a season or a few games a year... i'd get slammed into a 4man
premade of fake reports and trolls... before i could finish reporting them for trash talking me during hero select, early-mid-late and post
game where they even got 2 ppl on other team to ALSO report... since i was the ONLY initiator... they'd ping and spam "GO GO GO!"
and i'd go... then die as they laughed and ran.... and go into all chat "report for feed" - i was perma banned before i could finish reporting.
i have 14k+ emails with riot "support" where i finally reached a REAL HUMAN after about 5000 exchanges...
they claimed that they take "perma bans SERIOUS" and i asked them "did you even WATCH the game and see 4 people on my team
putting me down from the second we started? and baited me into team fights only to abandon me and laugh?? my replies in chat are
TWO PEOPLE TO LEGIT REPORT ME and you'll see this ban is NOT warranted..."
they would NEVER address it. they'd say "we don't take into account how much money you put into the game..."
"you broke tos"
it was my first and only game in 3 seasons.... and i died 6 times with STILL higher KDA with more assists and more kills than ALL OF THEM
but of course i "int'd" and jungle NEVER helped me at top...
they don't review permabans... they're given out and washed hands cuz some AI did it. it's pathetic.

@drewskiwest5284 - 11.01.2025 00:20

how do you make a brand adc?

also if my other comment stayed up (a miracle.. as yt random removes them for unknown reasons)
i had skins you could only get from having playing beta and buying the $10 CD...
and skins that were temporarily available or X requirement such as many victorious (first 3-4 seasons)
janna/j4/riven and i can't remember the other
demonic tryn since tryn is who i mainly leveled up with. loved him back in the day when league first
came out... i had farmed 12 full rune pages and SO MANY t3 runes only for them to be removed...
it just blows my mind how riot does NOT look at replays for context on perma bans...

@panixzir7754 - 11.01.2025 03:35

Briar s tier? Bro i am otp briar Gm last season the champ have bugs and i will stop playing her she aint s tier i ise W and she dont reviel the target or camps.

@kingjulian2272 - 11.01.2025 17:01

Can’t believe Hwei wasn’t in the S tier for ADC. Lots of people have been playing him there and seeing crazy results

@Dwesk - 11.01.2025 20:28

Is Swain really that bad? I was monstrous with him last season.

@pacobarbosa6077 - 11.01.2025 21:22

Why isnt Briar in the top tierlist? Wins every matchup

@MyselfVlogsPaul - 12.01.2025 00:33

clearly you guys haven't seen dr mundo be top tier for the last 3 seasons cuz of warmogs

@xelto6539 - 13.01.2025 03:29

ksante "weak" is a lie xdd i was against him he still his the best champ on top

@yanaany530 - 13.01.2025 10:53

And what about new champion Mel? Will she be mostly midlane?

@Big_T7 - 13.01.2025 14:29

Guys adcs are NOT weak Ranged mages are just unbalanced ! Theyre broken mid lane aswell they need nerfs not buffs to adcs!

@ElGranTocho - 13.01.2025 23:11

Zeri going from C to A tier with no mention of it makes me lose hope for this tierlist validity more and more

@viczadc - 13.01.2025 23:13

Xd you still put vayne in s while she is B-C in master+😂😂😂😂

@theseeker2KK - 14.01.2025 18:16

missing draven on the list ?

@dakotabutler9534 - 16.01.2025 18:28

