Grab and Carry Piggy

Grab and Carry Piggy

Animal Farming Secret

1 месяц назад

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In this video, the farmer demonstrates an efficient and humane way to move an adult pig around the farm using a trolley. The process begins with the farmer gently lifting one of the pig’s legs to place it onto the trolley, ensuring the pig’s comfort and safety. Moving larger livestock like adult pigs requires careful handling, and this method allows for easy and stress-free transport. The trolley helps distribute the pig's weight evenly, reducing strain on its body, and allows the farmer to transport it to a different area of the farm without causing distress.

This practice is part of standard farm management techniques that focus on animal welfare and ensuring that the animals are treated with care. By using tools like trolleys, farmers can handle pigs with minimal stress and keep operations running smoothly.

#FarmLife #PigTransport #AnimalWelfare #FarmManagement #EfficientFarming #LivestockCare #PigHandling"

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