Ukraine: Putin Preparing to Invade Sumy Oblast!!

Ukraine: Putin Preparing to Invade Sumy Oblast!!

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@sitatoenga - 17.03.2025 23:28

thnx for info......

@WarPigstheHun - 17.03.2025 23:31

America's weak leader Trump is destroying the US economy, and our reputation as a reliable, powerful democracy.

@WarPigstheHun - 17.03.2025 23:34

How is Trump expecting to defeat China if he cant even stand up to a weak aithoritarian oligarch? He's just gonna keep backing down and targeting our own allies. And his followers stick their fingers in their ears and go: "Lalalala fake news" - People who cant handle reality should just stop living it. Because all we are to the world is a Joke.

@WarPigstheHun - 17.03.2025 23:36

Trumps economy SUCKS and all hes doing is giving tax cuts to the ultra wealthy. As if theyd share their wealth with via "trickle down effect." HA!

@ruilino1064 - 17.03.2025 23:39

always two steps behind, i remember robotino, krink and kursk, keep on,...

@WarPigstheHun - 17.03.2025 23:40

Haha trump thinks he can beat china in a trade war, but he cant even stand up to RUSSIA!!! 😂

@sitatoenga - 17.03.2025 23:45

The american people chose this gouverment, 48%, the other 52% have to act against this gouverment and the dreamy carrot trumpydumpy voters, and learn these idiot voters that these trumpydumpy and compadress are complete mess up usa, i think

@filipflidr2654 - 17.03.2025 23:46

Puck Futin and Tuck Frump!

@WpNsXpRt87 - 18.03.2025 00:45

This is all an exercise in futility. Putin will make some ridiculous, bogus demands that Zelensky will NEVER entertain. Putin never, from the outset, wanted a ceasefire, he wants utter capitulation. Trump will likely try to pressure him to accept, but fail. Trump basically painted himself in the corner here, thinking he was some "master dealmaker", understanding ZERO about this war, foreign policy, or diplomacy. This is all ridiculous on its face. Unless Trump is prepared to do an about-face/180 and get tough on Putin 🇷🇺, then there's no saving this, and there's no "peace" or ceasefire.

So far, as I see it, I just hear a US President who is spouting Russian/Kremlin propaganda night+ day, and trying to strongarm Zelensky to capitulate, and give Russia what they want, so he can sign some minerals+ metals deal, which I'd assume he has some kind of personal financial stake in, and would benefit from.🤷‍♂️

@BossUitoh - 18.03.2025 00:47

You have the dumbest gayest thumbnail pics on the internet. Omg. Fan me because I have the odors. Trump knows what he's doing. Noone cares about Ukraine and Russian borders moving east or west except the military industrial complex.

@Qatavar - 18.03.2025 00:48

Russia has a war economy which can't survive without war ...

@elyselusk3604 - 18.03.2025 00:51

If Ukraine had kept their nuclear weapons, Putin would have never invaded Ukraine.

@billypurdon7920 - 18.03.2025 01:09

Your full of shit Paul Boris Johnson told Ukraine not to deal with Russia

@Luddite1 - 18.03.2025 01:39

Putin wants to wipe Ukraine out , he’s said it himself ‘Ukraine shouldn’t exist’
Nice to see an American who knows what’s going on and sees the reality of Putin

@thetruth007 - 18.03.2025 01:40


@thetruth007 - 18.03.2025 01:46


@matthewpollard5689 - 18.03.2025 01:59

Trump is a Gutless turd

@extraterrestrialfascisti7625 - 18.03.2025 02:03

The Ukrainian propaganda is failing 😊

@davidbaca7853 - 18.03.2025 02:42

Ukraine has red lines 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@jacktzu7740 - 18.03.2025 02:46

Putin is a serial killer.

@theimaginariumnetwork5621 - 18.03.2025 02:54

My thought of Trump doing this the way his is doing it is this: Trump knows Putin has no intention of Peace, or giving Ukraine back the land. Trump also doesn't like Putin. But he also knows Putin is a political animal. Sooo, Trump is pretending to be as amicable as possible...because when Putin doesn't come to the table Trump will be "guiltless" when he orders entire Russian Battallions to be annihiated. My other thought is Trump is going to pull what Putin did to Ukraine right back on Putin; he's going to allow him enough rope to "hang himself" and give Trump Moral Authority to remove Putin from power for the betterment of the Russian people.

@gesnow - 18.03.2025 03:14

Russia sounds like hitler’s world

@Sarge-at-Large - 18.03.2025 03:35

Ukraine’s loss of Kursk proved that Ukraine would be screwed without US intelligence sharing and weapons deployment. During that weeklong period of time without the support of the United States, they lost the only bargaining chip they had managed to hold onto throughout the entire war. Trump’s words that Ukraine would lose without the USA’s help are only strengthened over time

@Sarge-at-Large - 18.03.2025 03:44

Ukrainian military tactics are questionable at best. They have been horrible at building fortifications along the border and never made a second road into Kursk when they had months to do so. They create new units instead of fortifying already established units with new members and having those units with experience teach the new members. They throw newly acquired tanks and equipment immediately into a counter-offensive and lost an entire company. The only reason that Ukraine has managed to hold onto the territory it currently has is by American assistance. I am American and want Russia to lose; however, I can recognize that Ukraine cannot possibly win this war. Ukraine needs our help simply to stay alive.

