Hey Mr Beast!!!

Hey Mr Beast!!!

Andrew Wyton

55 лет назад

1,082 Просмотров

PLEASE help me get this message to Mr Beast so we can build a WELL for this amazing community.
(WATCH MR BEASTS VIDEO BEFORE YOU WATCH THIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwKJfNYwvm8)

In South Sudan there is a school and medical clinic with a small farm in a rural area called Jebel Ladu, not far outside of Juba. the school has over 400 students. The only problem is there no clean drinking water readily available in the community. The only source of water is 5kms away, from the Nile River.

Receiving a clean water source for this community would be a game changer. The infrastructure is in place and the only missing ingredient is clean water. A pipeline was the original goal of our GoFundMe, however we are hopeful to provide any source of clean drinking water that is possible.

Help me get this message to the Beast Philanthropy team!!!!

Here is the original Go Fund Me

Here is the CEDASS Website and youtube


#Mr_Beast_Wells #Mr_Beast #Mr_Beast_Africa_Wells #Mr._Beast_digs_wells #Beast_Philanthropy #Hey_Mr_Beast #Hey_Mr_Beast! #will_mr_beast_help_me? #Who_is_mr_beast #how_does_mr_beast_help_people #mr_beast_built_wells_in_africa #mr_beast_wells_in_africa_controversay #mr_beast_building_wells #akon_mad_at_mr_beast #akon #mr_beast_digs_wells_in_africa_for_poor_people #wells #digging_a_well #how_to_dig_a_well #charity #charity_work #working_for_charity
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