The Perfect Movie for Each Personality Type (MBTI)

The Perfect Movie for Each Personality Type (MBTI)


4 года назад

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@lilii6914 - 03.07.2022 19:07

Can someone explain me INFP personality?? I believed i was more like Infj but this quiz that i did came out as INFP

@nikvlai9730 - 07.07.2022 07:50

just an fyi…most tests for mbti, especially the 16 personalities quiz, are unreliable because mbti is based off cognitive functions. if you really want to know your mbti, i recommend looking into cognitive functions, otherwise your mbti will most likely be inaccurate.

@chellyfancypants - 07.07.2022 19:46

Infj here! Good job lol they think my movies are sad but it’s REAL ✨

@optimist-ri1439 - 19.07.2022 08:10

The lady vanishes - main character gave me ISFP vibes.

@KeratokonusErfahrung - 24.07.2022 12:59

The movie choice really depends on your values. Im an ISTJ but can love many diferent films.
My Top Movies:
1. The 300 Spartaner (watch it at least 3 times)
2. The Wolf of Wallstrett (watch it in russian, english, 2x german)

Top Series:
1. Star Wars the Clone War (I was addicted, I said that I would watch it in full when I would have a child)
2. Prison Break
3. Breaking Bad
4. Avatar

@anyasalazar.g - 25.07.2022 12:22

I, an INTJ, have always preferred complex and psychological movies. I could mention "Fight Club", "Split", "Shutter Island", "The Machinist", "Black Swan", "Gone Girl", "Requiem for a Dream", "Donnie Darko", etc., though honestly, I much prefer series or anime. I think they have a lot more time to develop a plot and make its impact bigger.

@pr0nar3ff - 17.08.2022 06:08

The 16 personalities quiz isn't all that accurate. I've gotten INFP, ISTP, INTP, and maybe even another type. So many questions but not so much accuracy. The questions don't really go deep and into the Cognitive Functions or anything, they're more simple questions and stereotypes. If you want to know your true personality type, look into the Cognitive Functions and understand them. Don't be biased about the types and don't rely on stereotypes to figure out your type. The MBTI personalities go deeper than that, which plenty of people don't realize at all or enough to know their true type. Find out your four functions, using research and also remembering what you were and are like. Watch videos from people that have great understanding on each of the types. Use the functions, not the letters.

@mechawolf165 - 17.08.2022 08:25

As a INTP black guy, "Hidden Figures" is mid. Sci-Fy / fantasy is my is my bread and butter, like "Star Wars", "Jumper", or Arrival"

@blackoceancreativeuniverse - 21.08.2022 22:07

Cinemonika is a great cinemonker. it shows a strong, intuitive grasp of language

@JN-0peny0ureye5 - 22.08.2022 05:30

I get lost easily without each one of your discriptions being initiated with (1), (2), (3) and on

@amooosasaki2299 - 28.08.2022 21:29

As an ESTP I just f ing loved The wolf of the Wall Street
It was truly a masterpiece it brought me joy it brought me sorrow it made me h rny it taught me a lesson
It was the LIFE of a very great human being
Jordan was like the most human god_like character that I've ever seen in an American movie
I liked how crazy it was and how alive it felt to be around Jordan
It made me laugh too many times and it brought me almost to tears at times

9/10 would recommend

@patriciawadzanai7716 - 31.08.2022 18:45

infj i loved her! thanks for reminding me about this beautiful movie

@phylx3272 - 06.09.2022 00:41

Into the wild is definitely something I'd do as an ISTP

@colddark9330 - 27.09.2022 16:48

I am really very curious to know What's your personality type Monika? Cause it looks like we are the same personality types

@freddysamjacob363 - 10.10.2022 05:06

Eternal Sunshine for INFP is perfect.

@rosalielehnerd6623 - 13.10.2022 11:14

ISFJ for you

@jj-zb5ih - 25.10.2022 06:08

We had to watch hidden figures for my film studies last year, it was probably one of my favorite movies EVER. I'm an entj but I LOVED that movie. I was so sad it was over. The fact it was history too (which bores me tbh) and I geniunly enjoyed it was surprising. 100% reccomend

@exoscalmfan191 - 10.11.2022 00:17

as an infj i loved the recommendation, have seen it already but might rewatch it. i'll definitely check some of the other films mentioned as well.

@jkeezy93 - 08.12.2022 03:25

Hidden Figures is an incredible work of historical fiction lmao

@Aquasuba - 29.12.2022 03:59

Nice little channel you got here. It's isn't involved with drama and controversy.

@julieporter7805 - 05.01.2023 00:19

I am an INTJ and a book reviewer and my favorite genres tend to be science fiction, murder mysteries/psychological thrillers, and historical fiction. So a lot of what you said makes sense. In fact this year my top favorite books were mostly science fiction and mysteries so I like books that have a process or a puzzle to follow, questions to ponder and think about, and also opens up possibilities by asking "What If."
In fact, I reviewed Girl With The Dragon Tattoo five years ago and considered Lizbeth Salander one of the highlights of the book.

@coleeatz2066 - 10.01.2023 07:12

As an INTP it annoys me that no one put time codes in the comments, I dont care if she asked us to not skip lmao.

