🚀 The Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) Award is the highest recognition that we offer to our community members for their expertise, community support and innovation. They are the core promoters and contributors to the initiatives that we run each year. Hear their perspectives on product usage, AI Powered Automation, community experiences, and learning journeys.
Tune in for the EMEA MVP Summit 2023 insights 👇👇
▶ In this video you will discover:
00:07 - How does becoming a Citizen Developer benefit an individual?
00:48 - How does implementing a Citizen Developer Program benefit an organization?
01:30 - What are the core skills a Citizen Developer should possess?
02:28 - Which products from the UiPath Business Automation Platform would you recommend for citizen developers to start with?
03:08 - How is your overall experience at the MVP Summit so far?
💡 Check out our UiPath Community MVP program