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@teo_crafter25 - 23.12.2024 10:30

early squad

@Mr.FixAlot - 23.12.2024 10:38

Yo, can you give me some tips homie

This is my Setup, It's not perfect but fit my playstyle well.

I usually opt to strategize to win in the early game as the new revamped argus won't have a problem in late game unless the enemy has heavy CC.

For Squishy fighters like Zilong, Aulus, Guin... Etc.

Forgive me if i get the names wrong, i usually don't try to remember this things.

Marksman - Emblem
Crit - 5% CR/10% CD
Hunter - 8% DMG to enemies when alone
Lethal Ignition - I prefer to wait in a bush to strike and completely annilate the MM/Mages/Jungler of the enemy team as much as possible with a double/Triple passive and leave immediately. ( This helps the team alot and most of the time, i don't need to use the ult and kill them in 1 hit unless of course they have CC/Wind Chant.

Aspd Shoes - gives 30% Attack speed with the emblem
Berserker Fury - Gives a lot of crit and dmg in the early game because Using the ult if lucky gives instant passive anyways ( 30% CR with emblem, Also Remember to buy the two daggers first that gives 8% CR as Moontoon priotizes the non crit item first. )
Wind Talker - Moves faster, Attacks faster, makes killing minions easier, and works well in an ambush with its crit passive. As you get this, you already have 50% CR. So i go ham killing the opponent Exp Or heroes that aren't Tanky/Priotizes Defensive Items.
Dragon Spear - More CR, DMG, Movement, and most importantly CDR
Haas Claw - Not being able to recover from minions doesn't affect me, as i ambush more in the bushes So i won't prioritize this.

For the last item, it depends. Do you need anti heal? Sea Halberd. Attack? BOD. Pen? Malefic/Gun that gives pen and movement speed (I forgot, im sorry). 10k HP enemies? DHS.
This also applies if you choose to replace the shoes, but be wary as this will reduce your movement speed by alot. ( You can Also use the Execute item, which gives movement speed. If the team is winning by a huge margain.

For the Tanky enemies, it's mostly the same but arranged in a different order to fight against Freya, Terizla, Thamuz, Dyrroth.. etc.

Emblem - Marksman
Crit - Read Back
Hunter - Read Back
Warcry/Concussive blast - Warcry Against tanky enemies, The fight is prolonged. So this will be tremendously better than lethal ignition. And Using Concussive blast helps clear minions faster but doesn't help that much if you're fighting a good player that knows how to dodge.

Aspd shoes - Read Back
Windtalker - This helps alot in clearing the minion wave and help you roam around the map to get creeps or if the opponent exp isn't that good, Cut the lane but it's very risky. So check the map properly if the enemy roam/jungle/mid is far from you because they will target you immediately in early game If they're decent working players.
Berserker - Read Back
Dragon Spear/Sea halberd/Penetration Item - This Really depends on how well you did in the early game, if you overcame the enemy in the early game Argus can definitely kill them even if they have healing or a single defense item. But if you did alright or worse you could get other items to counter them first, Do not force crit and dmg as it will be useless if the enemy has dominance ice and has immense healing.
Haas claw - Read Back
Last item and Shoe replacement - Read back

Yes, i wrote an essay but this also helps me remember some things to play him effectively. So you all don't gotta write "I ain't reading allat" like a bot begging for likes. I also wrote this for my sake.

@Deckar5639 - 23.12.2024 10:42

to be fair, I just destroy argus in the early to mid with yu zhong, later if I don't build defensive items he can kill me very easily but in early he can't do much

@Fathirfahmi16 - 23.12.2024 10:43

My Argus 1200 match, winrate 60% His skill 2 is very brutal and satisfying when it hits an enemy... even though his passive was nerfed when attacking TURRET, But it's still good😉😉

@Argus_Superstorm_777 - 23.12.2024 10:52

Long time no see bro, the new Argus is bad. Even on the Advanced Server, I can easily make him cry with Kalea. And btw, what's the meaning of the sentence? (The one Argus said to Layla)

@Backroom135 - 23.12.2024 11:20

Argus revamp is not a buff is a nerf btw i like his ult 4sec and he deal a high damage in enemy his ult duration can extend to 4sec and total at 8secs the problem of his ult can't heal and creeps clone minions. and his skill 2 now is hard to clear waves. and can't work if he hit the minions can fully use his malice energy. weak and his passive cant regenerate in tower that is my problem using argus now. Kairita eh d kana maka push

@realslayer777 - 23.12.2024 11:22

Im been playing argus almost 5 years since i start playing ml from LOL my main is tryndamyr, Anyway I have 10k matches with argus and 63% winrate, what i see in your opponent argus is built focusing in late game and move sluggish and he feels he is strong in the early game, he has no chance winning against hilda lol, Anyway I build my emblem with assasin, Quantum charge, Dry hit, and plus 16 damage, with an execute spell, My play style in laning is poke and poke then finish with execute, I only hide or distance while waiting for my passive, and if its available, I hit passive, used second skill, and hit again, then my quantum charge is active, i have decent mobility, and use 2nd phase of my first skill to dash back, Until enemies hp is lowered that it can be killed with my combo and execute, while in late game, i dont need much battle spell or talent, i am full build with attack speed, corrosion scythe works better, with magic stuff, demon hunter sword, wind talker for my first item with attack speed boots, and last item malefic gun for mobility and penetration, execute spell helps me alot when dealing against tanky heroes, since its true damage and works like sky peircer. Argus is one of fastest heroes but always fail when being kited by high mobility heroes, Just fall back if your first skill didn't hit the enemy, You can always choose when to engage, with argus Immortality skill. I love this Chanel seeing argus and his potential

@NickyBrosuwu - 23.12.2024 12:14

whenever I play Argus and I find someone that struggles against me, I usually play that hero if there's an argus in the enemy side and destroy that argus while feeling kinda disappointed from the prevous player (and from that argus)

@sayanok3310 - 23.12.2024 12:14

Instead of crying about new Argus, we should adapt according to it an face enemies like a man.