@CindySorenson-r4m - 18.03.2025 03:51

Personally, I strongly suspect that Putin, Xi & their US Polezniy have all agreed to liquidate their societies deadweight & looming responsibilities to SS pensioners, benefits packages, 401k plans, sick people, criminals, and the disabled by preparing us all for war & throwing them out on the frontlines to basically die, same as Putin's mastered. When it's finally all over all the countries will be doing really great again just as they'll all promise each of us, because everyone will then be magically young & able bodied again, and rich people don't have to be bothered by with us anymore, until the next time they all decide to mow the lawn, the lawn being their people they profess to rule over. I'm amazed societies haven't ever caught onto their game yet.

@Sarge-at-Large - 18.03.2025 04:03

I have been a fan of this channel for nearly a year .. but some of the points you make are beginning to sound less and less logical. You use bravado to carelessly state poorly contrived remarks about observations as if they’re genuine fact. You’ve been pulling some of the comparisons you’ve been making recently out of your ass. What is with this shift in professionalism? 😅

@Kamikazeinvestor - 18.03.2025 04:51

Take down that neo nazi flag in the background

@ArkadyFiluk - 18.03.2025 05:18

Trump messed up in ukraine so he attacks Yemen to look good=damage control

@Ovidio756 - 18.03.2025 06:08

Tulsi G said today that putler and trump are good friends🤔🤮🤮🤡🤡

@brian6937 - 18.03.2025 06:32

Putin is correct

@gimipupo - 18.03.2025 08:41

Putin gonna get Trotskied

@Hoophey - 18.03.2025 09:10

No surprises at all. Putin chose to start this war. Zero of his goals have been achieved. He wants to displace the Ukrainian government and absorb Ukraine into Russia. He has no intention of stopping and trumps support has fuelled his desire to fight for longer. Ultimately, he’d like Europe and the Baltic’s too. What’s most surprising is that people actually believe he wants peace.

@gorillassubotica599 - 18.03.2025 11:19

It is a shock of reality that you gona be hit with, when you realise that everything that you belive is oposite.
The Russians already have free territory bigger in surface then country of England.

They just have been protecting Russian people, and Russian speaking people from a NAZI Ukrainian terrorist regime.

Just watch what will be the resolt of this war, do you realy thing that the world's biggest country will allow any of you to win ? Common 😅

@VVV85650 - 18.03.2025 12:13

Russia is exchanging Kursk for Ukrainian territories - but not as expected!

@RobertJimenez-zf7vt - 18.03.2025 16:55

I don't know why untied States are so afraid of Russia. And letting putting punk then. I thought Trump wasn't going to let putting push untied States around. Wow trump is a wimp

@Vlad23i - 18.03.2025 23:00

"Put assurance of security of mineral deal in writing"
Its not that simple. Putin said anyone who does that would turn them away from agreeing to peace, why would anyone shoot themselves in the foot during negotations. They need russia interested in negotiations and somehow put mineral deal with assurance for ukraines security during that time, not before it just to please the masses.

@cheetahobx - 19.03.2025 05:05

"In ........the....."
Dude....just spit it out! What's your deal?????😮

@stephenseibold6116 - 19.03.2025 08:03

Treaties Russia signed to respect the independence and the borders of Ukraine.
For example:
1) The Minsk Agreement (December 1991)
2) The Budapest Memorandum (1994)
3) The Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation (1997)
4) The Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet (1997) - Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea was in violation of this one and of the extension from 2010

In exchange for giving up their nukes, the U.S., the U.K. and Russia would guarantee Ukraine's security in a 1994 agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum. After the Soviet Union collapsed Ukraine was the third largest nuclear power in the world for a short time. Russia attacked a sovereign Ukraine twice. Their words mean nothing. War criminals

@stephenseibold6116 - 19.03.2025 08:05

Here are the wars Russia has started in the last 30 years:
1. 1992–1993 – Russia occupied Transnistria, part of Moldova.
2. 1992–1993 – Russia provoked the war in Abkhazia.
3. 1994–1996 – The first Russian-Chechen war.
4. 1999–2009 – Second Russian-Chechen war.
5. 2008 – Russian-Georgian war.
6. 2014–2022 – Russian-Ukrainian war.
Putin came to power in 1999. KGB war criminal

@Spott725 - 19.03.2025 13:06

but Russian ran out of missiles years ago

@mikecanale6809 - 19.03.2025 15:11

Russia will create a buffer zone in Ukraine just as Ukraine tried & failed in Kursk. Russia has never been about land, it’s the SMO that westerners misinterpret, time you got connected to the facts. The 6000 children were removed from a war zone for safety while some others were given to Russia for safe keeping and the person who broke this story redacted it in its entirety after visiting the area, he debunked his own story. You are spreading a false narrative and you are nothing but an ASOV Bandera supporter. The USSR died in the 90s, the Russian federation has gained more friends abroad while the western nations are loosing so just look at BRICS and how Russia has won this debacle some 18months ago. Now you attack Trump, the only peace keeper other than Fico & Orban. You don’t know Russia or Putin. He lives by the law and International Law as he has always been a lawyer so your talking crap. Jeez I’ve heard some BS on sites but this guy takes the biscuit…He’s winning so he gats to dictate the end result. Poor Ukrainians are loosing territory and more importantly their future generations due to Zelensky, no wander he cancelled elections.

@mikecanale6809 - 19.03.2025 15:25

Kellog is a Ukrainian supporter so biased to Ukraines favour which will cloud his judgement. Putin wants people to debate with who are not biased but only seeking peace. Think you’ve over stretched your brain cell…

@nickfielding5685 - 21.03.2025 12:20

Sumy gained there inderpent from Ukraine on the 20/1/22. Ukraine was illeagle occuping them

@karenhawkins8510 - 24.03.2025 00:55

Vote Paul and Preston for the Whitehouse!
