ОтветитьDay 262 on the tiebreak
ОтветитьIt took him 62 turns to get a single 30%, damn
ОтветитьProps to Pyroar for not missing a single Fire Blast
ОтветитьPaysa got pretty unlucky with all those status u evaded
ОтветитьPokevin, have you been #1 on ladder before?
ОтветитьIs that gloriousplays that I'm seeing?
ОтветитьVecio un consiglio, quando vuoi dire che qualcuno ha fatto una buona giocata "good play by them" è più corretto di "good play from them"
ОтветитьFreelo guy is not myth
Freelo guy for a reason💀
I can't believe Meganium beats Lugia 1v1. Lugia really needs a buff.
ОтветитьThe paysa game was top class.
ОтветитьPaysa my favorite reoccurring character on the pokemon channel 🙏
Ответитьdid the scream tail not have thunder wave?
Ответитьawesome win vs paysa even with those hazards wow
ОтветитьSmeargle and Scream Tail provide so much value in randbats