Why the music in this game so good tho
ОтветитьToo bad there's no shadow last
ОтветитьKinda like Mortal Kombat/Dead or Alive but Sonic, so... Sonic Kombat: Dead or Alive?
ОтветитьI'd never thought watching sonic beat the brakes out of knuckles would be so hilarious LMAO
ОтветитьOooooo the vibessss, the child hooooood.... The tears won't stop falling 😢😢😢😢 I want those days back....
ОтветитьWho in 2025 - 2026 - 2027 - 2028 ?
ОтветитьWhy the hell is everyone asking anyone in 2024?!
ОтветитьThis 2025
ОтветитьNow someone understands that those models from that game appeared in the credits of the movie
Ответитьone of my earliest memories was my older brother teaching me how to play this game so we can play together,, good times :')
ОтветитьIf that was a Saturn game, the Saturns fate would have been different...
ОтветитьBean caused me so much rage when I was little
ОтветитьThey used these models in the credits of the 3rd movie
ОтветитьTrue nostalgia for me
ОтветитьSonic vs Knuckles match stage
ОтветитьNobody is talking how these models were in sonic 3.
ОтветитьSúper machista opresor
ОтветитьSonic is a bad friend to Tails and Knuckles! He’s beating the crap out of them for no reason in this game! Thats not how friendships are supposed to work! 😡
ОтветитьI’m here for the nostalgia I need a GameCube do I could play this again
ОтветитьSo this is what Sonic 3s credits were inspired by.
Ответитьthis game was the hardest stuff me and my cousins played on the Gems collection, trying to beat all that in 1 go and take out Eggman in 15 seconds right at the end, playing for hours fumbling right at the end of it, got genuinely hyped when eggman got taken out, shot me right back to the moment i finally beat that cursed final boss.
ОтветитьDude this is so nostalgic, I’m 20, have older sisters that used to play this and I remember playing this with them. I’m gonna go to my parents and grab the game cube and this game
ОтветитьThis game is game has such a fun style. It's so vibrant and cartoony, I love it.
ОтветитьAs a guy born in 2001 who just missed this game, the idea of a Sonic fighting game makes me laugh out loud
ОтветитьHahaha, this was a real game?! I didn't even know this existed!
ОтветитьAh, yes. Sonic the fighters. The main reason why Sonic was in Wreck It Ralph.😊
Ответитьthat is a LETHAL amount of squash-and-stretch
ОтветитьI used to play this game with a collection of classic sonic games on ps2 in the bigeinges of the 2009
what a buitifule days ✨️
Whatever happened to that damn 8th chaos emerald
ОтветитьFor me it's the weirdest Sonic game created by Sega xdd
ОтветитьSonic showed them theses hands