@ceceliaz - 11.01.2023 01:50

Hidden Figures is not an INTP movie - the characters are smart but the film itself is boring because it's predictable. A good INTP film would be Primer or even Inside Man - movies that are like puzzles. :)

@carlybourke2116 - 16.01.2023 02:58

the fact that i want to have a gap year and go around the mountains in europe was way to real with the movie -istp

@Малююіноді - 16.01.2023 14:36

Thank you so much!!! I just can't, I love every single secong of your videos. You are such a comfort person for me. And thanks for good content <33

@rayukiriver5766 - 17.01.2023 20:43

As not english speaker i Really love your english, it's super easy to understand, thank you

as INFP i would gladly watch and rewatch and rewatch The Lord of the Rings, but i'm biased, ok. But what i think is important for me in general in movies - it's emotions. I don't really care for plot or for subtext, but if actors are good, if their characters are emotional and they have interesting relationships, if all of this makes you internally scream - that's what will do. Like i REALLy love Avatar (both of them, actually) and i love is not for the story itself (though i don't see anything really bad about it), but for the actors, and colours, and MUSIC and emotions and picture and animals and everything

But actually the older i get, the more and more i love animated movies better x) Not better than LOTR, obviously, but yeah. How to train your dragon? ABSOLUTELY yes. Miyazaki's works? Sure!

@sarahberkner - 20.01.2023 04:43

Hidden Figures and Truman Show are great movies, I haven't watched the Dead Poet Society but have heard it's good. I'd also recommend The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, for anyone as it encourages people to step outside their comfort zone and live in the real world. I'm an ESTJ but I like funny and/or inspirational movies and some musicals.

@internationalsuperspies - 10.02.2023 08:06

As an ESFP I think confessions of a shopaholics is one of my favorite movies.

@burnitdown5035 - 04.03.2023 22:58

jokes on you. we ISTPs can't follow our heart because we don't have one. nice video btw

@Tms559 - 05.04.2023 07:07

The MBTI is NOT a test. It is an INDICATOR. It indicates how you answered a bunch of questions. If you want to know your type, read book.

@jonk-1029 - 27.04.2023 04:10

My INFJ goto movie is Field of Dreams

@wiammomo5474 - 17.05.2023 23:24

As an infj, I like deep, sad films, as I chose, and at the same time, the type of INTJ and ENTP films at the same time

@ikeao2199 - 23.06.2023 22:27

I guess that your MBTI personality type is ISFJ.

@ragavendarranju9130 - 08.07.2023 11:19

As an Infp my fav movie is Silent Voice love you fam
I love Studio Ghibli

@Jeeshansameer2165 - 06.09.2023 08:59

You Are Cute

@spinxtta - 13.12.2023 00:30

What is your personality type? I'm an infj-t

@gorgidamet9775 - 03.02.2024 13:16

As a INFP I don't like eternal sunshine. It's just after I watched it didn't left me with good feelings. There is a few movies I think is perfect for the INFPs :
1. Truman Show
2. Amelie
3. Like Stars on Earth
4. Monster (2023)
5. Klaus

@userlillana94 - 18.02.2024 22:13

France Ha is remember Lady Bird the free spirt with a girl independt and creative (sorry english is not my first langugaue)

@PhatArtist-tw8qv - 03.04.2024 14:49

The real movies for INFJ are Fate Zero
Fate Unlimited Blades Works

@balsamqahtani7996 - 22.06.2024 11:55

as an enfp, I'd recommend: Howl's moving castle - Before I Fall - Last Christmas !
however, I'd like to give e try to all the recommendations.
of course i couldn't catch all of them from 4k comments but here what I've got:
frances ha (the one mentioned in the video)
pan's labyrinth
the handmaiden
fantastic mr fox
mamma mia
Wonderful Life
Dead Poets Society
Mr. Keating
Greta Gerwig
Midnight in Paris.
he man from u.n.c.l.e
la la land
paper towns
Lost in Translation
The Grand Budapest Hotel

if any one love to recommend me something, don't hesitate

@aki1latuer - 06.08.2024 08:43

i’m an ENTP and a couple films i really love are:
Fallen Angels by Wong Kar Wai
Medicine for Melancholy by Barry Jenkins

@robbykeene427 - 03.09.2024 02:14

Im late but into the wild seems interesting,heard of it before.

@DiyaRawat-c3t - 26.11.2024 15:39

As an ENFP ive really enjoyed these movies,series amd have felt relatable for many reasons:
princess mononoke (because ive always wamted someone to understand me)
kill bill(never giving up evem if you have no one else to be motivated)
girl interrupted
the notebook
(i like watching sad stuff because watching them somehow makes me stronger?)

@xaisthoj - 12.02.2025 23:43

I wonder how many infp have watched Sion Sono films like Suicide Club.

@cinemoni - 06.08.2020 02:18

TW// R*pe

Hi! I'm so sorry I didn't address this in the video but I wanted to give a TW if you do decide to watch The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. There's a r*pe scene in the movie so I would not recommend watching it if you wouldn't like to see a scene like that! I will be more cautious in the future when recommending movies that contain sensitive topics like that and will make sure to add TW's!