@abhijitroy6778 - 23.12.2024 12:49

This argus counter video will make him even more weaker.... 😂

@t90gaming44 - 23.12.2024 13:01

i hate the new update on argus personally think that the new argus needs a lot of attention when it comes to landing face I think argus is in need of a baby sitter in the early due to this update one things for sure time to learn a new way to play him but personally I might just stop using him ngl depends on what happen later on

@tgeiii3554 - 23.12.2024 13:19

one thing I like is that this update really separates the good Argus players and the crap Argus players that got by because of how easy Argus was to play.

@muridtahmatgnas2184 - 23.12.2024 13:42

The reason i ban argus is because he is annoying, not because he is op

@benjamintoybonniephillips - 23.12.2024 15:18

I dare say people clowning on this new Argus has absolutely no idea how Argus should be played in the first place, at least from when he first came out (5-sec Ult Argus as reference), sure we know how dogwater the early was but we also know how brutal his late powerspike is. The first revamp tried to fix this, did well, but for some reason, brought the 4-sec Ult. What was the purpose of this? To turn him into an assassin and/or a splitpusher? After he got his revamp, he was adjusted to have faster Ult CD in exchange for lower strength, I quote MLBB when they said: "Argus sacrificed part of his power for ..." (Paraphrasing), then suddenly a 4 sec Ult adjustment alongside the two-passive? His heal became weak because of this, his playstyle drastically changed, and now people actually prefer this Argus?

He's a fighter, not an Assassin. This new Argus incentivizes your item prioritization just like the old Argus, it has the early game benefits of the 4-sec Ult Argus and the late game powerspike of the original Argus, how could anyone hate that? Aside from this, it actually brings him to becoming an actual fighter since he WANTS to take damage, die and reset his Ultimate, the old Argus was fixed with five seconds, which means he's only useful in late game, but now, he's as a monster of a teamfighter as the original Argus was, while again, keeping the strength of early game. Imagine with the four second Ult Argus, if you lose your lane, you don't have a lot to go for because your teamfight is garbage, you're better off splitpushing and/or picking.

Argus has always been a fighter, and with this change, I'd like to believe he became the absolute best version of himself.

@ExtinctGamer2 - 23.12.2024 15:28

Best heroes for season 35
Pls bro ❤❤
Tell me.

@MHAOvercharged - 23.12.2024 16:08

I just ban Hilda if i want to pick Argus lol. She's very annoying because of her constant shields and regen. I can deal with other fighters heroes but Hilda is a special case. So far Im doing good with new Argus and enjoy his instant malice recharge and ultimate. I still find it sad that some Argus pkayers couldn't adapt to his new play style

@PanginoongCockroach - 23.12.2024 18:01

Why don't they make his skill 2 autocrit right?

@PanginoongCockroach - 23.12.2024 18:01

Oh yeah zilong can one on one argus early game.

@PanginoongCockroach - 23.12.2024 18:07

Argus' splitpush power has severely weakened. So it's an obvious not to do that.

@Yisrael-en2xs - 24.12.2024 00:26

Im gonna point this out argus counter is cc the others is just skill isseu
He is now weaker at pushing turrets but he better in teamfights
And heroes that can burst him down really fast can beat him or if they suprise attack but that wont work with pro argus user franco is counter his ult is pretty anoying so does natalia second skill and karina first skill
the new argus is stronger he just has different playstyle i can 1 vs 3 or 5 now because of the revamp im argus main so i know mobility heroes are not always i counter because with full crit build you can shut them down quickly my opinion it depends on the player the hero and the build the people that use argus think that argus is weaker now just two words skill isseu he just harder to play if you play him correctly you can become op in the late game but some heroes can still beat him

@SimonSahara-zl9ck - 24.12.2024 03:38

Tarizla could also be a good pick against him because even in late Agust has a hard time trying to melt Tarizla

@PANHASAK-z9z - 24.12.2024 09:08

Thank you for your explanation. it's very helpful to me in that set how do you counter alpha in the EXP Lane

@Snowy_Orien - 24.12.2024 13:44

Ult cool down, and no healing from non-hero units during ult really suck. And the nerf on second skill and passive damage are cherry on top, lol.

@NeocrimsonX - 25.12.2024 09:31

I did feel stronger as release argus but this newest argus is definitely better than the previous rework one.

@Argus7Seconds - 26.12.2024 06:55

The worst thing is sun now bullying argus
Big nerf

@24sawantakshay23 - 26.12.2024 16:13

yo i AM BACK nice to see your growth

@Noluxes - 26.12.2024 21:04

For tanks get dominance and blade armor, dominance wouldn't really do much, since his less on attack speed and more likely wanting to hit those crits to counter that use blade armor, it has a 20%crit reduction so you wouldn't really get obliterated before he runs out of ult. Or the better counter stun Aurora flame shot would do the trick.

@Khant99 - 30.12.2024 13:49

Maybe it's time to play the almighty sun?😅
